
Defines functions compute.sparse.tscgm

 compute.sparse.tscgm <- function( penalty=c("scad","lasso"),T=T, n=n, p=p, q=q, xty=xty, xtx=xtx, yty=yty,
       xtxt=xtxt, xtx2=xtx2, yty2=yty2, lam1=lam1, lam2=lam2,
       optimality = c("NULL", "bic","bic_ext","bic_mod","aic","gic"),

  #starting value for matrix autoregressive coefficients
  old.B = qr.solve(xtx + nlam*diag(p), xty)
  if(!is.numeric(old.B))  old.B <- matrix(0,p,q)
  lam11 <- lam1*(1-diag(q))
  old.om0 <- diag(q)
  old.om0.i <- diag(q)
  mab =  sum(sum(abs(old.B)))
  penalty = match.arg(penalty)
  if (penalty=="scad") {
        ##Initial estimates for the precision matrix using Glasso
        samp.cov = ( yty - t(xty) %*% old.B - t(old.B) %*% xty + t(old.B) %*% xtx %*% old.B)/(n*T)
        #g.out=glasso(s=samp.cov, rho=lam1, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
        #approx=FALSE ) #, start="warm", w.init=old.om0i, wi.init=old.om0)
             g.out = glasso(s=samp.cov,rho=lam11, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)
              # X.init=old.om0, W.init=old.om0.i) 
             old1.om=g.out$wi    #wi
	           old1.om.i=g.out$w   #w
            if(!is.numeric(old1.om))  old1.om <- diag(q)
            # Calculating SCAD penalty
            wt <- matrix(NA, nrow=q,ncol=q)
            a <- 3.7                                       
            for(i in 1:q){
               for(j in 1:q){
                 if(abs(old1.om[i,j]) <= lam1 ) wt[i,j] <- lam1
                  else { if((lam1 <= abs(old1.om[i,j])) & (abs(old1.om[i,j]) <  a*lam1 )) {
                    wt[i,j] <- ((a*lam1-abs(old1.om[i,j]))/((a-1))) }
          	      else wt[i,j] <-  0 }
             diag(wt) <- 0 
             g.out1 = glasso(s=samp.cov,rho=wt, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
                start="warm", w.init=old1.om.i, wi.init=old1.om)
             old.om=g.out1$wi    #wi
             old.om.i=g.out1$w   #w
          if(k > 1){
             old1.om =  old.om
             old1.om.i = old.om.i 
             if(!is.numeric(old1.om))  old1.om <- diag(q)
              # Calculating SCAD penalty
               wt <- matrix(NA, nrow=q,ncol=q)
               a <- 3.7                                       
               for(i in 1:q){
                  for(j in 1:q){
                     if(abs(old1.om[i,j]) <= lam1 ) wt[i,j] <- lam1
                      else { if((lam1 <= abs(old1.om[i,j])) & (abs(old1.om[i,j]) <  a*lam1 )) {
                        wt[i,j] <- ((a*lam1-abs(old1.om[i,j]))/((a-1))) }
          	         else wt[i,j] <-  0 }
             diag(wt) <- 0
             g.out1 = glasso(s=samp.cov,rho=wt, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
                start="warm", w.init=old1.om.i, wi.init=old1.om)
          old.om=g.out1$wi    #wi
          old.om.i=g.out1$w   #w
          #old1.om =  old.om
          #old1.om.i = old.om.i
        ##Estimating the precision matrix using Glasso based on SCAD penalty
        #g.out1=glasso(s=samp.cov, rho=wt, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
        #approx=FALSE, start="warm", w.init=old1.om.i, wi.init=old1.om)
        #g.out1 = QUIC(S=samp.cov,rho=wt, tol=1.0e-4, msg=0, maxIter=1e4, 
        #        X.init=old1.om, W.init=old1.om.i) 
       if(!is.numeric(old.om) )  old.om <- diag(q)

       ##Estimating the auotregressive coeficients based on SCAD penalty
        wt1 <- matrix(NA, nrow=p,ncol=q)
        a <- 3.7
        for(i in 1:p){
               if(xtx[i,i] == 0) xtx[i,i] <- 1 
          for(j in 1:q){
               # if(old.om[j,j] == 0) old.om[j,j] <- 1 
              if(abs(old.B[i,j]) <= lam2 ) wt1[i,j] <- lam2
              else {if((lam2 < abs(old.B[i,j])) & (abs(old.B[i,j]) < a*lam2 )) {
                  wt1[i,j] <- ((a*lam2-abs(old.B[i,j]))/((a-1))) }
               else wt1[i,j] <-   0  }

        rho2 <- wt1*(n*T)
 	     if(k == 1) warmstart=0
 	     B=rblasso(s=xtx, m=xtyom, om=old.om, nlam=rho2, tol=1e-5, sbols=mab, 
          maxit=setting$maxit.in, warm=warmstart, B0=old.B)
  	   bdist = sum(sum(abs(B-old.B)))
  	   if(!is.numeric(B)) B <- matrix(0,p,q) 
          if( (bdist < setting$tol.out*mab) | (k > setting$maxit.out))
     message("Outer iterations: ", k, "\n")
     message("lambda1 = ", lam1, "\n")
     message("lambda2 = ", lam2, "\n")
  if(penalty=="lasso") {
        ##Initial estimates for the precision matrix using Glasso
        samp.cov = ( yty - t(xty) %*% old.B - t(old.B) %*% xty + t(old.B) %*% xtx %*% old.B)/(n*T)
        #g.out=glasso(s=samp.cov, rho=lam1, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
        #approx=FALSE ) #, start="warm", w.init=old.om0i, wi.init=old.om0)
             g.out = glasso(s=samp.cov,rho=lam11, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)
              # X.init=old.om0, W.init=old.om0.i) 
             old.om=g.out$wi    #wi
          if(k > 1){
             old1.om =  old.om
             old1.om.i = old.om.i 
             g.out1 = glasso(s=samp.cov,rho=lam11, thr=1.0e-4, maxit=1e4, penalize.diagonal=FALSE,
                start="warm", w.init=old1.om.i, wi.init=old1.om)
          old.om=g.out1$wi    #wi
          old.om.i=g.out1$w   #w
          #old1.om =  old.om
          #old1.om.i = old.om.i
       if(!is.numeric(old.om) )  old.om <- diag(q)

       ##Estimating the auotregressive coeficients based on SCAD penalty
        wt1 <- matrix(lam2, nrow=p,ncol=q)
        rho2 <- wt1*(n*T)
 	     if(k == 1) warmstart=0
 	     B=rblasso(s=xtx, m=xtyom, om=old.om, nlam=rho2, tol=1e-5, sbols=mab, 
          maxit=setting$maxit.in, warm=warmstart, B0=old.B)
  	   bdist = sum(sum(abs(B-old.B)))
  	   if(!is.numeric(B)) B <- matrix(0,p,q) 
          if( (bdist < setting$tol.out*mab) | (k > setting$maxit.out))
     message("Outer iterations: ", k, "\n")
     message("lambda1 = ",lam1, "\n")
     message("lambda2 = ",lam2, "\n")
  if(setting$silent ==FALSE) cat("Total outer iterations for tscgm : ", k, "\n")
  return(list(gamma=old.B, theta=old.om))

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SparseTSCGM documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:10 p.m.