
Defines functions validateUtils

# Input validation
# Validate the input parameters passed to stepwise()
# Stop and exit if any error detected in input parameters
# @author Kai Hu, Junhui Li
validateUtils <- function(formula,
                          type = c("linear", "logit", "poisson", "cox", "gamma", "negbin"),
                          include = NULL,
                          strategy = c("forward", "backward", "bidirectional", "subset"),
                          metric = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "CP", "HQ", "HQc", "adjRsq", "SL", "SBC", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)"),
                          sle = 0.15,
                          sls = 0.15,
                          test_method_linear = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),
                          test_method_glm = c("Rao", "LRT"),
                          test_method_cox = c("efron", "breslow", "exact"),
													tolerance = 10e-7,
													weight = NULL,
                          best_n = Inf,
													num_digits = 6) {
	## check required parameters
	if(missing(data)) { 
		stop("'data' parameter is missing.") 
		if(!inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
			stop("'data' must be a data.frame class.")
	if(missing(formula)) { 
		stop("'formula' parameter is missing.") 
		if(!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
			stop("'formula' must be a formula class.")
	# response_variable_n <<- length(all.vars(formula[[2]]))
	 # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13217322/how-to-reliably-get-dependent-variable-name-from-formula-object
	if(!is.null(include)) {
		term_form <- terms(formula, data = data)
		x_name <- attr(term_form, "term.labels")
		if(!all(include %in% x_name)) {
			stop(paste0("'include' must be a subset of: c('",paste0(x_name,collapse = "','"),"')"))
	if(is.numeric(sle) & is.numeric(sls)) {
		if(sle <= 0 | sle > 1) {
			stop("'sle' shoule be a value from 0 to 1.")
		if(sls <= 0 | sls > 1) {
			stop("'sls' shoule be a value from 0 to 1.")
		stop("'sle' and 'sls' should be numeric.")
	## check 'metric' and 'test_method' according to 'type'
	linear_metric <- c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "CP", "HQ", "HQc", "adjRsq", "SL", "SBC", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)")
	glm_metric <- c("SL", "AIC", "AICc", "SBC", "HQ", "HQc", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)")
	#poisson_metric <- c("SL", "AIC", "AICc", "SBC", "HQ", "HQc", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)")
	#gamma_metric <- c("SL", "AIC", "AICc", "SBC", "HQ", "HQc", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)")
	cox_metric <- c("SL", "AIC", "AICc", "SBC", "HQ", "HQc", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)")
	if(type == "linear") {
		if(any(!metric %in% linear_metric)) {
			stop("for type 'linear': 'metric' should come from the c('", paste0(linear_metric, collapse = "','"),"').")
	  if(any(metric %in% c("BIC","CP"))){
	    x_name_orig <- getXname(formula, data)
	    y_name <- getYname(formula, data)
	    intercept <- getIntercept(formula, data, type = type) # char type
	    merged_include <- getMergedVar(include)
	    model_raw <- getModel(data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name_orig, y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method_cox)
	    if(model_raw$rank >= nrow(data)) {
	      stop("The 'metric' can not be 'CP' or 'BIC' when variable number is greater than the number of observation.")
	  if(n_y > 1) {
	    if(any(metric %in% c("BIC", "CP", "HQc", "IC(1)", "IC(3/2)", "adjRsq"))) {
	      stop("The 'metric' can not be 'BIC', 'CP', 'HQc', 'IC(1)', 'IC(3/2)', or 'adjRsq' when using multivariate multiple regression!")
		# if(any(strategy == "subset") & any(metric == "SL")) {
		# 	stop("metric = 'SL' is not allowed when strategy = 'subset'")
		# }
	  if(any(metric == "CP") & sigma_value == 0) {
	    stop("metric = 'CP' is not allowed when Estimate of pure error variance from fitting the full model(sigma_value) is 0")
	}else if(type == "logit" | type == "poisson" | type == "gamma") {
		if(any(!metric %in% glm_metric)) {
			stop("for type ",type,": 'metric' should come from the c('", paste0(glm_metric, collapse = "','"),"').")
	  type_glm <- switch(type,
	                     "logit" = "binomial",
	                     "poisson" = "poisson",
	                     "gamma" = "Gamma"
	  # check if Y separates X completely, if so, stop
	  # ref: https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faqwhat-is-complete-or-quasi-complete-separation-in-logistic-regression-and-what-are-some-strategies-to-deal-with-the-issue/
	    expr = {                      
	      glm(formula, data = data, weights = weight, family = type_glm)
	    error = function(e) {          
	      print("There was an error message.")
	    warning = function(w) {  
	      if (w$message %in% c("glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred", "glm.fit: algorithm did not converge")) {
	        stop("There is a perfect separation of data points, can not obtain a valid model fit.")
	}else if(type == 'cox') {
		if(any(!metric %in% cox_metric)) {
			stop("for type 'cox': 'metric' should come from the c('", paste0(cox_metric, collapse = "','"),"').")
	}else if(type == 'negbin') {
	  if(any(!metric %in% glm_metric)) {
	    stop("for type 'negbin': 'metric' should come from the c('", paste0(glm_metric, collapse = "','"),"').")
	## check 'tolerance'
	if(!is.numeric(tolerance)) {
		stop("the 'tolerance' must be a numeric value.")
	}else if (tolerance > 1 | tolerance < 0) {
		stop("the 'tolenrance' must be in range 0~1.")
	## check 'weights'
	if(!is.null(weight)) {
		if(!is.numeric(weight)) {
			stop("the 'weight' must be a numeric vector.")
		}else if(length(weight) != nrow(data)) {
			stop("the length of the 'weight' vector must equal the number of observation of dataset.")
	## check integer of 'best_n'
	if(!is.infinite(best_n)) {
		if(!best_n %% 1 == 0) {
			stop("the 'best_n' must be an integer.")
	## check if num_digits:
	if (!is.numeric(num_digits) || num_digits <= 0) {
	  stop("The 'num_digits' must be numeric and above 0!")

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