.smithstderr <- function(par, data, distVec, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat, shape.dsgn.mat,
temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale, temp.dsgn.mat.shape,
use.temp.cov, fit.marge, fixed.param, param.names,
iso = TRUE, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
dist.dim <- ncol(distVec)
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
if (iso){
if (dist.dim == 2)
n.param <- n.param + 2
n.param <- n.param + 5
cov11 <- par["cov11"]
cov12 <- par["cov12"]
cov22 <- par["cov22"]
if (dist.dim == 3){
cov13 <- par["cov13"]
cov23 <- par["cov23"]
cov33 <- par["cov33"]
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "scale")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
if (dist.dim == 2)
std.err <- .C(C_smithstderr, as.double(data), as.double(distVec), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.loccoeff),
as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff), as.double(shape.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.shapecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), as.integer(n.temploccoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape), as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff),
as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param), as.double(shape.param),
as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param), as.double(temp.shape.param),
as.double(cov11), as.double(cov12), as.double(cov22), as.integer(fit.marge),
as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs),
grad = double(n.obs * n.param), NAOK = TRUE)
std.err <- .C(C_smithstderr3d, as.double(data), as.double(distVec), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.loccoeff),
as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff), as.double(shape.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.shapecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), as.integer(n.temploccoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape),
as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff), as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param),
as.double(shape.param), as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(cov11), as.double(cov12), as.double(cov13),
as.double(cov22), as.double(cov23), as.double(cov33), fit.marge, as.integer(use.temp.cov),
as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs), grad = double(n.obs * n.param),
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
if (iso){
if (dist.dim == 2){
grad[,1] <- rowSums(grad[,c(1,3)])
grad <- grad[,-(2:3), drop = FALSE]
hess[,1] <- rowSums(hess[,c(1,3)])
hess <- hess[,-(2:3), drop = FALSE]
if (dist.dim == 3){
grad[,1] <- rowSums(grad[,c(1,4,6)])
grad <- grad[,-(2:6), drop = FALSE]
hess[,1] <- rowSums(hess[,c(1,4,6)])
hess <- hess[,-(2:6), drop = FALSE]
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.schlatherstderr <- function(par, data, dist, cov.mod, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat,
shape.dsgn.mat, temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale,
temp.dsgn.mat.shape, use.temp.cov, fit.marge,
fixed.param, param.names, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
nugget <- par["nugget"]
range <- par["range"]
smooth <- par["smooth"]
if (cov.mod == 5)
##i.e. Generalized Cauchy
smooth2 <- par["smooth2"]
##it won't be used anyway...
smooth2 <- 0
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
std.err <- .C(C_schlatherstderr, as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(data), as.double(dist),
as.integer(, as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.loccoeff), as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff),
as.double(shape.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.shapecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc),
as.integer(n.temploccoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale),
as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape),
as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff), as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param),
as.double(shape.param), as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(nugget), as.double(range),
as.double(smooth), as.double(smooth2), as.integer(fit.marge),
as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs),
grad = double(n.obs * n.param), NAOK = TRUE)
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.schlatherindstderr <- function(par, data, dist, cov.mod, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat,
shape.dsgn.mat, temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale,
temp.dsgn.mat.shape, use.temp.cov, fit.marge,
fixed.param, param.names, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
alpha <- par["alpha"]
nugget <- par["nugget"]
range <- par["range"]
smooth <- par["smooth"]
if (cov.mod == 5)
##i.e. Generalized cauchy
smooth2 <- par["smooth2"]
##It won't be used anyway
smooth2 <- 0
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
std.err <- .C(C_schlatherindstderr, as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(data), as.double(dist),
as.integer(, as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.loccoeff), as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff),
as.double(shape.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.shapecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), as.integer(n.temploccoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape), as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff),
as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param), as.double(shape.param),
as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(alpha), as.double(nugget),
as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(smooth2), as.integer(fit.marge),
as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs),
grad = double(n.obs * n.param), NAOK = TRUE)
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.geomgaussstderr <- function(par, data, dist, cov.mod, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat,
shape.dsgn.mat, temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale,
temp.dsgn.mat.shape, use.temp.cov, fit.marge,
fixed.param, param.names, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
sigma2 <- par["sigma2"]
nugget <- par["nugget"]
range <- par["range"]
smooth <- par["smooth"]
if (cov.mod == 5)
##i.e. Generalized cauchy
smooth2 <- par["smooth2"]
##it won't be used anyway
smooth2 <- 0
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
std.err <- .C(C_geomgaussstderr, as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(data), as.double(dist),
as.integer(, as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.loccoeff), as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff),
as.double(shape.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.shapecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), as.integer(n.temploccoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape), as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff),
as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param), as.double(shape.param),
as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(sigma2), as.double(nugget),
as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(smooth2), as.integer(fit.marge),
as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs),
grad = double(n.obs * n.param), NAOK = TRUE)
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.brownresnickstderr <- function(par, data, dist, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat,
shape.dsgn.mat, temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale,
temp.dsgn.mat.shape, use.temp.cov, fit.marge,
fixed.param, param.names, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
range <- par["range"]
smooth <- par["smooth"]
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
std.err <- .C(C_brownresnickstderr, as.double(data), as.double(dist), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.loccoeff),
as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff), as.double(shape.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.shapecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc),
as.integer(n.temploccoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale),
as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape),
as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff), as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param),
as.double(shape.param), as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),
as.integer(fit.marge), as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights),
hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs), grad = double(n.obs * n.param),
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.spatgevstderr <- function(par, data, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat, shape.dsgn.mat,
temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale, temp.dsgn.mat.shape,
use.temp.cov, fixed.param, param.names){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.param <- length(param.names)
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
std.err <- .C(C_spatgevstderr, as.double(data), as.integer(, as.integer(n.obs),
as.double(loc.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.loccoeff), as.double(scale.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.scalecoeff), as.double(shape.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.shapecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), as.integer(n.temploccoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff),
as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape), as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff),
as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param), as.double(shape.param),
as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.integer(use.temp.cov),
hess = double(n.obs * n.param *, grad = double(n.obs * n.param),
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs *, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(gradient = NA, var.score = NA, hessian = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs *
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
.extremaltstderr <- function(par, data, dist, cov.mod, loc.dsgn.mat, scale.dsgn.mat,
shape.dsgn.mat, temp.dsgn.mat.loc, temp.dsgn.mat.scale,
temp.dsgn.mat.shape, use.temp.cov, fit.marge,
fixed.param, param.names, weights){
##data is a matrix with each column corresponds to one location
##distVec is the a matrix giving the "distance vector" for each pair
##(1 row = 1 station) <- ncol(data)
n.obs <- nrow(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.param <- length(param.names)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.pairs)
nugget <- par["nugget"]
range <- par["range"]
smooth <- par["smooth"]
DoF <- par["DoF"]
if (cov.mod == 5)
##i.e. Generalized Cauchy
smooth2 <- par["smooth2"]
##it won't be used anyway...
smooth2 <- 0
if (fit.marge){
n.loccoeff <- ncol(loc.dsgn.mat)
n.scalecoeff <- ncol(scale.dsgn.mat)
n.shapecoeff <- ncol(shape.dsgn.mat)
loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 3) == "loc")
scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 6) == "scaleC")
shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 5) == "shape")
loc.param <- par[loc.idx]
scale.param <- par[scale.idx]
shape.param <- par[shape.idx]
n.temploccoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[1], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.loc), 0)
n.tempscalecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[2], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
n.tempshapecoeff <- ifelse(use.temp.cov[3], ncol(temp.dsgn.mat.scale), 0)
temp.loc.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 12) == "tempCoeffLoc")
temp.scale.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffScale")
temp.shape.idx <- which(substr(names(par), 1, 14) == "tempCoeffShape")
temp.loc.param <- ifelse(length(temp.loc.idx) > 0, par[temp.loc.idx], 0)
temp.scale.param <- ifelse(length(temp.scale.idx) > 0, par[temp.scale.idx], 0)
temp.shape.param <- ifelse(length(temp.shape.idx) > 0, par[temp.shape.idx], 0)
else {
n.loccoeff <- n.scalecoeff <- n.shapecoeff <- loc.param <- scale.param <- shape.param <- 1
temp.loc.param <- temp.scale.param <- temp.shape.param <- n.temploccoeff <-
n.tempscalecoeff <- n.tempshapecoeff <- 0
std.err <- .C(C_extremaltstderr, as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(data), as.double(dist),
as.integer(, as.integer(n.obs), as.double(loc.dsgn.mat),
as.integer(n.loccoeff), as.double(scale.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.scalecoeff),
as.double(shape.dsgn.mat), as.integer(n.shapecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.loc),
as.integer(n.temploccoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.scale),
as.integer(n.tempscalecoeff), as.double(temp.dsgn.mat.shape),
as.integer(n.tempshapecoeff), as.double(loc.param), as.double(scale.param),
as.double(shape.param), as.double(temp.loc.param), as.double(temp.scale.param),
as.double(temp.shape.param), as.double(nugget), as.double(range),
as.double(smooth), as.double(smooth2), as.double(DoF), as.integer(fit.marge),
as.integer(use.temp.cov), as.double(weights), hess = double(n.obs * n.param * n.pairs),
grad = double(n.obs * n.param), NAOK = TRUE)
grad <- matrix(std.err$grad, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.param)
hess <- matrix(std.err$hess, nrow = n.obs * n.pairs, ncol = n.param)
colnames(grad) <- colnames(hess) <- param.names
n.fixed <- length(fixed.param)
if (n.fixed > 0){
idx <- which(param.names %in% fixed.param)
grad <- grad[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
hess <- hess[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if (any(
return(list(var.score = NA, hessian = NA, gradient = NA))
var.score <- var(grad) * n.obs
hessian <- var(hess, na.rm = TRUE) * n.obs * n.pairs
gradient <- as.double(colSums(grad))
names(gradient) <- colnames(hessian)
return(list(var.score = var.score, hessian = hessian, gradient = gradient))
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