
#' @title Plotting splines 
#' @description The method provides graphical visualization of a \code{Splinets}-class object. The method plot a
#' \code{Splinets} in a cartesian or a polar coordinate if it is a regular splines or a periodic splines, respectively.
#' @param object \code{Splinets} object;
#' @param x vector, specifying where the splines will be evaluated for the plots;
#' @param sID vector, specifying indices of the splines to be plotted;
#' @param vknots logic, indicates if auxiliary vertical lines will be added to highlight the positions of knots; The default is \code{TRUE}. 
#' @param type string, controls the layout of graphs; The following options are available
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"stnd"} -- if \code{object@type="dspnt"} or \code{="spnt"}, then the plots are over 
#'   the dyadic net of supports, other types of the bases are on a single plot with information about 
#'   the basis printed out,
#'   \item \code{"simple"} -- all the objects are plotted in a single plot,
#'   \item \code{"dyadic"} -- if \code{object@type="sp"} is not true (unstructured collection of splines), 
#'   then the plot is over the dyadic net of supports.
#' } 
#' @param mrgn number, specifying the margin size in the dyadic structure plot;
#' @param lwd positive integer, the line width;
#' @param ...  other standard graphical parameters can be passed;
#' @return A plot visualizing a Splinet object. The entire set of splines will 
#' be displayed in a plot. 
#' @details The standard method of plotting splines in a \code{Splinet}-object. 
#' It plots a single graph with all splines in the object except if the field \code{type} of the
#' object represents a splinet. In the latter case, the default is the (dyadic) net plot of 
#' the basis. The string argument \code{type} can overide this to produce a plot that does not use the dyadic net.
#' Most of the standard graphical parameters can be passed to this function. 
#' @export
#' @inheritSection Splinets-class References
#' @seealso \code{\link{evspline}} for manually evaluating splines in a \code{Splinet}-object;
#' \code{\link{Splinets-class}} for the definition of the \code{Splinet}-class;
#' \code{\link{lines,Splinets-method}} for adding graphs to existing plots;
#' @example R/Examples/ExPlot.R 

  function(object, x = NULL, sID = NULL, vknots = TRUE, type = "stnd",mrgn=2, lwd=2, ...){
    if (!object@periodic) { #The standard (non-periodic) case
      if(object@type == "sp" | type=="simple" ){
        plot.spline(object, x, sID, vknots, mrgn=mrgn, ...) 
        #if x is NULL then the default sampling of 'evaluate' function is used for x
      } else if(object@type == "bs" & type== "stnd"){
      } else if(object@type %in% c("gsob", "twob") & type=="stnd"){
      } else if(object@type %in% c("dspnt", "spnt") | (object@type == "bs" & type== "dyadic") ){
    else #The periodic case
      if(object@type  == "sp" | type=="simple"){ 
        plot.spline.p(object, sID = sID,  ...)
     } else if(object@type  %in% c("bs", "gsob", "twob") & type== "stnd"){
      plot.spline.p(object, sID = sID, ...)
    } else if(object@type %in% c("dspnt", "spnt") | (object@type %in% c("bs","twob") & type== "dyadic") ){
        plot.splinet.p(object, sID=sID, ...) #Plot on the dyadic net

# The above method allowed to use existing generics 'plot' to create a new method. 
# The following that created a new generics stopped working for R version 4.03
# setGeneric("plot.Splinets",
#            function(object, x = NULL, sID = NULL, vknots = TRUE, type = "stnd", mrgn=2, ...){
#              standardGeneric("plot.Splinets")
#            }
# )
# setMethod(
#   "plot.Splinets","Splinets",
#   function(object, x = NULL, sID = NULL, vknots = TRUE, type = "stnd",mrgn=2, lwd=2, ...){
#     if(object@type == "sp" | type=="simple" ){
#       plot.spline(object, x, sID, vknots, ...)
#     } else if(object@type == "bs" & type== "stnd"){
#       plot.basis(object)
#     } else if(object@type %in% c("gsob", "tob") & type=="stdn"){
#       plot.obasis(object)
#     } else if(object@type %in% c("dspnt", "ndspnt")){
#       plot.splinet(object,lwd,mrgn)
#     }
# })

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Splinets documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:24 p.m.