
Defines functions stamppGmatrix

Documented in stamppGmatrix

#' Genomic Relationship Calculation
#' This function calculates a genomic relationship matrix following the method decribed by Yang et al (2010)
#' @param geno a data frame containing allele frequency data generated from stamppConvert, or a genlight object containing genotype data, individual IDs, population IDs and ploidy levels
#' @return An object of class matrix which contains the genomic relationship values between each individual
#' @examples
#' # import genotype data and convert to allele frequecies
#' data(potato.mini, package="StAMPP")
#' potato.freq <- stamppConvert(potato.mini, "r")
#' # Calculate genomic relationship values between each individual
#' potato.fst <- stamppGmatrix(potato.freq)
#' @author Luke Pembleton <luke.pembleton at agriculture.vic.gov.au>
#' @references Yang J, Benyamin B, McEvoy BP, et al (2010) Common SNPs explain a large proportion of the heritability for human height. Nat Genet 42, 565-569. <doi:10.1038/ng.608>
#' @import adegenet
#' @importFrom utils object.size
#' @export
stamppGmatrix <- function(geno){

  if(class(geno)=="genlight"){  #if input file is a genlight object convert to a data.frame

    geno2 <- geno

    geno <- as.matrix(geno2) #extract genotype data from genlight object
    sample <- row.names(geno) #individual names
    pop.names <- pop(geno2) #population names
    ploidy <- ploidy(geno2) #ploidy level
    geno=geno*(1/ploidy) #convert genotype data (number of allele 2) to precentage allele frequency
    format <- vector(length=length(geno[,1]))

    pops <- unique(pop.names) #population names

    pop.num <- vector(length=length(geno[,1])) #create vector of population ID numbers

    for (i in 1:length(geno[,1])){
      pop.num[i]=which(pop.names[i]==pops) #assign population ID numbers to individuals

    genoLHS <- as.data.frame(cbind(sample, pop.names, pop.num, ploidy, format), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    geno <- cbind(genoLHS, geno) #combine genotype data with labels to form stampp geno file





  geno <- geno[,-5] #remove format information

  totalind <- length(geno[,1]) #number of individuals

  simple.geno <- 1-geno[5:(length(geno[1,]))] #inverse genotype data, ie from 0=BB to 0=AA

  p <- colMeans(simple.geno, na.rm=TRUE) #allele frequency at each loci

  p <- as.matrix(t(p), nrow=1, ncol=length(p))

  simple.geno <- simple.geno*2 #Convert allele frequency format to 0-to-2 format, ie 0=AA, 1=AB, 2=BB, 0.5=AAAB... etc.

  ### Calculation of genomic relationship and inbreeding coefficient ###

  p.dup <- p[rep(1, totalind),] #vector of allele freq of each snp in the dataset duplicated for each ind

  ###### stepwise calculation of genomic relationship values due to large matrix and memory restrictions ######

  #split.size <- floor(50/as.numeric(object.size(simple.geno)/1048576))*totalind #size of duplicated p matrix under 50mb

  split.size <- ceiling((50/as.numeric(object.size(simple.geno)/1048576))*totalind) #size of duplicated p matrix under 50mb

    splite.size=totalind #attempt split size the same as original p-matrix size --- may require computer with big memory
  splits <- ceiling((totalind*totalind)/split.size) #number of 50mb splits to perform
  pre.split <- 0

  xj.m2p <- as.matrix(simple.geno-(2*p.dup)) #xj - 2p
  xk.m2p <- xj.m2p #xk - 2p

  twop.1mp  <- (2*p*(1-p)) #2p(1 - p)

  xj.ids <- rep(1:totalind, totalind) #duplication ids for xj
  xk.ids <- (sort((rep(1:totalind, totalind)))) #duplication ids for xk


  if(split.size > 1){  #if split size is greater than 1, therefore xj,m2p.dup will be a 2dim matrix
    if(splits > 1){ #if dataset is too large and needs to be split
      for(i in 1:(splits-1)){ #stepwise calculation of genomic relationships based on 50mb split chuncks

        xj.m2p.dup <- (xj.m2p[xj.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(i*split.size)],])
        xk.m2p.dup <- (xk.m2p[xk.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(i*split.size)],])

        twop.1mp.dup <- twop.1mp[rep(1, split.size),]

        a <- c(a, rowMeans(((xj.m2p.dup*xk.m2p.dup)/twop.1mp.dup), na.rm=TRUE)) #estimted genomic relationships

        pre.split <- i


    if( length(((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind))>1 ){ #if final split size is >1 and therefore calculations are on a 2dim matrix

      xj.m2p.dup <- (xj.m2p[xj.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])
      xk.m2p.dup <- (xk.m2p[xk.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])

      twop.1mp.dup <- twop.1mp[rep(1, length(((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind))),]

      a <- c(a, rowMeans(((xj.m2p.dup*xk.m2p.dup)/twop.1mp.dup), na.rm=TRUE)) #estimted genomic relationships

    }else{ #if final split size is 1 and therefore calculations are on a vector

      xj.m2p.dup <- (xj.m2p[xj.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])
      xk.m2p.dup <- (xk.m2p[xk.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])

      twop.1mp.dup <- twop.1mp[rep(1, length(((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind))),]

      a <- c(a, mean(((xj.m2p.dup*xk.m2p.dup)/twop.1mp.dup), na.rm=TRUE)) #estimted genomic relationships

  }else{ #if split size is 1, therefore xj,m2p.dup will be a vector, therefore rowSums do not work
    if(splits > 1){ #if dataset is too large and needs to be split
      for(i in 1:(splits-1)){ #stepwise calculation of genomic relationships based on 50mb split chuncks

        xj.m2p.dup <- (xj.m2p[xj.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(i*split.size)],])
        xk.m2p.dup <- (xk.m2p[xk.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(i*split.size)],])

        twop.1mp.dup <- twop.1mp[rep(1, split.size),]

        a <- c(a, mean(((xj.m2p.dup*xk.m2p.dup)/twop.1mp.dup), na.rm=TRUE)) #estimted genomic relationships

        pre.split <- i


    xj.m2p.dup <- (xj.m2p[xj.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])
    xk.m2p.dup <- (xk.m2p[xk.ids[((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind)],])

    twop.1mp.dup <- twop.1mp[rep(1, length(((pre.split*split.size)+1):(totalind*totalind))),]

    a <- c(a, mean(((xj.m2p.dup*xk.m2p.dup)/twop.1mp.dup), na.rm=TRUE)) #estimted genomic relationships



  a <- matrix(a, nrow=totalind, ncol=totalind)

  f <- ((simple.geno^2)-((1+(2*p.dup))*simple.geno)+(2*(p.dup^2))) / ((2*p.dup)*(1-p.dup)) #inbreeding coefficient (F), j=k
  f <- rowMeans(f, na.rm=TRUE)

  diag(a)=(1+f) #inset 1+F into the diagonal of the relationship matrix




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StAMPP documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 9:07 a.m.