u0: Get the initial compartment state

u0R Documentation

Get the initial compartment state


Get the initial compartment state


u0(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
u0(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
u0(object, time = NULL, target = NULL, age = NULL)



The object to get the initial compartment state u0 from.


Additional arguments.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. The time-point that will be used to create u0. If left empty (the default), the earliest time among the events will be used.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. The SimInf model ('SEIR', 'SIR', 'SIS', 'SISe3', 'SISe3_sp', 'SISe', or 'SISe_sp') to target the events and u0 for. The default, NULL, creates an u0, but where the compartments might have to be renamed and post-processed to fit the specific use case.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. An integer vector with break points in days for the ageing events. The default, NULL, creates an u0 where all individuals belong to the same age category.


a data.frame with the initial compartment state.


## Create an SIR model object.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Get the initial compartment state.

SimInf documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.