
##' Package for spatio-temporal modelling. Contains functions that estimate,
##' simulate and predict from the model described in (Szpiro et.al., 2010;
##' Sampson et.al., 2011; Lindstrom et.al., 2010). The package also
##' contains functions that handle missing data SVD in accordance with
##' (Fuentes et.al. 2006).
##' \cr
##' \tabular{ll}{
##'   Package: \tab SpatioTemporal\cr
##'   Type: \tab Package\cr
##'   Version: \tab 1.1.9\cr
##'   Date: \tab 2018-06-20\cr
##'   License: \tab GPL version 2 or newer\cr
##'   LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
##' }
##' Examples in the package uses data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of
##' Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air), (Cohen et.al.,2009).
##' @title Spatio-Temporal Modelling
##' @name SpatioTemporal-package
##' @aliases SpatioTemporal-package SpatioTemporal
##' @docType package
##' @note Data used in the examples has been provided by the Multi-Ethnic Study
##' of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air). Details regarding the data
##' can be found in Cohen et.al. (2009).
##' \cr
##' Although the research described in this article has been funded wholly or in
##' part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through assistance
##' agreement CR-834077101-0 and grant RD831697 to the University of Washington,
##' it has not been subjected to the Agency's required peer and policy review
##' and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no
##' official endorsement should be inferred.
##' \cr
##' Travel for J. Lindstrom has been paid by STINT (The
##' Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher
##' Education) Grant IG2005-2047.
##' \cr
##' Additional funding was provided by grants to the University of Washington
##' from the Health Effects Institute (4749-RFA05-1A/06-10) and the National
##' Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P50 ES015915).
##' @section Changelog:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{1.1.9}{Upates: R 3.5.0 Compatibility and Matrix}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Minor updates to fullfill R 3.5.0 and changes to Matrix-package.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.8}{Upates: R 3.2.1 Compatibility}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Minor updates to fullfill R 3.2.1 changes.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.7}{Upates: Handling of log-Gaussian fields}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Updated several functions to allow for prediction and CV of
##'           log-Gaussian fields. Updated functions:
##'           \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}, \code{\link{print.predictSTmodel}},
##'           \code{\link{plot.predictSTmodel}},
##'           \code{\link{predictCV.STmodel}}, \code{\link{print.predCVSTmodel}},
##'           \code{\link{summary.predCVSTmodel}}, \code{\link{plot.predCVSTmodel}},
##'           \code{\link{qqnorm.predCVSTmodel}}, and
##'           \code{\link{scatterPlot.predCVSTmodel}}. }
##'     \item{Updated \code{\link{predict.STmodel}} to compute temporal
##'           averages, and return both prediction and variance of the
##'           averages. Both for Gaussian and log-Gaussian data.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.6}{Upates: sparse-Matrices and temporal basis functions}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Allows for sparse matrices in \code{\link{makeSigmaB}} and
##'           \code{\link{makeSigmaNu}}; this reduces the memory footprint and
##'           execution time for \code{\link{loglikeST}},
##'           \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}, and \code{\link{estimate.STmodel}}.}
##'     \item{Added function that does regression estimates of the
##'           beta-coefficients: \code{\link{estimateBetaFields}}.}
##'     \item{Altered computation of CV-statistics in \code{\link{SVDsmoothCV}}.}
##'     \item{Added \code{\link{boxplot.SVDcv}} for illustration of CV-statistics
##'           from \code{\link{SVDsmoothCV}}.}
##'     \item{Replaced \code{\link{updateSTdataTrend}} with
##'           \code{\link{updateTrend.STdata}} and
##'           \code{\link{updateTrend.STmodel}} that also allows for temporal 
##'           trends defined using functions.}
##'     \item{Updated \code{\link{SVDsmooth}}, \code{\link{SVDsmoothCV}}, and
##'           \code{\link{calcSmoothTrends}} to return both the trend and the
##'           smoothing function used to compute the trends, simplifying
##'           interpolation at unobserved time-points.}
##'     \item{Updated example data-sets.}
##'     \item{Added options for computation of temporal averages
##'           (incl. variances) to \code{\link{predict.STmodel}} and
##'           \code{\link{predictCV.STmodel}}.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.5}{Major bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{In \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}, predictions now \emph{always}
##'           uses the trend given in \code{object}, ignoring the trend object
##'           in \code{STdata}. Prediction at dates in \code{STdata} are
##'           computed using the smoothing function that defines the trend; see
##'           \code{\link{updateTrend.STmodel}} for details.}
##'     \item{In \code{\link{summary.predCVSTmodel}}, code previously divided by
##'           the wrong variance when computing adjusted R2 using the
##'           \code{pred.naive} option.}
##'     \item{In \code{\link{summary.predCVSTmodel}}, code previously
##'           returned statistics even for dates without observations when
##'           using \code{by.date=TRUE}.}
##'     \item{In \code{\link{plot.STdata}} and \code{\link{plot.STmodel}} code
##'           now accounts for missing time-points when computing acf and pacf.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.4}{Added plot funcions/Minor fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Added \code{\link{scatterPlot.STdata}},
##'           \code{\link{scatterPlot.STmodel}}, 
##'           and \code{\link{scatterPlot.predCVSTmodel}} for plotting
##'           observations/residuals against covariates.}
##'     \item{Added \code{\link{plot.mcmcSTmodel}},
##'           \code{\link{density.mcmcSTmodel}}, and
##'           \code{\link{plot.density.mcmcSTmodel}} for plotting of MCMC
##'           results.}
##'     \item{Added \code{\link{qqnorm.STdata}}, \code{\link{qqnorm.STmodel}},
##'           and \code{\link{qqnorm.predCVSTmodel}} for plotting of data and
##'           CV-prediction results.}
##'     \item{Added a \code{restart} option to \code{\link{estimate.STmodel}}
##'           allowing for restarts of optimisation in cases on bad
##'           optimisation.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.3}{Minor changes/Bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Fixed stupid misstake in \code{\link{predictNaive}} that caused
##'           computations to take unnecessarily long.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.2}{Minor changes/Bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Fixed a bug in \code{\link{SVDsmooth}}, that caused the values in
##'           the temporal smooths to depend on the number of \emph{unobserved
##'           time points.}. This \emph{also affects}
##'           \code{\link{calcSmoothTrends}} and \code{\link{updateSTdataTrend}}
##'           when the option \code{extra.dates} is in use.}
##'     \item{Fixed bug in \code{\link{simulate.STmodel}} that caused \code{NA}
##'           values when simulating at unobserved sites.}
##'     \item{Fixed bug in \code{\link{predict.STmodel}} that could cause
##'           errors when predicting at unobserved sites.}
##'     \item{Fixed bug in \code{\link{predictCV.STmodel}} and
##'           \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}; these will now handle predictions
##'           at locations with incomplete nugget covariates.}
##'     \item{Updated \code{\link{c.STmodel}} and \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}
##'           to avoid errors/warnings due to more complex nugget models.}
##'     \item{Replaced warning in \code{\link{createSTdata}} when
##'           \code{extra.dates!=NULL} and \code{n.basis=NULL} with a message.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.1}{Bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{\code{\link{c.STmodel}} will now combine \code{STmodel}
##'           objects with identical covariate scaling.} 
##'   }
##'   \item{1.1.0}{Major Changes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Changed the return of the variances for \code{beta} in
##'           \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}.}
##'     \item{Reduced the memory footprint of \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}.}
##'     \item{Error checks in \code{\link{c.STmodel}} and
##'           \code{\link{predict.STmodel}}, combination of \code{STmodel}
##'           objects with different covariate scaling is \strong{NOT}
##'           possible.} 
##'   }
##'   \item{1.0.7}{Added:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{New plot function: \code{\link{plot.predCVSTmodel}}.}
##'     \item{\code{\link{coef.estimateSTmodel}} and
##'           \code{\link{coef.estCVSTmodel}} functions that extract estimated
##'            parameters.}
##'     \item{Parameters for \code{\link{predict.STmodel}} and
##'           \code{\link{predictCV.STmodel}} can be specified using
##'           \code{estimateSTmodel} or \code{estCVSTmodel} objects.}
##'     \item{An \code{lwd} option to \code{\link{plot.predictSTmodel}}.}
##'     \item{A short introductory vignette as complement to the full tutorial.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.0.6}{Bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{\code{\link{predictNaive}} now works for only one locations.}
##'     \item{\code{\link{detrendSTdata}} now works for different regions.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.0.5}{Added packages \code{maps} and \code{plotrix} to suggested packages.}
##'   \item{1.0.4}{Bug fixes:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{prediction for leave-one-out CV.}
##'     \item{stop \link{updateCovf} crashing in Rscript/R CMD BATCH.}
##'   }
##'   \item{1.0.3}{Minor bug fixes}
##'   \item{1.0.2}{Updated documentation and vignette}
##'   \item{1.0.0}{Major change, most old functions are now deprecated. New features:}
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{Different covariance functions}
##'     \item{Nuggets in the beta-fields}
##'     \item{Different nuggets for different locations in the nu-field.}
##'     \item{Different coordinates for beta and nu-fields, allowing for
##'           precomputed deformations}
##'     \item{Covariates can be specifed using
##'           \link[stats:formula]{formula}-objects}
##'   }
##'   \item{0.9.2}{Minor updates - no user visible changes}
##'   \item{0.9.0}{First CRAN-release}
##'   \item{0.1.0}{First released version, short course at TIES-2010}
##' }
##' @author Johan Lindstrom, Adam Szpiro, Paul D. Sampson,
##' Silas Bergen, Assaf P. Oron
##' @references
##' M. A. Cohen, S. D. Adar, R. W. Allen, E. Avol, C. L. Curl, T.
##'   Gould, D. Hardie, A. Ho, P. Kinney, T. V. Larson, P. D. Sampson, L.
##'   Sheppard, K. D. Stukovsky, S. S. Swan, L. S. Liu, J. D. Kaufman. (2009)
##'   Approach to Estimating Participant Pollutant Exposures in the Multi-Ethnic
##'   Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air). Environmental Science
##'   & Technology: 43(13), 4687-4693.
##' M. Fuentes, P. Guttorp, and P. D. Sampson. (2006) Using Transforms to
##'  Analyze Space-Time Processes in Statistical methods for spatio-temporal
##'  systems (B. Finkenstadt, L. Held, V. Isham eds.) 77-150
##' J. Lindstrom, A. Szpiro, P. D. Sampson, L. Sheppard, A. Oron,
##'   M. Richards, and T. Larson T. (2010) A flexible spatio-temmporal model for
##'   air pollution: allowing for spatio-temporal covariates. Berkeley Electronic
##'   Press, University of Washington Biostatistics Working Paper Series, No. 370.
##'   \url{http://www.bepress.com/uwbiostat/paper370}
##' A. Szpiro, P. D. Sampson, L. Sheppard, T. Lumley, S. D. Adar, and J. D.
##'   Kaufman. (2010) Predicting intra-urban variation in air pollution
##'   concentrations with complex spatio-temporal dependencies. Environmetrics:
##'   21, 606-631.
##' P. D. Sampson, A. Szpiro, L. Sheppard, J. Lindstrom, J. D.  Kaufman. (2011)
##'   Pragmatic Estimation of a Spatio-temporal Air Quality Model with Irregular
##'   Monitoring Data. Atmospheric Environment: 45(36), 6593-6606.
##' @importFrom Matrix t
##' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
##' @importFrom Matrix symmpart
##' @keywords package
##' @example Rd_examples/Ex_SpatioTemporal_package.R
##' @useDynLib SpatioTemporal, .registration = TRUE

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