
split <- list(

#' @description Auxiliary function. Checks if any NREM part (excluding Wake) of a NREM period is > 120 minutes.
  is.toolong <- function(data){
    # check if the first period is actually a REM period
    NREM1 <- which(data$CycleStart == "NREMP")
    REM1 <- which(data$CycleStart == "REMP")
    if(REM1[1] < NREM1[1]){
      ## REMP precedes first NREMP (i.e., REM onset)
      message("ATTENTION: first REM period precedes NREM period!")
      ## is any NREM part (excl. wake) of a NREMP longer than 120min?
      cycs <- which(data$CycleStart == "NREMP" | data$CycleStart == "REMP")
      toolong <- NA
      for (k in seq(3,length(cycs),2)){ #check every second one as only every second is a NREMP
        subset <- data[c(cycs[k-1]:(cycs[k]-1)),]
        wake_eps <- sum(subset$Descr2 == "W")
        if (all(is.na(wake_eps))){
          wake_eps <- 0 #set 0 to avoid error in case none is found
        if (((cycs[k]-cycs[k-1])-wake_eps)>=240){ #>= as cycs[2] (cf. line 7) is already the beginning of a REMP
          toolong <- c(toolong, cycs[k-1])
      toolong <- na.omit(toolong)
      ## NREMP precedes first REMP as expected
      ## is any NREM part (excl. wake) of a NREMP longer than 120min?
      cycs <- which(data$CycleStart == "NREMP" | data$CycleStart == "REMP")
      toolong <- NA
      for (k in seq(2,length(cycs),2)){ #check every second one as only every second is a NREMP
        subset <- data[c(cycs[k-1]:(cycs[k]-1)),]
        wake_eps <- sum(subset$Descr2 == "W")
        if (all(is.na(wake_eps))){
          wake_eps <- 0 #set 0 to avoid error in case none is found
        if (((cycs[k]-cycs[k-1])-wake_eps)>=240){ #>= as cycs[2] (cf. line 7) is already the beginning of a REMP
          toolong <- c(toolong, cycs[k-1])
      toolong <- na.omit(toolong)
#' @description   Auxiliary function. Splits NREMPs that are too long (i.e., > 120 min). The function
#' makes suggestions for splitting at N3 epoch(s) following "lightening" of sleep. The user can also
#' decide to not split, enter a pre-defined epoch number to split at, or skip the night.
toolong_split <- function(data, toolong, filename){
  Description <- NULL #necessary to remove NOTE
  ## now split NREMPs that are too long
  for (zz in 1:length(toolong)){
    cycs <- which(data$CycleStart == "NREMP" | data$CycleStart == "REMP")
    curr_toolong <- toolong[c(zz)]
    message(paste0("Attempting to split NREMP ", as.character(zz), " out of ", as.character(length(toolong)), "."))
    beg_end <- c(cycs[which(cycs==curr_toolong)], cycs[which(cycs==curr_toolong)+1]) #find beginning and end of NREMP that is too long
    # find RWN12 episodes that are > 12min within detected NREMP -> "lightening of sleep" = potential splitting points
    RWN12s <- which(data$Descr2 == "RWN12") #which 30s epochs are R, W, or N1/2
    RWN12s <- RWN12s[c(RWN12s>=beg_end[1] & RWN12s<=beg_end[2])] # search for R, W, N1, or N2 epochs between beginning and end of current NREMP
    RWN12s_start <- NA
    for (kk in 1:(length(RWN12s)-23)){
      if (all(seq(RWN12s[kk],length.out = 24) == RWN12s[seq(kk,kk+23)])){ # check if the sequence of R, W, N12 epochs is continuous min. 12min
        RWN12s_start <- c(RWN12s_start, RWN12s[kk])
    RWN12s_start <- RWN12s_start[-c(1)] #first was NA, remove
    # do not consider 12min period as potential splitting point if it marks the beginning of the NREMP to be split
    RWN12s_start2 <- RWN12s_start[c(RWN12s_start > beg_end[1])]
    if (length(RWN12s_start2) > 0){ #only split if there is a lightening of sleep following the onset of the NREMP
      # find beginnings of >12min RWN12 sequences of 'lighter' sleep
      RWN12s_start2 <- RWN12s_start[1]
      for (kk in 1:(length(RWN12s_start)-1)){
        if ((RWN12s_start[kk+1]-RWN12s_start[kk])>1){
          RWN12s_start2 <- c(RWN12s_start2, RWN12s_start[kk+1]) #if there is a discontinuity in the sequence, mark the beginning of a new 12min RWN12 sequence
      # find N3 episodes within period to split
      N3s <- which(data$Descr2 == "N3") #which are N3 epochs?
      N3s <- N3s[c(beg_end[1] < N3s) & c(beg_end[2] > N3s)]
      N3s <- N3s[c(N3s > RWN12s_start2[1])] # only N3s after start of 12min of R/W/N1/N2
      if (length(N3s) > 0){
        if(length(N3s) == 1){
          N3_start <- N3s
          # find starting points of continuous N3 sequences
          N3_start <- N3s[1]
          for (kk in 1:(length(N3s)-1)){
            if ((N3s[kk+1]-N3s[kk])>1){
              N3_start <- c(N3_start, N3s[kk+1]) #if there is a discontinuity in the sequence, mark the beginning of a new NREM sequence
        # select starting points of N3 following 12min of R/W/N1/2
        RWN12s_start2 <- RWN12s_start2[RWN12s_start2<tail(N3_start,1)] # RWN12s episode must start before start of last N3
        n <- NA
        for (zzz in 1:length(RWN12s_start2)){
          minpositive = function(x) min(x[x > 0])
          val <- which(minpositive(N3_start - RWN12s_start2[zzz]) == (N3_start - RWN12s_start2[zzz]))
          n <- c(n, val)
        n <- na.omit(n)
        # added 16/11/20: do not consider first N3 within NREMP
        if (N3_start[1] == N3s[1]){ #N3_start contains starting points of continuous N3 sequences within NREMP to split
          n <- n[-c(1)]
        N3_start2 <- N3_start[n] 
        # second NREMP starts with N3 following 12min of R/W/N1/2
          data$CycleStart[c(N3_start2)] <- "NREMP"
          splits <- N3_start2 # all potential splitting points
          splits <- unique(splits)
          # ask user if s/he is happy with the result of the splitting
          # plot results
          dfplot <- data
          dfplot$time <- seq(1, nrow(dfplot)) # gives epochs
          dfplot$Description[dfplot$Description == 1] <- -1
          dfplot$Description[dfplot$Description == 2] <- -2
          dfplot$Description[dfplot$Description == 3] <- -3
          dfplot$Description[dfplot$Description == 5] <- 1
          pp <- ggplot(dfplot, aes(x=time, y=Description, colour=Description)) 
          pp <- pp + theme_bw()+
            geom_point() +
            geom_line(aes(x=time, y=Description))+
            xlab("Epoch") +
            ylab("Sleep Stage")+
            scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-3,2), breaks = c(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1), labels = c("N3", "N2", "N1", "W", "REM"))+
            scale_color_viridis(name = "Sleep Stage", option = "D")+
            geom_vline(xintercept = c(splits), lty = 2, colour = "red")+
            theme(legend.position = "none")+
            annotate(geom="text", x = 500, y = 2, label = paste("can split at epoch(s):", paste(splits, collapse = ","), sep = " "))+
            theme(plot.margin = unit(c(.5,.5,.5,.5), "cm"))
          # check if both NREM parts would still be >=20min 
          part1 <- splits-beg_end[1]
          part2 <- beg_end[2]-splits+1
          print(paste0("When splitting at 1st/ 2nd/... suggestion, NREMP1 would be ", (as.character(part1/2)), " min.", 
                       "and NREMP2 would be ", (as.character(part2/2)), " min.", sep = " "))
          if (any(part1 < 30) | any(part2 < 30)){
            message("BE CAREFUL: Splitting might result in NREM period that is shorter than 15 min.")
          # Ask about happiness level
          val <- readline("Where do you want to split? Type the 1/2/3/... to select a suggestion, n to split at a specific epoch or not at all, or skip to skip this night for now. ") #  1 splits at 1st suggested epoch, n offers to choose, skip skips this night
          if(val == "skip"){
            message("This period/night is skipped.")
          }else if (val == "n"){
            newperiod <- readline("At which epoch do you want to start the new NREM period instead? Please type epoch number or NA to not split. ") 
            data$CycleStart[c(N3_start)] <- NA #rm old indicator
            if (newperiod != "NA"){
              data$CycleStart[as.numeric(newperiod)] <- "NREMP"
          }else if (val == "1" | val == "2" | val == "3" | val == "4" | val == "5" | val == "6" | val == "7" | val == "8" | val == "9" | val == "10"){
            data$CycleStart[c(N3_start2)] <- NA #rm old indicator
            y <- as.numeric(val)
            data$CycleStart[N3_start2[y]] <- "NREMP"
            message("Missing entry. This night is skipped.")
          rm(dfplot, pp)
          message("Cannot split. No N3 following 'lightening' of sleep has been detected.")
        message("Cannot split. No N3 following 'lightening' of sleep has been detected.")
      message("No 'lightening' of sleep or N3 detected after the onset of the NREMP. Cannot split.")

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SleepCycles documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 5:08 p.m.