
"concarea" <- 
function(x, y, z, zname = deparse(substitute(z)), caname = deparse(substitute(z)), borders=NULL, logx = FALSE,
	ifjit = FALSE, ifrev = FALSE, ngrid = 100, ncp = 0, xlim = NULL, xcoord = "Easting", ycoord = 
	"Northing", ifbw = FALSE,x.logfinetick=c(2,5,10),y.logfinetick=c(2,5,10))
	# Original wrapper written by Graeme Bonham-Carter, April 2004, to prepare a concentration-
	# area plot as in GEODAS; input data consist of x, y & z, where x & y are coordinates on a 
	# plane, and z is the measured value at point (x,y).  The function uses the interpolation
	# routine in S+ and assumes that area is proportional to the count of grid points.  To be a
	# reasonable model the data points should be 'evenly' spread over the plane.  Interpolated
	# values outside the convex hull of observed data points are set to NA.  The interpolated
	# grid size is computed as (max(x) - min(x))/ngrid, with a default value of 100 for ngrid.
	# The user is prompted for the upper-left and bottom-right corners of a legend panel.
	# If logx = T the data are log-transformed prior to the interpolation step.  If ifjit = T
	# the x and y coordinates are jittered so that no duplicate locations exist, which can
	# cause function interp to fail.  If ifrev= T the empirical concentration-area function is
	# plotted from lowest value to highest.  Triangulation is used if ncp = 0 (default), values
	# of 2 and above result in partial derivatives being used and increased smoothing.  The 
	# plot x-axes are labelled with zname, this can be set to "" and no label is plotted.  The 
	# interpolated 'map' may be titled, often with the text that would be used as the x-axis 
	# label; if no title is required set caname = "".
	# Example: rg.caplot(UTME/1000,UTMN/1000,Cu,zname="",caname="Cu (mg/kg) in O-horizon soil", 
	#  logx=TRUE,ifrev=TRUE,xcoord="Kola Project UTM Easting (km)", 
	#  ycoord="Kola Project UTM Northing (km)")
	# If a "black and white" image is required for monochrome publication set ifbw = T. 

oldpar <- par(mar=c(4,6,4,2))
u <- na.exclude(cbind(x, y, abs(z)))

dx <- (max(u[, 1]) - min(u[, 1]))/ngrid
xo <- seq(from = min(u[, 1]), to = max(u[, 1]), by = dx)
yo <- seq(from = min(u[, 2]), to = max(u[, 2]), by = dx)
zlgnd <- deparse(substitute(z))
if(logx) {
	u[, 3] <- log10(u[, 3])
	zlgnd <- paste("Log10\n", deparse(substitute(z)))
#new <- interp.new(u[, 1], u[, 2], u[, 3], xo, yo, duplicate="median",extrap=TRUE)
new <- mba.surf(cbind(u[, 1], u[, 2], u[, 3]), no.X=length(xo), no.Y=length(yo),

if (is.null(borders)){
  #znew <- as.vector(new$z)
  znew <- as.vector(new$xyz.est$z)
else {
  bord <- get(eval(borders))
  #whichdraw=matrix(as.vector(new$z)*in.poly$vec.inout, nrow=length(xo))
  whichdraw=matrix(as.vector(new$xyz.est$z)*in.poly$vec.inout, nrow=length(xo))
  znew <- whichdraw[in.poly$vec.inout==TRUE]

	znew <- 10^znew
xlim <- range(znew)

# Concentration area plot:

oldpar <- par(mar=c(4,6,4,2))
conc <- znew[order(znew)]
cumarea <- seq(1, length(znew))/length(znew) * 100

plot(conc, cumarea, log="xy", xlab = zname, ylab ="% Cumulative area < values on x-axis", 
 main=paste("Concentration-area plot (n = ",length(conc),")",sep=""),
xlim = xlim, pch = 3,cex.lab=1.2,cex=0.7,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")

# Grid:

conc <- rev(conc)
plot(conc, cumarea, log="xy", xlab = zname, ylab ="% Cumulative area > values on x-axis", 
       main=paste("Concentration-area plot (n = ",length(conc),")",sep=""),
xlim = xlim, pch = 3,cex.lab=1.2,cex=0.7,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")

# Grid:


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