
Defines functions get_values_by_param

#' @title Extract a named list of parameters values or a list of
#' from data.frame row(s), for all parameters columns or a selection
#' @param params_table a table (df, tibble) with parameters names
#' indexed with suffixes _1, _2 ... i.e. paramname_1, paramname_2
#' or not for scalar parameters
#' @param param_name Optional parameter(s) name(s) vector
#' @param lines_id Optional data.frame lines numerical identifiers
#' @param na_values value to use as missing value in param_table
#' (optional, default : NA)
#' @return a named list of parameters values, with sorted values for multiple
#' parameter values (indexed with suffixes _1, _2, ...)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' download_usm_xl(file = "inputs_stics_example.xlsx",
#'                 dest_dir = "/path/to/dest/dir")
#' xl_path <- file.path("/path/to/dest/dir", "inputs_stics_example.xlsx")
#' tec_param_df <- read_excel(xl_path, sheet = "Tec")
#' get_values_by_param(params_table = tec_param_df)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_values_by_param <- function(params_table,
                                param_name = NULL,
                                lines_id = NULL,
                                na_values = NA) {
  table_names <- names(params_table)

  # Getting the parameter names vector, if not given
  if ((base::is.null(param_name))) {
    param_name <- unique(
      gsub(pattern = "(.*)_[0-9]+$", x = table_names, replacement = "\\1")

  # For multiple lines
  if (nrow(params_table) > 1) {
    # Lines selection, if any id
    if (!base::is.null(lines_id) &&
        base::is.numeric(lines_id) &&
        max(lines_id) <= nrow(params_table)) {
      params_table <- params_table[lines_id, ]

    # Applying to each line of the data.frame
    out_list <- apply(
      params_table, 1,
      function(x) {
        get_values_by_param(as.data.frame(t(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                            param_name = param_name

  # Applying to a vector of param names
  if (length(param_name) > 1) {
    out_table <- lapply(
      function(x) get_values_by_param(params_table, x)
    out_table <- unlist(out_table, recursive = FALSE)

  par_pattern <- paste0("(^", param_name, "$|", "^", param_name, "_)")
  param_names <- grep(pattern = par_pattern,
                      x = names(params_table),
                      value = TRUE)

  # Sorting parameters names against a numeric suffix, if any
  if (length(grep(pattern = "_[0-9]", x = param_names))) {
    sorted_par_id <- sort(
      as.numeric(gsub(pattern = paste0(param_name, "_([0-9]+)"),
                      replacement = "\\1",
                      x = param_names))
    param_names <- unlist(
             function(x) paste(param_name, x, sep = "_"))

  # converting from data.frame to vector
  par_values <- unlist(params_table[, param_names])
  # removing whitespaces
  par_values <- trimws(par_values)

  # Filtering NA or other missing value repr from na_values!!!!
  if (is.na(na_values)) {
    filt_idx <- !is.na(par_values)
  } else {
    filt_idx <- !grepl(pattern = na_values, par_values)
  if (length(filt_idx)) {
    par_values <- par_values[filt_idx]
  if (length(filt_idx)) param_names <- param_names[filt_idx]

  # if the values are empty
  if (!length(par_values)) {

  # /!\
  # TODO: add fix for 999 instead of 999.0 !!!

  # Else
  names(par_values) <- param_names
  par_table <- list(par_values)
  names(par_table) <- param_name

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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.