Man pages for SimInf
A Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations

abcApproximate Bayesian computation to data frame events to a data frame to data frame
boxplot-SimInf_model-methodBox plot of number of individuals in each compartment
C_codeExtract the C code from a 'SimInf_model' object
continueRun more generations of ABC SMC
distance_matrixCreate a distance matrix between nodes for spatial models
edge_properties_to_matrixConvert an edge list with properties to a matrix
eventsExtract the events from a 'SimInf_model' object
events_SEIRExample data to initialize events for the 'SEIR' model
events_SIRExample data to initialize events for the 'SIR' model
events_SISExample data to initialize events for the 'SIS' model
events_SISeExample data to initialize events for the 'SISe' model
events_SISe3Example data to initialize events for the 'SISe3' model
gdataExtract global data from a 'SimInf_model' object
gdata-setSet a global data parameter for a 'SimInf_model' object
get_individualsExtract individuals from 'SimInf_indiv_events'
indegreeDetermine in-degree for each node in a model
individual_eventsIndividual events
ldataExtract local data from a node
logLik-SimInf_pfilter-methodLog likelihood
mparseModel parser to define new models to run in 'SimInf'
n_generationsDetermine the number of generations
n_nodesDetermine the number of nodes in a model
node_eventsTransform individual events to node events for a model
nodesExample data with spatial distribution of nodes
outdegreeDetermine out-degree for each node in a model
package_skeletonCreate a package skeleton from a 'SimInf_model'
pairs-SimInf_model-methodScatterplot of number of individuals in each compartment
pfilterBootstrap particle filter
plotDisplay the outcome from a simulated trajectory
plot-SimInf_abc-methodDisplay the ABC posterior distribution
plot-SimInf_events-methodDisplay the distribution of scheduled events over time
plot-SimInf_indiv_events-methodDisplay the distribution of individual events over time
plot-SimInf_pfilter-methodDiagnostic plot of a particle filter object
prevalenceGeneric function to calculate prevalence from trajectory data
prevalence-SimInf_model-methodCalculate prevalence from a model object with trajectory data
prevalence-SimInf_pfilter-methodExtract prevalence from running a particle filter
punchcard-setSet a template for where to record result during a simulation
runRun the SimInf stochastic simulation algorithm
SEIRCreate an SEIR model
SEIR-classDefinition of the 'SEIR' model
select_matrixExtract the select matrix from a 'SimInf_model' object
select_matrix-setSet the select matrix for a 'SimInf_model' object
set_num_threadsSpecify the number of threads that SimInf should use
shift_matrixExtract the shift matrix from a 'SimInf_model' object
shift_matrix-setSet the shift matrix for a 'SimInf_model' object
show-SimInf_abc-methodPrint summary of a 'SimInf_abc' object
show-SimInf_events-methodBrief summary of 'SimInf_events'
show-SimInf_indiv_events-methodPrint summary of a 'SimInf_indiv_events' object
show-SimInf_model-methodBrief summary of 'SimInf_model'
show-SimInf_pfilter-methodBrief summary of a 'SimInf_pfilter' object
SimInfA Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread...
SimInf_abc-classClass '"SimInf_abc"'
SimInf_eventsCreate a 'SimInf_events' object
SimInf_events-classClass '"SimInf_events"'
SimInf_indiv_events-classClass '"SimInf_indiv_events"'
SimInf_modelCreate a 'SimInf_model'
SimInf_model-classClass '"SimInf_model"'
SimInf_pfilter-classClass '"SimInf_pfilter"'
SIRCreate an SIR model
SIR-classDefinition of the SIR model
SISCreate an SIS model
SIS-classDefinition of the SIS model
SISeCreate a SISe model
SISe3Create a 'SISe3' model
SISe3-classDefinition of the 'SISe3' model
SISe3_spCreate an 'SISe3_sp' model
SISe3_sp-classDefinition of the 'SISe3_sp' model
SISe-classDefinition of the 'SISe' model
SISe_spCreate a 'SISe_sp' model
SISe_sp-classDefinition of the 'SISe_sp' model
summary-SimInf_abc-methodDetailed summary of a 'SimInf_abc' object
summary-SimInf_events-methodDetailed summary of a 'SimInf_events' object
summary-SimInf_indiv_events-methodDetailed summary of a 'SimInf_indiv_events' object
summary-SimInf_model-methodDetailed summary of a 'SimInf_model' object
summary-SimInf_pfilter-methodDetailed summary of a 'SimInf_pfilter' object
trajectoryGeneric function to extract data from a simulated trajectory
trajectory-SimInf_model-methodExtract data from a simulated trajectory
trajectory-SimInf_pfilter-methodExtract filtered trajectory from running a particle filter
u0Get the initial compartment state
u0_SEIRExample data to initialize the 'SEIR' model
u0-setUpdate the initial compartment state u0 in each node
u0_SIRExample data to initialize the 'SIR' model
u0_SISExample data to initialize the 'SIS' model
u0_SISeExample data to initialize the 'SISe' model
u0_SISe3Example data to initialize the 'SISe3' model
v0-setUpdate the initial continuous state v0 in each node
SimInf documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.