
Defines functions getCoefModel getTable4CoefModel getTable3ProcessSummary getStepwiseWrapper getFinalStepModel updateXinModel checkEnterOrRemove getGoodnessFit getCandStepModel getInitialStepwise initialProcessTable getNumberEffect getInitStepModelStat getAnovaStat getTable2TypeOfVariables getTable1SummaryOfParameters formatTable getSubsetWrapper getXNameSelected getFinalSubSet getInitialSubSet getModelFitStat getTestMethod getMulticolX getSigmaFullModel getModel getMergedVar getIntercept getYname getXname match_multiple_args

# Stepwise helper functions
# @author Junhui Li, Kai Hu, Xiaohuan Lu

match_multiple_args <- function(value, choice){
  value <- sapply(value, function(x) match.arg(x, choice))
  names(value) <- NULL

getXname <- function(formula, data) {
	term_form <- terms(formula, data = data)
	vars <- as.character(attr(term_form, "variables"))[ -1 ]
	x_name <- attr(term_form, "term.labels")

getYname <- function(formula, data) {
	term_form <- terms(formula, data = data)
	vars <- as.character(attr(term_form, "variables"))[ -1 ]
	y_name <- vars[attr(term_form, "response")]

getIntercept <- function(formula, data, type) {
	# for 'cox', we need to set intercept to NULL
	term_form <- terms(formula, data = data)
	if(type != 'cox') {
	  if(attr(term_form, "intercept") == 0) {
	    intercept <- "0"
	    intercept <- "1"
	  intercept <- '0'

getMergedVar <- function(include) {
	# obtain a single string concatenating all include variables by space
	if(is.character(include)) {
		merge_include_name <- paste0(include, collapse = " ")
	}else if(is.null(include)) {
		merge_include_name <- "NULL"

getModel <- function(data, type, intercept, x_name, y_name, weight, method = c("efron", "breslow", "exact")) {
	# create a new formula given explicit x, y, and intercept, bypassed the x being .
	formula_raw <- reformulate(c(intercept, x_name), y_name)
	if(type == 'linear') {
		## cannot perform multivariate multiple regression in glm() function
		#lm_raw <- glm(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weights, family = "gaussian")
		model_raw <- lm(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight)
	}else if(type == "logit") {
		model_raw <- glm(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight, family = "binomial")
	}else if(type == "poisson") {
	  model_raw <- glm(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight, family = "poisson")
	}else if(type == "gamma") {
	  model_raw <- glm(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight, family = "Gamma")
	}else if(type == 'cox') {
	  ## "method" is only used for cox regression
	  method <- match.arg(method)
		model_raw <- coxph(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight, method = method)
	}else if(type == "negbin") {
	  model_raw <- glm.nb(formula_raw, data = data, weights = weight)

getSigmaFullModel <- function(lmf, type, n_y) {
  if(type == "linear") {
    if(lmf$rank >= nrow(as.data.frame(lmf$residuals))) {
      sigma_value <- 0
      sigma_value <- sum(deviance(lmf)/df.residual(lmf))/n_y
    sigma_value <- 0

getMulticolX <- function(data, x_name, tolerance) {
	x_matrix <- as.matrix(data[, x_name])
	x_matrix_num <- apply(x_matrix, 2, function(x) {
	  if(is.character(x)) as.numeric(as.factor(x)) else as.numeric(x)
	qrx_list <- qr(x_matrix_num, tol = tolerance)
	rank0 <- qrx_list$rank
	pivot0 <- qrx_list$pivot
	if(rank0 < length(pivot0)) {
		multico_x <- colnames(qrx_list$qr)[pivot0[(rank0  +  1) : length(pivot0)]]
		multico_x <- "NULL"
	return(multico_x) # return multicollineared x_names

getTestMethod <- function(data, model_raw, type, metric, n_y, test_method_linear, test_method_glm, test_method_cox) {
	if(type == "linear") {
	  n_obs <- nrow(data)
	  # get sigma for BIC and CP
	  if(n_y == 1) {
	    test_method <- "F"
	    test_method <- test_method_linear
	}else if(type == "logit" | type == "poisson" | type == "gamma" | type == "negbin") {
	  test_method <- test_method_glm
	}else if(type == "cox") {
	  test_method <- test_method_cox

# For "subset", "forward", "backward", "bi - directional": each model needs to calculate PIC. 
# Fit Model Statistics
# Fit Model Statistics with least square or likelihood method to return an information criteria value 
# @param metric Information criteria, including AIC, AICc, BIC, CP, HQ, HQc, adjRsq and SBC
# @param fit Object of linear model or general linear model
# @param type "linear", "cox", "logit", "poisson", "gamma" and "negbin": to calculate information criteria value; for "linear", the "Least Square" method will be used; for others, "Maximum Likelyhood" method will be used.
# @param sigma_value Sigma value for calculation of 'BIC' and 'CP'

getModelFitStat <- function(metric = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "CP", "HQ", "HQc", "adjRsq", "SBC", "IC(3/2)", "IC(1)"), fit, type = c("linear", "logit", "poisson", "cox", "gamma", "negbin"), sigma_value) {
	# "LeastSquare" is for linear; "Likelihood" is for cox and logit; cox and logit are essentially the same except for sample size calculation.
	if (type == "linear") {
		resMatrix <- as.matrix(fit$residuals)
		SSEmatrix <- t(resMatrix) %*% resMatrix
		SSE <- abs(det(SSEmatrix))
		p <- fit$rank
		n <- nrow(resMatrix)
		#yName <- rownames(attr(fit$terms, "factors"))[1]
		vars <- as.character(attr(fit$terms, "variables"))[ -1 ]
		yName <- vars[attr(fit$terms, "response")]
		Y <- as.matrix(fit$model[, yName])
		nY <- ncol(Y)
		if(metric == "AIC") {
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 2*p*nY + nY*(nY + 1) + n
		}else if(metric == "AICc") {
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + n*(n + p)*nY/(n - p - nY - 1)
		}else if(metric == "CP") {
			PIC <- SSE/sigma_value + 2*p - n
		}else if(metric == "HQ") {
			#PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 2*log(log(n))*p*nY/n
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 2*log(log(n))*p*nY
		}else if(metric == "HQc") {
			#PIC <- n*log(SSE*SSE/n) + 2*log(log(n))*p*nY/(n - p - nY - 1)
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 2*log(log(n))*p*nY*n/(n - p - nY - 1)
		}else if(metric == "IC(1)") {
		  PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + p*nY + nY*(nY + 1) + n
		}else if(metric == "IC(3/2)") {
		  PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 1.5*p*nY + nY*(nY + 1) + n
		}else if(metric == "BIC") {
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + 2*(2 + p)*(n*sigma_value/SSE) - 2*(n*sigma_value/SSE)*(n*sigma_value/SSE)
		#}#else if(metric == "Rsq") {
			#PIC <- 1 - (SSE/SST)
			#PIC <- summary(fit)$r.squared
		}else if(metric == "adjRsq") {
			#PIC <- 1 - (SSE/SST)*(n - 1)/(n - p)
			PIC <- summary(fit)$adj.r.squared
		}else if(metric == "SBC") {
			PIC <- n*log(SSE/n) + log(n)*p*nY
	} else if (type %in% c("logit", "poisson", "cox", "gamma", "negbin")) {
		ll <- logLik(fit)[1]
		p <- attr(logLik(fit), "df")
		if (type == "cox") {
			n <- fit$nevent
		} else {
			n <- nrow(fit$data)
		if(metric == "IC(1)") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + p
		}else if(metric == "IC(3/2)") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + 1.5*p
		}else if(metric == "SBC") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + p*log(n)
		}else if(metric == "AICc") {
			#PIC <- -2*ll + 2*p*(p + 1)/(n - p - 1)
			PIC <- -2*ll + n*(n + p)/(n - p - 2)
		}else if(metric == "AIC") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + 2*p
		}else if(metric == "HQ") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + 2*p*log(log(n))
		}else if(metric == "HQc") {
			PIC <- -2*ll + 2*p*n*log(log(n))/(n - p - 2)

getInitialSubSet <- function(data, type, metric, y_name, intercept, include, weight, test_method, sigma_value) {
	# obtain the initial model information: if no include variable, return NULL, otherwise return a matrix containing columns of "NumberOfVariables", metric, and "VariablesInModel"
	# metric refers to PIC method, e.g. AIC, BIC, etc. for "logit" and "cox" type, if metric is "SL", the PIC is calculated differently
  initial_process_table <- NULL
  if (length(include) != 0) {
    initial_process_table <- data.frame(NumberOfVariables=numeric(),
    colnames(initial_process_table) <- c("NumberOfVariables", metric, "VariablesInModel")
    x_fit <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(intercept, include), y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)

    if(metric == "SL") {
      if(type == "cox") {
        pic_set <- x_fit$score
      }else {
        fit_reduce <- switch(type,
                             "logit"   = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "binomial"),
                             "poisson" = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "poisson"),
                             "gamma"   = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "Gamma"),
                             "negbin"  = glm.nb(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight),
                             "linear"  = lm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight)
        f_pic_vec <- getAnovaStat(add_or_remove = "add", include = include, fit_reduced = fit_reduce, fit_full = x_fit, type = type, test_method = test_method)
        pic_set <- f_pic_vec[1]
      pic_set <- getModelFitStat(metric, x_fit, type, sigma_value)
    initial_process_table[1, 1:3] <- c(as.numeric(intercept) + length(include), pic_set, paste(intercept, include, sep = " "))

getFinalSubSet <- function(data, type, metric, x_notin_model, initial_process_table, y_name, include, weight, intercept, best_n = Inf, test_method, sigma_value) {
	process_table <- initial_process_table
	for (nv in 1:length(x_notin_model)) {
		com_table <- as.data.frame(combn(x_notin_model, nv))
		n_test <- ncol(com_table)
		com_var <- apply(com_table, 2, paste, collapse = " ")
		sub_process_table <- matrix(rep(c(nv + length(include) + as.numeric(intercept), NA), each = n_test), n_test, 2)
		com_var_df <- cbind(paste(intercept, include, sep = " "), data.frame(com_var))
		com_var_set <- apply(com_var_df, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
		sub_process_table <- data.frame(sub_process_table, c(com_var_set))
		colnames(sub_process_table) <- c("NumberOfVariables", metric, "VariablesInModel")
		colnames(com_table) <- com_var_set
		x_test_list <- as.list(com_table)
		x_name_list <- lapply(x_test_list, function(x) {c(intercept, include, x)})
		x_fit_list <- lapply(x_name_list, function(x) {getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = x, y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)})
		if(metric == "SL") {
		  if(type == "cox") {
		    pic_set <- sapply(x_fit_list, function(x) {x$score})
		  }else {
		    fit_reduce <- switch(type,
		                         "logit"   = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "binomial"),
		                         "poisson" = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "poisson"),
		                         "gamma"   = glm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight, family = "Gamma"),
		                         "negbin"  = glm.nb(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight),
		                         "linear"  = lm(reformulate(intercept, y_name), data = data, weights = weight)
		    f_pic_vec <- sapply(x_fit_list, function(x) {getAnovaStat(add_or_remove = "add", include = include, fit_reduced = fit_reduce, fit_full = x, type = type, test_method = test_method)})
		    pic_set <- f_pic_vec[1, ]
		  pic_set <- sapply(x_fit_list, function(x) {getModelFitStat(metric, x, type, sigma_value)})
		sub_process_table[, 2] <- pic_set
		if (metric %in% c("SL", "adjRsq")) {
		  # "Rsq" and "adjRsq" are for type "linear"; "SL" is for type "logit" and "cox"
		  decreasing = TRUE
		} else{
		  decreasing = FALSE
		sub_process_table_sort <- sub_process_table[order(sub_process_table[, 2], decreasing = decreasing), ]
		if(nrow(sub_process_table_sort) < best_n) {
		  best_n_model <- nrow(sub_process_table_sort)
		  best_n_model <- best_n
		process_table <- rbind(process_table, sub_process_table_sort[1:best_n_model, ])

getXNameSelected <- function(process_table, metric) {
	if (metric %in% c("SL", "adjRsq")) {
		# "Rsq" and "adjRsq" are for type "linear"; "SL" is for type "logit" and "cox"
		x_name_selected <- unlist(strsplit(process_table[which.max(as.numeric(process_table[, metric])), 3], " "))
	} else{
		x_name_selected <- unlist(strsplit(process_table[which.min(as.numeric(process_table[, metric])), 3], " "))
  x_name_selected <- x_name_selected[!x_name_selected %in% ""]

getSubsetWrapper <- function(data, type, metric, x_name, y_name, intercept, include, weight, best_n, test_method, sigma_value) {
  # a wrapper to obtain x_name_selected
	## obtain initial model info
	initial_process_table <- getInitialSubSet(data, type, metric, y_name, intercept, include, weight = weight, test_method, sigma_value)
	## obtain final model info
	x_notin_model <- setdiff(x_name, include)
	process_table <- getFinalSubSet(data, type, metric, x_notin_model, initial_process_table, y_name, include, weight = weight, intercept, best_n, test_method, sigma_value)
	## add rownames to sort the variables in process_table when output
	rownames(process_table) <- c(1:nrow(process_table))

formatTable <- function(tbl, tbl_name = "Test") {
	tbl_list <- list(tbl)
	names(tbl_list) <- tbl_name
	class(tbl_list) <- "StepReg"

getTable1SummaryOfParameters <- function(data, type, x_name, y_name, merged_multico_x, 
																				 merged_include, strategy, metric, sle, sls, 
																				 test_method, tolerance, intercept) {
	# generate: table1: Summary of Parameters
	table_1_summary_of_parameters <- data.frame(
		Parameter = c("included variable", 
									"significance level for entry (sle)", 
									"significance level for stay (sls)", 
									"test method", 
									"tolerance of multicollinearity", 
									"multicollinearity variable", 
		Value = c(merged_include, 
		          paste0(strategy, collapse=" & "), 
							paste0(metric, collapse=" & "), 
	if(type == 'cox') {
	  # "intercept" is not relevant
	  table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters[-9, ]
	# get rid of unrelevant variables from table 1:
	if(any(metric %in% "SL")) {
	  if(any(strategy == "bidirection") | (any(strategy == "forward") & any(strategy == "backward"))) {
	    table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters
	  }else if(any(strategy == "forward") & (!any(strategy == "bidirection") & !any(strategy == "backward"))) {
	    table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters[-5, ]
	  }else if(any(strategy == "backward") & (!any(strategy == "bidirection") & !any(strategy == "forward"))) {
	    table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters[-4, ]
	    table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters[-c(4:5), ]
	}else if(!any(metric %in% "SL") & type != 'cox') {
		table_1_summary_of_parameters <- table_1_summary_of_parameters[-c(4:6), ]

getTable2TypeOfVariables <- function(model) {
  x_name <- getXname(formula(model), model.frame(model))
  y_name <- getYname(formula(model), model.frame(model))
  class_var <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")
  class_table <- matrix(c(names(class_var), class_var), ncol=2)
  table2_class_table <- cbind(NA, class_table)
  table2_class_table[class_table[, 1] %in% y_name, 1] <- "Dependent"
  table2_class_table[!class_table[, 1] %in% y_name, 1] <- "Independent"
  colnames(table2_class_table) <- c("Variable_type", "Variable_name", "Variable_class")
  rownames(table2_class_table) <- NULL

#note1: test_method_linear should be 'F' for univariate and c(“Pillai”, “Wilks”, “Hotelling-Lawley”, “Roy”) for multivariates, so cant use summary() to get p value for multivariates.
#note2: for cox regression, no matter what the parameter is in test="x" of anova(), always return the same p value. 
# 1) Wald test p value can only obtained from summary(). 
# 2) cannot select 'Rao' or 'LRT' in anova for effect entered.
#note3: for logit/poison/gamma regression, 
#1) Wald test p value obtained from summary(), since we dont know if test='chisq' in anova is for wald test. 
#2) can select 'Rao' or 'LRT' in anova for effect entered.
#3) for factor effect in formula, xname1(for example sex) in formula is different with ones(for example sex1 and sex2) in summary(), we need to keep the min p value of paste("set",c(1:2)), and then rename it with 'sex'.
#getAnovaStat(fit_reduced = x_fit_list[[1]], fit_full = fit_x_in_model, type = type, test_method = test_method)
getAnovaStat <- function(add_or_remove = "add", intercept, include, fit_reduced, fit_full, type, test_method) {
  if (type == "linear") {
    ptype <- 'Pr(>F)'
    if(test_method %in% c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy")) {
      stattype <- 'approx F'
      stattype <- 'F'
  } else if (type == "logit" | type == "poisson" | type == "gamma" | type == "negbin") {
    if(add_or_remove == "add") {
      if(test_method == "Rao") {
        stattype <- "Rao"
      }else if(test_method == "LRT") {
        stattype <- "Deviance"
      ptype <- 'Pr(>Chi)'
      stattype <- "z value"
      ptype <- 'Pr(>|z|)'
  } else if (type == "cox") {
    # need to update for wald test
    if(add_or_remove == "add") {
      test_method <- ""
      ptype <- c('P(>|Chi|)', 'Pr(>|Chi|)')
      stattype <- "Chisq"
      stattype <- "z"
      ptype <- 'Pr(>|z|)'
  if(type != "linear" & add_or_remove == "remove") { #wald test for logit and cox with add_or_remove = "remove"
    stat_table <- coef(summary(fit_full))
    stat_table[, stattype] <- stat_table[, stattype]^2
    ptype <- colnames(stat_table)[colnames(stat_table) %in% ptype]
    xlevels <- fit_full$xlevels
    if(length(xlevels) > 0) {
      #xlevels <- xlevels[which(!names(xlevels) %in% include)]
      factor_min_name <- vector( "character", length(xlevels))
      names(factor_min_name) <- names(xlevels)
      for(i in 1:length(xlevels)) {
        sub_levels_pos <- which(rownames(stat_table) %in% paste0(names(xlevels)[i], xlevels[[i]]))
        xvec <- stat_table[sub_levels_pos, ptype]
        names(xvec) <- rownames(stat_table)[sub_levels_pos]
        factor_min_name[i] <- names(xvec)[xvec %in% min(xvec, na.rm = TRUE)]
      x_name <- sort(getXname(fit_full))
      names(x_name) <- x_name
      x_name <- x_name[!x_name %in% include]
      select_x <- c(x_name[!names(x_name) %in% names(factor_min_name)], factor_min_name)
      stat_table <- stat_table[rownames(stat_table) %in% c(select_x), ]
      if(!is.matrix(stat_table)) {
        stat_table <- matrix(stat_table, nrow = 1, byrow = FALSE)
        colnames(stat_table) <- colnames(coef(summary(fit_full)))
      rownames(stat_table) <- names(select_x)
    if(intercept == "1" & length(xlevels) == 0) {
      if(nrow(stat_table) ==2 ) {
        stat_table <- stat_table[-1, , drop = FALSE]
      } else {
        stat_table <- stat_table[-1,]
    pic_set <- stat_table[, ptype]
    names(pic_set) <- rownames(stat_table)
    statistics <- stat_table[, stattype]
    names(statistics) <- rownames(stat_table)
    #maxPVar <- rownames(stat_table)[which.max(pic_set)]
    pic <- list(pic_set[!names(pic_set) %in% include])
    statistics <- list(statistics[!names(statistics) %in% include])
    # maxPVar <- names(which.max(pic_set))
    # statistics <- stat_table[maxPVar, stattype]
    # pic <- stat_table[maxPVar, ptype]
  } else {
    stat_table <- anova(fit_reduced, fit_full, test = test_method)
    ptype <- names(stat_table)[names(stat_table) %in% ptype]
    statistics <- stat_table[2, stattype]
    pic <- stat_table[2, ptype]
  return(c("statistics" = statistics, "pic" = pic))

## get pic based on model fit, it needs fit_reduced and fit_full for SL and only fit_formula for other metrics
## used in stepwise in step0: SL:0, 1, inf  non - SL:
## fit_fm<- fit_intercept
getInitStepModelStat <- function(fit_intercept, fit_fm, type, strategy, metric, intercept, include, test_method, sigma_value) {
  if(metric == "SL") {
    if(!is.null(include)) {
      if(all(include %in% attr(fit_fm$terms, "term.labels")) & strategy != "backward") {
        #add_or_remove, intercept, fit_reduced, fit_full, type, test_method
        f_pic_vec <- getAnovaStat(add_or_remove = "add", include = include, fit_reduced = fit_intercept, fit_full = fit_fm, type = type, test_method = test_method)
        pic <- f_pic_vec["pic"]
        pic <- 1
      pic <- 1
    if(strategy == "backward") {
      pic <- getModelFitStat(metric, fit_fm, type, sigma_value)
      if(!is.null(include)) {
        if(all(include %in% attr(fit_fm$terms, "term.labels"))) {
          pic <- getModelFitStat(metric, fit_fm, type, sigma_value)
          if(intercept == '1') {
            pic <- getModelFitStat(metric, fit_fm, type, sigma_value)
            if(metric %in% c("adjRsq") & type == "linear") {
              pic <- 0
              pic <- Inf
        if(intercept == '1') {
          pic <- getModelFitStat(metric, fit_fm, type, sigma_value)
          if(metric %in% c("adjRsq") & type == "linear") {
            pic <- 0
            pic <- Inf

#return 3 num for IC and remove 1st of 3 num for SL
getNumberEffect <- function(fit, type) {
  if(type == "linear") {
    vec <- c(length(attr(fit$terms, "term.labels")) + attr(fit$terms,"intercept"), fit$rank)
  }else if(type == "logit" | type == "poisson" | type == "gamma" | type == "negbin") {
    vec <- c(fit$rank, fit$rank)
  }else if(type == "cox") {
    vec <- c(attr(logLik(fit), "df"), attr(logLik(fit), "df"))

initialProcessTable <- function(metric) {
  sub_init_process_table <- data.frame(Step = numeric(), 
                               EffectEntered = character(), 
                               EffectRemoved = character(), 
                               NumberEffect = numeric(), 
                               NumberParams = numeric(), 
                               metric = numeric())
  colnames(sub_init_process_table)[ncol(sub_init_process_table)] <- metric
  #colnames(sub_init_process_table)[ncol(sub_init_process_table)] <- ifelse(metric == "SL", "PValue", metric)

getInitialStepwise <- function(data, type, strategy, metric, intercept, include, x_name, y_name, weight, test_method, sigma_value) {
  sub_init_process_table <- initialProcessTable(metric)
  process_table <- sub_init_process_table
  if(strategy == "backward") {
    add_or_remove <- "remove"
    #the order of variable in x_in_model will affect pic calculation.
    x_in_model <- c(setdiff(x_name, include))
    x_notin_model <- NULL
    fit_full <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(include, x_in_model), y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)
    pic <- getInitStepModelStat(fit_intercept = NULL, fit_fm = fit_full, type = type, strategy = strategy, metric = metric, intercept = intercept, include = include, test_method = test_method, sigma_value)
    num_eff_para_in <- getNumberEffect(fit = fit_full, type = type)
    process_table[1, ] <- c(rep("", 3), num_eff_para_in, pic)
    add_or_remove <- "add"
    x_in_model <- NULL
    x_notin_model <- setdiff(x_name, include)
    ## for intercept
    fit_intercept <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = NULL, y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)
    pic <- getInitStepModelStat(fit_intercept = fit_intercept, fit_fm = fit_intercept, type = type, strategy = strategy, metric = metric, intercept = intercept, include = include, test_method = test_method, sigma_value)
    num_eff_para_in <- getNumberEffect(fit = fit_intercept, type = type)
    process_table[1, ] <- c("", intercept, "", num_eff_para_in, pic)
    ## for include
    if(!is.null(include)) {
      fit_include <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = include, y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)
      pic <- getInitStepModelStat(fit_intercept = fit_intercept, fit_fm = fit_include, type = type, strategy = strategy, metric = metric, intercept = intercept, include = include, test_method = test_method, sigma_value)
      num_eff_para_in <- getNumberEffect(fit = fit_include, type = type)
      #sub_init_process_table[1, ] <- c("", paste0(include, collapse = " "), "", abs(anova(fit_include, fit_intercept)[2, 'Df']), num_eff_para_in[-1], pic)
      sub_init_process_table[1, ] <- c("", paste0(include, collapse = " "), "", num_eff_para_in, pic)
      process_table <- rbind(process_table, sub_init_process_table)
  process_table$Step <- c(1:nrow(process_table))
  return(list("add_or_remove" = add_or_remove, "x_in_model" = x_in_model, "x_notin_model" = x_notin_model, "process_table" = process_table))

getCandStepModel <- function(add_or_remove, data, type, metric, weight, y_name, x_in_model, x_notin_model, intercept, include, test_method, sigma_value) {
  fit_x_in_model <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(include, x_in_model), y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)
  if(add_or_remove == "add") {
    x_test <- x_notin_model
    x_test <- x_in_model
  if(length(x_test) == 0) {
  x_test_list <- as.list(x_test)
  names(x_test_list) <- x_test

  if(BREAK == FALSE) {
    if(add_or_remove == "add") {
      x_name_list <- lapply(x_test_list, function(x) {c(x_in_model, x)})
      x_name_list <- lapply(x_test_list, function(x) {setdiff(x_in_model, x)})
    x_fit_list <- lapply(x_name_list, function(x) {getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(include, x), y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)})
    if(metric == "SL") {
      if(type != "linear" & add_or_remove == "remove") {
        f_pic_vec <- getAnovaStat(add_or_remove = "remove", intercept = intercept, include = include, fit_full = fit_x_in_model, type = type, test_method = test_method)
        pic_set <- f_pic_vec[[2]]
        f_set <- f_pic_vec[[1]]
        # var_set <- f_pic_vec[3]
        # names(pic_set) <- var_set
        # names(f_set) <- var_set
        f_pic_vec <- sapply(x_fit_list, function(x) {getAnovaStat(add_or_remove = add_or_remove, include = include, fit_reduced = x, fit_full = fit_x_in_model, type = type, test_method = test_method)})
        pic_set <- f_pic_vec[2, ]
        f_set <- f_pic_vec[1, ]
        names(pic_set) <- colnames(f_pic_vec)
        names(f_set) <- colnames(f_pic_vec)
    } else {
      if(add_or_remove == "remove" & length(x_test) == 1 & intercept == "0") {
        if(metric == 'adjRsq'){
          pic_set <- 0
        } else {
          pic_set <- Inf
        names(pic_set) <- x_test
        pic_set <- sapply(x_fit_list, function(x) {getModelFitStat(metric, x, type, sigma_value)})
    if(metric == "adjRsq" | (metric == "SL" & add_or_remove == "remove")) {
      pic <- max(pic_set)
      minmax_var <- names(which.max(pic_set))
      best_candidate_model <- x_fit_list[[minmax_var]]
    } else {
      pic <- min(pic_set)
      minmax_var <- names(which.min(pic_set))
      best_candidate_model <- x_fit_list[[minmax_var]]
      if(sum(pic_set %in% pic) > 1 & metric == "SL") {
        Fvalue <- max(f_set)
        minmax_var <- names(which.max(f_set))
        best_candidate_model <- x_fit_list[[minmax_var]]
        pic <- pic_set[minmax_var]
    if(type != "cox") {
      if(best_candidate_model$rank == fit_x_in_model$rank & add_or_remove == "add") {
        BREAK <- TRUE
    return(list("pic" = pic, "minmax_var" = minmax_var, "best_candidate_model" = best_candidate_model, "BREAK" = BREAK, "pic_list" = pic_set))
    return(list("BREAK" = BREAK))

getGoodnessFit <- function(best_candidate_model, y_name, metric) {
  smr <- summary(best_candidate_model)
  n_y <- ncol(as.matrix(best_candidate_model$model[, y_name]))
  if(n_y == 1) {
    f <- smr$fstatistic
    t <- smr
    if(is.nan(f[1])) {
      pval <- NaN
      pval <- pf(f[1], f[2], f[3], lower.tail = F)
    for(ny in 1:n_y) {
      f <- smr[[ny]]$fstatistic
      if(is.nan(f[1])) {
        pval <- NaN
        pval <- pf(f[1], f[2], f[3], lower.tail = F)
  if(is.nan(pval) == TRUE & (metric != 'adjRsq')) {

checkEnterOrRemove <- function(add_or_remove, best_candidate_model, type, metric, sle, sls, y_name, pic, process_table) {
  if(metric == 'SL') {
    if(add_or_remove == "remove") {
      indicator <- pic > sls
      indicator <- pic < sle
  }else if(metric == 'adjRsq') {
    indicator <- pic > as.numeric(process_table[nrow(process_table), 6])
    indicator <- pic <= as.numeric(process_table[nrow(process_table), 6])
  if(indicator == TRUE & type == "linear" & (metric != "adjRsq")) {
    if(best_candidate_model$rank != 0) {
      BREAK <- getGoodnessFit(best_candidate_model, y_name, metric)
  return(c("indicator" = indicator, "BREAK" = BREAK))

updateXinModel <- function(add_or_remove, indicator, best_candidate_model, type, metric, BREAK, pic, x_in_model, x_notin_model, process_table, minmax_var, pic_list) {
  sub_init_process_table <- initialProcessTable(metric)
  if(indicator == TRUE & BREAK == FALSE) {
    if(add_or_remove == "add") {
      x_in_model <- append(x_in_model, minmax_var)
      x_notin_model <- setdiff(x_notin_model, minmax_var)
      sub_init_process_table[1, ] <- c(as.numeric(process_table[nrow(process_table), 1]) + 1, minmax_var, "", getNumberEffect(fit = best_candidate_model, type), pic)
      x_notin_model <- append(x_notin_model, minmax_var)
      x_in_model <- setdiff(x_in_model, minmax_var)
      sub_init_process_table[1, ] <- c(as.numeric(process_table[nrow(process_table), 1]) + 1, "", minmax_var, getNumberEffect(fit = best_candidate_model, type), pic)
    process_table <- rbind(process_table, sub_init_process_table)
    #process_table[nrow(process_table), 1] <- as.numeric(process_table[1, nrow(process_table) - 1])  +  1
    pic_set <- unlist(pic_list)
    pic_set <- NULL
  return(list("BREAK" = BREAK, "process_table" = process_table, "x_in_model" = x_in_model, "x_notin_model" = x_notin_model, "pic_set" = pic_set))

getFinalStepModel <- function(add_or_remove, data, type, strategy, metric, sle, sls, weight, y_name, x_in_model, x_notin_model, intercept, include, process_table, test_method, sigma_value) {
  pic_df <- NULL
  while(TRUE) {
    out_cand_stepwise <- getCandStepModel(add_or_remove, data, type, metric, weight = weight, y_name, x_in_model, x_notin_model, intercept, include, test_method, sigma_value)
    BREAK <- out_cand_stepwise$BREAK
    minmax_var <- out_cand_stepwise$minmax_var
    if(BREAK == TRUE) {
    best_candidate_model <- out_cand_stepwise$best_candidate_model
    pic <- out_cand_stepwise$pic
    pic_list <- list(sort(out_cand_stepwise$pic_list))
    out_check <- checkEnterOrRemove(add_or_remove, best_candidate_model, type, metric, sle, sls, y_name, pic, process_table)
    indicator <- out_check["indicator"]
    BREAK <- out_check["BREAK"]
    if(BREAK == TRUE) {
    out_updateX <- updateXinModel(add_or_remove, indicator, best_candidate_model, type, metric, BREAK, pic, x_in_model, x_notin_model, process_table, minmax_var, pic_list)
    x_in_model <- out_updateX$x_in_model
    x_notin_model <- out_updateX$x_notin_model
    process_table <- out_updateX$process_table
    pic_set <- out_updateX$pic_set
    if(!is.null(pic_set)) {
      pic_df <- rbind(pic_df,data.frame(strategy, metric, step = process_table[nrow(process_table),1], "variable" = names(pic_set), "value" = pic_set))
    # stop stepwise infinite loops
    # enter remove
    # x1
    #       x1(stop here)
    # enter remove     
    #       x1(stop here)
    # x1
    if(nrow(process_table) > 1) {
      last2_step <- process_table[nrow(process_table) -1 , ]
      last1_step <- process_table[nrow(process_table), ]
      if(last2_step[, 2] != "" & last2_step[, 2] == last1_step[, 3]) {
      }else if(last2_step[, 3] == last1_step[, 2] & last1_step[, 2] != "") {
        process_table <- process_table[ - nrow(process_table), ]
    if(indicator == TRUE) {
      if(strategy == 'bidirection') {
        if(add_or_remove == "remove") {
          add_or_remove <- "remove"
      if(strategy == 'bidirection' & add_or_remove == "remove") {
        add_or_remove <- "add"
  if(type == "cox" && strategy != "backward") {
    process_table <- process_table[-1, ]
    process_table$Step <- as.numeric(process_table$Step) - 1
  return(list("process_table" = process_table, "x_in_model" = x_in_model, "x_notin_model" = x_notin_model, "pic_df" = pic_df))

getStepwiseWrapper <- function(data, type, strategy, metric, sle, sls, weight, x_name, y_name, intercept, include, test_method, sigma_value) {
  fit_full <- getModel(data = data, type = type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(include, x_name), y_name = y_name, weight = weight, method = test_method)
  out_init_stepwise <- getInitialStepwise(data, type = type, strategy, metric, intercept, include, x_name, y_name, weight = weight, test_method = test_method, sigma_value)
  add_or_remove <- out_init_stepwise$add_or_remove
  x_in_model <- out_init_stepwise$x_in_model
  x_notin_model <- out_init_stepwise$x_notin_model
  process_table <- out_init_stepwise$process_table
  rownames(process_table) <- NULL
  pic_df_init <- data.frame(strategy, metric, process_table[,c(1:2,6)])
  colnames(pic_df_init)[c(3:5)] <- c("step","variable","value")
  ## get final stepwise model
  out_final_stepwise <- getFinalStepModel(add_or_remove, data, type = type, strategy, metric, sle, sls, weight = weight, y_name, x_in_model, x_notin_model, intercept, include, process_table, test_method, sigma_value)
  if(type == "cox") {
    if(strategy == "backward"){
      Selection <- rep("Remove",nrow(pic_df_init))
    } else {
      pic_df_init <- pic_df_init[-1,]
      out_final_stepwise$pic_df$step <- as.numeric(out_final_stepwise$pic_df$step) - 1
      if(nrow(pic_df_init) > 0){
        Selection <- rep("Entry",nrow(pic_df_init))
        pic_df_init$step <- pic_df_init$step - 1
      } else {
        Selection <- NULL
  } else {
    if(strategy == "backward"){
      Selection <- rep("Remove",nrow(pic_df_init))
    } else {
      Selection <- rep("Entry",nrow(pic_df_init))
  for (i in out_final_stepwise$process_table$Step) {
    sub_process_table <- out_final_stepwise$process_table[out_final_stepwise$process_table$Step %in% i,]
    sub_pic_df <- out_final_stepwise$pic_df[out_final_stepwise$pic_df$step %in% i,]
    if(nrow(sub_pic_df) > 0){
      sub_var <- sub_process_table[,c(2,3)][!sub_process_table[,c(2,3)] %in% ""]
      if(colnames(sub_var) == "EffectEntered"){
        selected_index <- "Entry"
      } else if(colnames(sub_var) == "EffectRemoved") {
        selected_index <- "Remove"
      sub_pic_df$value[sub_pic_df$variable %in% sub_var] <- selected_index
      sub_pic_df$value[!sub_pic_df$variable %in% sub_var] <- "No"
      Selection <- append(Selection,sub_pic_df$value)
  pic_df <- rbind(pic_df_init,out_final_stepwise$pic_df)
  pic_df$value <- as.numeric(pic_df$value)
  pic_df$step <- as.numeric(pic_df$step)
  pic_df$Selection <- Selection

  out_final_stepwise$pic_df <- pic_df

getTable3ProcessSummary <- function(data, type, strategy, metric, sle, sls, weight, x_name, y_name, intercept, include, best_n, test_method, sigma_value, num_digits) {
  table3_process_table_metric <- list()
  x_final_model_metric <- list()
  pic_df <- NULL
  vote_df <- NULL
  table3 <- list()
  for(stra in strategy) {
    for(met in metric) {
      if(stra == "subset") {
        table3_process_table <- getSubsetWrapper(data, type = type, met, x_name, y_name, intercept, include, weight = weight, best_n, test_method, sigma_value)
        if(met != "SL"){
          x_final_model <- getXNameSelected(table3_process_table,met)
      } else {
        out_final_stepwise <- getStepwiseWrapper(data, type = type, stra, met, sle, sls, weight = weight, x_name, y_name, intercept, include, test_method, sigma_value)
        pic_df <- rbind(pic_df, out_final_stepwise$pic_df)
        table3_process_table <- out_final_stepwise$process_table
        remove_col <- NULL
        if(stra == "forward") {
          remove_col <- "EffectRemoved"
        } else if(stra == "backward") {
          remove_col <- "EffectEntered"
        table3_process_table <- table3_process_table[,!colnames(table3_process_table) %in% remove_col]
        if(all(table3_process_table[,"NumberEffect"] == table3_process_table[,"NumberParams"])) {
          table3_process_table <- table3_process_table[,!colnames(table3_process_table) %in% "NumberEffect"]
        x_final_model <- c(intercept, include, out_final_stepwise$x_in_model)
      #table3_process_table[,met] <- table3_process_table[,met] %>% as.numeric() %>% round(num_digits) %>% as.character()
      table3_process_table[,met] <- table3_process_table[,met] %>% as.numeric()
      table3[[paste0("Summary of selection process under ",stra," with ",met,collapse="")]] <- table3_process_table %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, num_digits) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric,as.character) # to keep digits as we expected, convert numeric to character for html output.
      if(!(stra == "subset" & met == "SL")) {
        x_final_model_metric[[stra]][[met]] <- x_final_model
        vote_df <- rbind(vote_df,data.frame(deparse1(reformulate(x_final_model, y_name)),paste0(stra,":",met)))
  return(list('final_variable' = x_final_model_metric, 'vote_df' = vote_df, 'table3' = table3, "pic_df" = pic_df))

getTable4CoefModel <- function(type = type, strategy, metric, intercept, include, x_final_model_metric, y_name, n_y, data, weight, test_method_cox, num_digits) {
  table4_coef_model_metric <- list()
  table4 <- list()
  for(stra in strategy) {
    table4_coef_model_metric[[stra]] <- getCoefModel(type = type, intercept, include, x_final_model_metric[[stra]], y_name, n_y, data, weight, test_method_cox)
    for(met in metric) {
      if(!(stra == "subset" & met == "SL")) {
        table4_coef_model <- table4_coef_model_metric[[stra]][[met]]
        for(i in names(table4_coef_model)) {
          table4[[paste0("Summary of coefficients for the selected model with ", i, " under ",stra," and ",met,sep=" ")]] <- table4_coef_model[[i]] %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, num_digits) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric,as.character)

# not called:
# getTable4FinalVariable <- function(all_x_in_model) {
#   variables <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(all_x_in_model)))
#   colnames(variables) <- paste0("variable", 1:ncol(variables))
#   rownames(variables) <- c("x in model")
#   #table4 <- formatTable(variables, tbl_name = "Table 4. Selected Varaibles")
#   table4 <- variables
#   return(table4)
# }

getCoefModel <- function(type, intercept, include, x_in_model_metric, y_name, n_y, data, weight, test_method) {
  table4 <- list()
  for(met in names(x_in_model_metric)) {
    x_in_model <- x_in_model_metric[[met]]
    if(is.null(c(include, x_in_model))) {
      summary_model <- NULL
      summary_model <- summary(getModel(data, type, intercept = intercept, x_name = c(x_in_model), y_name, weight = weight,  method = test_method))
      summary_model_list <- list()
      if (n_y>1) {
        for(i in names(summary_model)) {
          subsummary_model <- summary_model[[i]]$coefficients
          col_name <- colnames(subsummary_model)
          subsummary_model <- data.frame(rownames(subsummary_model), subsummary_model)
          colnames(subsummary_model) <- c("Variable", col_name)
          summary_model_list[i] <- list(subsummary_model)
      } else {
        subsummary_model <- summary_model$coefficients
        col_name <- colnames(subsummary_model)
        subsummary_model <- data.frame(rownames(subsummary_model), subsummary_model)
        colnames(subsummary_model) <- c("Variable", col_name)
        summary_model_list <- list(subsummary_model)
        names(summary_model_list) <- y_name
    table4[met] <- list(summary_model_list)
  #table4 <- formatTable(summary_model_list, tbl_name = "Table 5. Summary of Model for")

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