
Defines functions spatialGEV_predict

Documented in spatialGEV_predict

#' Draw from the posterior predictive distributions at new locations based on a fitted GEV-GP model
#' @param model A fitted spatial GEV model object of class `spatialGEVfit`
#' @param locs_new A `n_test x 2` matrix containing the coordinates of the new locations
#' @param n_draw Number of draws from the posterior predictive distribution
#' @param type A character string: "response" or "parameters". The former returns draws from the
#' posterior predictive distribution, and the latter returns parameter draws (all on original scale).
#' @param X_a_new `n_test x r1` design matrix for a at the new locations. If not provided, the
#' default is a column matrix of all 1s.
#' @param X_b_new `n_test x r2` design matrix for log(b) at the new locations
#' @param X_s_new `n_test x r2` design matrix for (possibly transformed) s at the new locations
#' @param parameter_draws Optional. A `n_draw x n_parameter` matrix, or an object that is of
#' class 'spatialGEVsam'. If `spatialGEV_sample()` has
#' already been called, the output matrix of parameter draws can be supplied here to avoid doing
#' sampling of parameters again. Make sure the number of rows of `parameter_draws` is the same as
#' `n_draw`.
#' @return An object of class `spatialGEVpred`, which is a list of the following components:
#' - An `n_draw x n_test` matrix `pred_y_draws` containing the draws from the posterior predictive
#' distributions at `n_test` new locations
#' - An `n_test x 2` matrix `locs_new` containing the coordinates of the test data
#' - An `n_train x 2` matrix `locs_obs` containing the coordinates of the observed data
#' @example examples/spatialGEV_predict.R
#' @export
spatialGEV_predict <- function(model, locs_new, n_draw, type="response",
                               X_a_new=NULL, X_b_new=NULL, X_s_new=NULL,
                               parameter_draws=NULL) {
  # extract info from model
  locs_obs <- model$locs_obs
  X_a <- model$X_a
  X_b <- model$X_b
  X_s <- model$X_s
  kernel <- model$kernel
  nu <- model$nu # Matern hyperparameter
  reparam_s <- model$adfun$env$data$reparam_s # parametrization of s
  n_test <- nrow(locs_new)
  n_train <- length(unique(model$adfun$env$data$loc_ind))
  random_ind <- model$rep$env$random # indices of random effects
  random <- model$random
  if (length(random) == 1) {
    mod <- "a"
  } else if (length(random) == 2) {
    mod <- "ab"
  } else if (length(random) == 3) {
    mod <- "abs"
  } else {
    stop("Cannot identify which GEV parameters are random.")

  if (!(type %in% c("response", "parameters"))) {
    stop("Check type argument: must be 'response' or 'parameters'.")

  # get parameter draws
  if (is.null(parameter_draws)) {
    parameter_draws <- spatialGEV_sample(model, n_draw, observation=FALSE)$parameter_draws
  } else {
    if (inherits(parameter_draws, "spatialGEVsam")) {
      parameter_draws <- parameter_draws$parameter_draws
    if (nrow(parameter_draws) != n_draw) {
      stop("nrow(parameter_draws) must be n_draw.")

  s_draw_fun <- function(j, s_ind) {
    # `j` points to the j-th draw and `s_ind` is the index of s in the parameter vector of the model
    if (reparam_s == 3) {
      parameter_draws[j, s_ind]
    } else if (reparam_s == 1) {
      exp(parameter_draws[j, s_ind])
    } else if (reparam_s == 2) {
      -exp(parameter_draws[j, s_ind])
    } else {
  total_param <- ncol(parameter_draws)
  pred_y_draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_draw, ncol = n_test)
  pred_param_draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_draw, ncol = n_test*length(random))
  s_ind <- which(colnames(parameter_draws)=="s")

  # Sampling depends on model type
  if (is.null(X_a_new)) X_a_new <- matrix(1, nrow=n_test, ncol=1) # Default design matrix for a
  if (ncol(X_a_new) != ncol(X_a)) stop("Dimensions of X_a_new and X_a must match.")
  beta_a_ind <- grep("beta_a", colnames(parameter_draws)) # indices of betas for a
  if (mod == "a") {
    for (i in 1:n_draw) {
      a <- parameter_draws[i, 1:n_train]
      b <- exp(parameter_draws[i, n_train+1])
      beta_a <- parameter_draws[i, beta_a_ind]
      s <- s_draw_fun(i, s_ind)
      X_all <- rbind(X_a, X_a_new)
      # Construct conditional distribution function for a
      if (kernel == "exp") {
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(
          X_all%*%beta_a, a = a,
          locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
          locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
          kernel = kernel_exp,
          sigma = exp(parameter_draws[i,"log_sigma_a"]),
          ell = exp(parameter_draws[i,"log_ell_a"])
      } else {
        if (kernel == "spde") {
          meshidxloc <- model$meshidxloc
          X_all <- rbind(as.matrix(X_a[meshidxloc,]), X_a_new)
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(
          X_all%*%beta_a, a = a,
          locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
          locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
          kernel = kernel_matern,
          sigma = exp(parameter_draws[i,"log_sigma_a"]) ,
          kappa = exp(parameter_draws[i,"log_kappa_a"]),
          nu = nu
      new_a <- a_sim_fun(1) # sample parameter a one time
      if (type == "response") {
        new_y <- t(apply(X = new_a, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(row) {
          unlist(Map(rgev, n=1, loc=row, scale=b, shape=s))
        })) # a `1 x n_test` matrix
        pred_y_draws[i, ] <- new_y
      pred_param_draws[i, ] <- new_a
  } else if (mod == "ab") {
    if (is.null(X_b_new)) X_b_new <- matrix(1, nrow=n_test, ncol=1) # Default design matrix for a
    if (ncol(X_b_new) != ncol(X_b)) stop("Dimensions of X_b_new and X_b must match.")
    beta_b_ind <- grep("beta_b", colnames(parameter_draws)) # indices of betas for b
    for (i in 1:n_draw) {
      a <- parameter_draws[i, 1:n_train]
      logb <- parameter_draws[i, (n_train+1):(2*n_train)]
      beta_a <- parameter_draws[i, beta_a_ind]
      beta_b <- parameter_draws[i, beta_b_ind]
      s <- s_draw_fun(i, s_ind)
      X_all_a <- rbind(X_a, X_a_new)
      X_all_b <- rbind(X_b, X_b_new)
      hyperparam_a1 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_sigma_a"])
      hyperparam_b1 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_sigma_b"])
      # Construct conditional distribution function for a and logb
      if (kernel == "exp") {
        hyperparam_a2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_ell_a"])
        hyperparam_b2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_ell_b"])
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_a%*%beta_a, a = a,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_exp,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_a1,
                                     ell = hyperparam_a2)
        logb_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_b%*%beta_b, a = logb,
                                        locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                        locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                        kernel = kernel_exp,
                                        sigma = hyperparam_b1,
                                        ell = hyperparam_b2)
      } else {
        hyperparam_a2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_kappa_a"])
        hyperparam_b2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_kappa_b"])
        if (kernel == "spde") {
          meshidxloc <- model$meshidxloc
          X_all_a <- rbind(as.matrix(X_a[meshidxloc,]), X_a_new)
          X_all_b <- rbind(as.matrix(X_b[meshidxloc,]), X_b_new)
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_a%*%beta_a, a = a,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_matern,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_a1,
                                     kappa = hyperparam_a2, nu = nu)
        logb_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_b%*%beta_b, a = logb,
                                        locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                        locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                        kernel = kernel_matern,
                                        sigma = hyperparam_b1,
                                        kappa = hyperparam_b2, nu = nu)
      new_a <- a_sim_fun(1) # 1 x n_test matrix
      new_logb <- logb_sim_fun(1) # 1 x n_test matrix
      new_ab <- cbind(new_a, exp(new_logb)) # A `1 x (2*n_test)` matrix constructed by putting the matrix of exp(logb) to the right of the matrix of a
      if (type == "response") {
        new_y <- t(apply(X = new_ab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(row) {
          unlist(Map(rgev, n=1, loc=row[1:n_test],
                     scale=row[(n_test+1):length(row)], shape=s))
        })) # a `1 x n_test` matrix
        pred_y_draws[i, ] <- new_y
      pred_param_draws[i, ] <- new_ab
  } else { # if mod="abs"
    if (is.null(X_b_new)) X_b_new <- matrix(1, nrow=n_test, ncol=1) # Default design matrix for b
    if (ncol(X_b_new) != ncol(X_b)) stop("Dimensions of X_b_new and X_b must match.")
    if (is.null(X_s_new)) X_s_new <- matrix(1, nrow=n_test, ncol=1) # Default design matrix for s
    if (ncol(X_s_new) != ncol(X_s)) stop("Dimensions of X_s_new and X_s must match.")
    beta_b_ind <- grep("beta_b", colnames(parameter_draws)) # indices of betas for b
    beta_s_ind <- grep("beta_s", colnames(parameter_draws)) # indices of betas for s
    for (i in 1:n_draw) {
      a <- parameter_draws[i, 1:n_train]
      logb <- parameter_draws[i, (n_train+1):(2*n_train)]
      beta_a <- parameter_draws[i, beta_a_ind]
      beta_b <- parameter_draws[i, beta_b_ind]
      beta_s <- parameter_draws[i, beta_s_ind]
      s <- s_draw_fun(i, (2*n_train+1):(3*n_train))
      X_all_a <- rbind(X_a, X_a_new)
      X_all_b <- rbind(X_b, X_b_new)
      X_all_s <- rbind(X_s, X_s_new)
      hyperparam_a1 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_sigma_a"])
      hyperparam_b1 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_sigma_b"])
      hyperparam_s1 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_sigma_s"])
      # Construct conditional distribution function for a and logb
      if (kernel == "exp") {
        hyperparam_a2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_ell_a"])
        hyperparam_b2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_ell_b"])
        hyperparam_s2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_ell_s"])
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_a%*%beta_a, a = a,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_exp,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_a1,
                                     ell = hyperparam_a2)
        logb_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_b%*%beta_b, a = logb,
                                        locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                        locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                        kernel = kernel_exp,
                                        sigma = hyperparam_b1,
                                        ell = hyperparam_b2)
        s_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_s%*%beta_s, a = s,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_exp,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_s1,
                                     ell = hyperparam_s2)
      } else {
        hyperparam_a2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_kappa_a"])
        hyperparam_b2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_kappa_b"])
        hyperparam_s2 <- exp(parameter_draws[i, "log_kappa_s"])
        if (kernel == "spde") {
          meshidxloc <- model$meshidxloc
          X_all_a <- rbind(as.matrix(X_a[meshidxloc,]), X_a_new)
          X_all_b <- rbind(as.matrix(X_b[meshidxloc,]), X_b_new)
          X_all_s <- rbind(as.matrix(X_s[meshidxloc,]), X_s_new)
        a_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_a%*%beta_a, a = a,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_matern,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_a1,
                                     kappa = hyperparam_a2, nu = nu)
        logb_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_b%*%beta_b, a = logb,
                                        locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                        locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                        kernel = kernel_matern,
                                        sigma = hyperparam_b1,
                                        kappa = hyperparam_b2, nu = nu)
        s_sim_fun <- sim_cond_normal(X_all_s%*%beta_s, a = s,
                                     locs_new = as.matrix(locs_new),
                                     locs_obs = as.matrix(locs_obs),
                                     kernel = kernel_matern,
                                     sigma = hyperparam_s1,
                                     kappa = hyperparam_s2, nu = nu)
      new_a <- a_sim_fun(1) # 1 x n_test matrix
      new_logb <- logb_sim_fun(1) # 1 x n_test matrix
      new_s <- s_sim_fun(1) # 1 x n_test matrix
      new_abs <- cbind(new_a, exp(new_logb), new_s) # A `1 x (3*n_test)` matrix
      if (type == "response") {
        new_y <- t(apply(X = new_abs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(row) {
          unlist(Map(rgev, n=1, loc=row[1:n_test], scale=row[(n_test+1):(2*n_test)],
        })) # a `1 x n_test` matrix
        pred_y_draws[i, ] <- new_y
      pred_param_draws[i, ] <- new_abs

  out <- list(pred_param_draws=pred_param_draws, locs_new=locs_new, locs_obs=locs_obs)
  if (type == "response") out$pred_y_draws <- pred_y_draws
  class(out) <- "spatialGEVpred"

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SpatialGEV documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:24 a.m.