SimEvolEnzCons: SimEvolEnzCons: Simulation of Enzyme Evolution Under...

Description Informations about recurrent parameters Basic functions Equilibrium Graphics Simulation RNV Regulation groups References


Simulate the evolution of enzyme concentrations under constraints in a metabolic pathway, in accordance to the theoretical background developed in Coton et al. (2021).

The functions are divided in five sections. Succinct definitions are given below. There is also a section about the correct use of recurrent function parameters.

In version 2.0.0 and more, some functions have been added or modified to take account of regulation groups. Most important modifications are listed in section Regulation groups.

Informations about recurrent parameters

Integer numbers

n_fun (or n) is the number of enzymes in he pathway.

nsim is the number of simulations.

Allowed constraints

correl_fun is used to indicate the constraint applied on the system. Possible constraints and their corresponding abbreviation to pass in correl_fun are listed below:

name.correl helps to find the correct abbreviation, and is.correl.authorized verifies the abbreviation.

Co-regulation coefficients

For cases with co-regulations (i.e. correl_fun value is "RegPos", "RegNeg", "CRPos" or "CRNeg"), beta_fun or B_fun is obligatory. In other cases (i.e. correl_fun value is "SC" or "Comp"), beta_fun and B_fun are ignored, that is why default is NULL.

beta_fun is a square matrix of size n*n, indicating co-regulation coefficients. B_fun is vector of length n, indicating global co-regulation coefficients.

compute.beta.from.B and compute.B.from.beta help to compute beta_fun and B_fun from another.

Initial concentrations E_ini_fun is used in the same way as B_fun

Basic functions

Basic functions used for other functions.


Functions used to find equilibrium of relative concentrations.


Functions for drawing figures.


Functions for simulations of enzyme evolution.


Functions for computing Range of Neutral Variation of enzyme concentrations.

Informations about Range of Neutral Variations (RNV)

The Range of Neutral Variations (RNV) are mutant concentration values such as coefficient selection is between 1/(2N) and -1/(2N).

Inferior (resp. superior) bound of RNV corresponds to selection coefficient equal to -1/(2N) (resp. 1/(2N)).

Depending on applied constraint correl_fun, it exists 1 or 2 RNV. In case of independence ("SC") or positive regulation between all enzymes ("RegPos"), flux has no limit and there is only one RNV. In other cases (competition and/or negative regulation), because flux can reach a maximum, there is two RNV: a "near" one, for small mutations, and a "far" one for big mutations that put mutants on the other side of flux dome.

The RNV size is the absolute value of δ_i^sup minus δ_i^inf. If there is no superior bounds but there is two RNVs, RNV size is obtained by the difference of the two δ_i^inf.

Regulation groups

In version 2.0.0 and more, some functions have been added or modified to take account of regulation groups. Most important new functions are listed below, with function section in parenthesis:

Other graphics function have been modified to take account of equilibrium for regulation groups.

Two new datasets have been added, to have examples when there are regulation groups.

However, and RNV.ranking.order.factor have not been modified, as we cannot determine the relative RNV at equilibrium where there are regulation groups. Moreover, simulations do not compute equilibrium when there are regulation groups.


Coton, C., Talbot, G., Le Louarn, M., Dillmann, C., de Vienne, D., 2021. Evolution of enzyme levels in metabolic pathways: A theoretical approach. bioRxiv 2021.05.04.442631.

Version 2: Coton, C., Dillmann, C., de Vienne, D., 2021. Evolution of enzyme levels in metabolic pathways: A theoretical approach. Part 2.

SimEvolEnzCons documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 1:07 a.m.