
Defines functions createMethods createColumnFunction2 createColumnFunction1 createOperator

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Column Class

#' @include generics.R jobj.R schema.R


#' S4 class that represents a SparkDataFrame column
#' The column class supports unary, binary operations on SparkDataFrame columns
#' @rdname column
#' @slot jc reference to JVM SparkDataFrame column
#' @note Column since 1.4.0
         slots = list(jc = "jobj"))

#' A set of operations working with SparkDataFrame columns
#' @rdname columnfunctions
#' @name columnfunctions

setMethod("initialize", "Column", function(.Object, jc) {
  .Object@jc <- jc

#' @rdname column
#' @name column
#' @aliases column,jobj-method
          signature(x = "jobj"),
          function(x) {
            new("Column", x)

#' @rdname show
#' @name show
#' @aliases show,Column-method
#' @note show(Column) since 1.4.0
setMethod("show", "Column",
          function(object) {
            cat("Column", callJMethod(object@jc, "toString"), "\n")

operators <- list(
  "+" = "plus", "-" = "minus", "*" = "multiply", "/" = "divide", "%%" = "mod",
  "==" = "equalTo", ">" = "gt", "<" = "lt", "!=" = "notEqual", "<=" = "leq", ">=" = "geq",
  # we can not override `&&` and `||`, so use `&` and `|` instead
  "&" = "and", "|" = "or", "^" = "pow"
column_functions1 <- c(
  "asc", "asc_nulls_first", "asc_nulls_last",
  "desc", "desc_nulls_first", "desc_nulls_last",
  "isNaN", "isNull", "isNotNull"
column_functions2 <- c("like", "rlike", "getField", "getItem", "contains")

createOperator <- function(op) {
            signature(e1 = "Column"),
            function(e1, e2) {
              jc <- if (missing(e2)) {
                if (op == "-") {
                  callJMethod(e1@jc, "unary_$minus")
                } else {
                  callJMethod(e1@jc, operators[[op]])
              } else {
                if (class(e2) == "Column") {
                  e2 <- e2@jc
                if (op == "^") {
                  jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", operators[[op]], e1@jc, e2)
                } else {
                  callJMethod(e1@jc, operators[[op]], e2)

createColumnFunction1 <- function(name) {
            signature(x = "Column"),
            function(x) {
              column(callJMethod(x@jc, name))

createColumnFunction2 <- function(name) {
            signature(x = "Column"),
            function(x, data) {
              if (class(data) == "Column") {
                data <- data@jc
              jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, name, data)

createMethods <- function() {
  for (op in names(operators)) {
  for (name in column_functions1) {
  for (name in column_functions2) {


#' @rdname alias
#' @name alias
#' @aliases alias,Column-method
#' @family column_func
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- createDataFrame(iris)
#' head(select(
#'   df, alias(df$Sepal_Length, "slength"), alias(df$Petal_Length, "plength")
#' ))
#' }
#' @note alias(Column) since 1.4.0
          signature(object = "Column"),
          function(object, data) {
            if (is.character(data)) {
              column(callJMethod(object@jc, "as", data))
            } else {
              stop("data should be character")

#' substr
#' An expression that returns a substring.
#' @rdname substr
#' @name substr
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases substr,Column-method
#' @param x a Column.
#' @param start starting position. It should be 1-base.
#' @param stop ending position.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- createDataFrame(list(list(a="abcdef")))
#' collect(select(df, substr(df$a, 1, 4))) # the result is `abcd`.
#' collect(select(df, substr(df$a, 2, 4))) # the result is `bcd`.
#' }
#' @note substr since 1.4.0
setMethod("substr", signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, start, stop) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "substr", as.integer(start), as.integer(stop - start + 1))

#' startsWith
#' Determines if entries of x start with string (entries of) prefix respectively,
#' where strings are recycled to common lengths.
#' @rdname startsWith
#' @name startsWith
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases startsWith,Column-method
#' @param x vector of character string whose "starts" are considered
#' @param prefix character vector (often of length one)
#' @note startsWith since 1.4.0
setMethod("startsWith", signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, prefix) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "startsWith", as.vector(prefix))

#' endsWith
#' Determines if entries of x end with string (entries of) suffix respectively,
#' where strings are recycled to common lengths.
#' @rdname endsWith
#' @name endsWith
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases endsWith,Column-method
#' @param x vector of character string whose "ends" are considered
#' @param suffix character vector (often of length one)
#' @note endsWith since 1.4.0
setMethod("endsWith", signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, suffix) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "endsWith", as.vector(suffix))

#' between
#' Test if the column is between the lower bound and upper bound, inclusive.
#' @rdname between
#' @name between
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases between,Column-method
#' @param x a Column
#' @param bounds lower and upper bounds
#' @note between since 1.5.0
setMethod("between", signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, bounds) {
            if (is.vector(bounds) && length(bounds) == 2) {
              jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "between", bounds[1], bounds[2])
            } else {
              stop("bounds should be a vector of lower and upper bounds")

#' Casts the column to a different data type.
#' @param x a Column.
#' @param dataType a character object describing the target data type.
#'        See
# nolint start
#'        \href{https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sparkr.html#data-type-mapping-between-r-and-spark}{
#'        Spark Data Types} for available data types.
# nolint end
#' @rdname cast
#' @name cast
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases cast,Column-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   cast(df$age, "string")
#' }
#' @note cast since 1.4.0
          signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, dataType) {
            if (is.character(dataType)) {
              column(callJMethod(x@jc, "cast", dataType))
            } else {
              stop("dataType should be character")

#' Match a column with given values.
#' @param x a Column.
#' @param table a collection of values (coercible to list) to compare with.
#' @rdname match
#' @name %in%
#' @aliases %in%,Column-method
#' @return A matched values as a result of comparing with given values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filter(df, "age in (10, 30)")
#' where(df, df$age %in% c(10, 30))
#' }
#' @note \%in\% since 1.5.0
          signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, table) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "isin", as.list(table))

#' otherwise
#' If values in the specified column are null, returns the value.
#' Can be used in conjunction with \code{when} to specify a default value for expressions.
#' @param x a Column.
#' @param value value to replace when the corresponding entry in \code{x} is NA.
#'              Can be a single value or a Column.
#' @rdname otherwise
#' @name otherwise
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases otherwise,Column-method
#' @note otherwise since 1.5.0
          signature(x = "Column", value = "ANY"),
          function(x, value) {
            value <- if (class(value) == "Column") { value@jc } else { value }
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "otherwise", value)

#' \%<=>\%
#' Equality test that is safe for null values.
#' Can be used, unlike standard equality operator, to perform null-safe joins.
#' Equivalent to Scala \code{Column.<=>} and \code{Column.eqNullSafe}.
#' @param x a Column
#' @param value a value to compare
#' @rdname eq_null_safe
#' @name %<=>%
#' @aliases %<=>%,Column-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df1 <- createDataFrame(data.frame(
#'   x = c(1, NA, 3, NA), y = c(2, 6, 3, NA)
#' ))
#' head(select(df1, df1$x == df1$y, df1$x %<=>% df1$y))
#' df2 <- createDataFrame(data.frame(y = c(3, NA)))
#' count(join(df1, df2, df1$y == df2$y))
#' count(join(df1, df2, df1$y %<=>% df2$y))
#' }
#' @note \%<=>\% since 2.3.0
          signature(x = "Column", value = "ANY"),
          function(x, value) {
            value <- if (class(value) == "Column") { value@jc } else { value }
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "eqNullSafe", value)

#' !
#' Inversion of boolean expression.
#' @rdname not
#' @name not
#' @aliases !,Column-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- createDataFrame(data.frame(x = c(-1, 0, 1)))
#' head(select(df, !column("x") > 0))
#' }
#' @note ! since 2.3.0
setMethod("!", signature(x = "Column"), function(x) not(x))

#' withField
#' Adds/replaces field in a struct \code{Column} by name.
#' @param x a Column
#' @param fieldName a character
#' @param col a Column expression
#' @rdname withField
#' @aliases withField withField,Column-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- withColumn(
#'   createDataFrame(iris),
#'   "sepal",
#'    struct(column("Sepal_Width"), column("Sepal_Length"))
#' )
#' head(select(
#'   df,
#'   withField(df$sepal, "product", df$Sepal_Length * df$Sepal_Width)
#' ))
#' }
#' @note withField since 3.1.0
          signature(x = "Column", fieldName = "character", col = "Column"),
          function(x, fieldName, col) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "withField", fieldName, col@jc)

#' dropFields
#' Drops fields in a struct \code{Column} by name.
#' @param x a Column
#' @param ... names of the fields to be dropped.
#' @rdname dropFields
#' @aliases dropFields dropFields,Column-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- select(
#'   createDataFrame(iris),
#'   alias(
#'     struct(
#'       column("Sepal_Width"), column("Sepal_Length"),
#'       alias(
#'         struct(
#'           column("Petal_Width"), column("Petal_Length"),
#'           alias(
#'             column("Petal_Width") * column("Petal_Length"),
#'             "Petal_Product"
#'           )
#'         ),
#'         "Petal"
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     "dimensions"
#'   )
#' )
#' head(withColumn(df, "dimensions", dropFields(df$dimensions, "Petal")))
#' head(
#'   withColumn(
#'     df, "dimensions",
#'     dropFields(df$dimensions, "Sepal_Width", "Sepal_Length")
#'   )
#' )
#' # This method supports dropping multiple nested fields directly e.g.
#' head(
#'   withColumn(
#'     df, "dimensions",
#'     dropFields(df$dimensions, "Petal.Petal_Width", "Petal.Petal_Length")
#'   )
#' )
#' # However, if you are going to add/replace multiple nested fields,
#' # it is preferred to extract out the nested struct before
#' # adding/replacing multiple fields e.g.
#' head(
#'   withColumn(
#'     df, "dimensions",
#'     withField(
#'       column("dimensions"),
#'       "Petal",
#'       dropFields(column("dimensions.Petal"), "Petal_Width", "Petal_Length")
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' }
#' @note dropFields since 3.1.0
          signature(x = "Column"),
          function(x, ...) {
            jc <- callJMethod(x@jc, "dropFields", list(...))

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