
Defines functions StratigrapheR

Documented in StratigrapheR

#' @name StratigrapheR
#' @title StratigrapheR: integrated stratigraphy for R
#' @description This package includes bases for litholog generation:
#' graphical functions based on R base graphics (e.g. multigons()), interval
#' gestion functions (with the as.lim() function, and other related .lim
#' functions) and simple svg importation functions (e.g. pointsvg()) among
#' others. It also includes stereographic projection functions (e.g. the
#' earnet(), earpoints() and earplanes() functions; ear standing for equal
#' area), and other functions made
#' to deal with large datasets while keeping options to get into the details of
#' A StratigrapheR() function is provided: it generates organisational charts
#' for common use of the functions in the package
#' @param i the index(es) of the organisational charts of the functions
#' in the StratigrapheR package
#' @details Package: StratigrapheR
#' Type: R package
#' Version: 1.3.1 (Summer 2023)
#' License: GPL-3
#' @note
#' If you want to use this package for publication or research
#' purposes, please cite
#' Wouters, S., Da Silva, A.-C., Boulvain, F., and Devleeschouwer, X.. 2021.
#' StratigrapheR: Concepts for Litholog Generation in R. The R Journal.
#' \url{https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2021/RJ-2021-039/index.html}.
#' @author Sebastien Wouters
#' Maintainer: Sebastien Wouters \email{sebastien.wouters@@doct.uliege.be}
#' @examples
#' # This is an example of litholog generation script, along with some
#' # explanations: if you want to start somewhere, start here. You may run the
#' # whole thing and follow the explanations.
#' library(StratigrapheR)
#' library(dplyr) # very useful package, used here for joining data frames
#' # You may want to change your working directory for this, the example will
#' # generate .pdf and .txt files;
#' # setwd()
#' # If you want to have an organisational chart of the functions:
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfDisplay(StratigrapheR(), "Organisational Chart StratigrapheR",
#'            width = 9, height = 7.5, track = FALSE)}
#' # Bed dataset ----
#' bed.example
#' # this dataset should include the description of each bed with :
#' # - l - the position of the base of each bed (in cm or m) - l stands for the
#' #   left side or boundary of an interval-
#' # - r - the position of the top of each bed (in cm or m) - r stands for the
#' #   right side or boundary of an interval-
#' # - litho - the lithology, basics are for instance C for chert, S for shale, L
#' #   for limestone... but you can include anything you want in any way you want
#' # - h - relief or hardness of each bed
#' # - id - is the bed identification, number (e.g. B1, B2, ...)
#' #   you can also include other columns with anything else you find useful for
#' #   each bed such as color or lithofacies
#' # Ponctual elements datasets ----
#' fossil.example
#' boundary.example
#' chron.example
#' # These dataset(s) should include any ponctual information you want in the log,
#' # such as the position of particular fossils, bioturbations, minerals, tectonic
#' # features, etc...
#' # We will also see how to add proxy information with:
#' proxy.example
#' # Work the datasets ----
#' # Basic litholog (rectangles) --
#' # it will take the basic data (l, r, h, id)
#' basic.log <- litholog(l = bed.example$l, r = bed.example$r,
#'                       h = bed.example$h, i = bed.example$id)
#' # Define the legend for each lithology ----
#' # for each lithology you can provide a color (col), a density of shading
#' # (density) and orientation for the lines (angle)
#' legend <- data.frame(litho = c("S", "L", "C"),
#'                      col = c("grey30", "grey90", "white"),
#'                      density = c(30, 0,10),
#'                      angle = c(180, 0, 45), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' bed.legend <- left_join(bed.example,legend, by = "litho")
#' # Plot a basic litholog ----
#' # Be warned that the most efficient way to generate a litholog is to put it
#' # in a function. We will see this lower in the exaplanation. The three first
#' # lithologs generated in the R plot window are simply an example to help you
#' # understand the functions in StratigrapheR
#' # First prepare the plot using whiteSet(): this provides a clean drawing area
#' whiteSet(xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(-1,77), ytick = 5, ny = 5) # Prepare plot
#' title("Using litholog() and bedtext()")
#' # Then add the polygons making the litholog. This is done with a single function
#' # identifying each polygon by the id of points. The graphical parameters of the
#' # polygons can be adapted to fit the legend, polygon by polygon.
#' multigons(basic.log$i, x = basic.log$xy, y = basic.log$dt,
#'           col = bed.legend$col,
#'           density = bed.legend$density,
#'           angle = bed.legend$angle)
#' # You can further add the name of each bed on each corresponding polygon
#' bedtext(labels = bed.example$id, l = bed.example$l, r = bed.example$r,
#'         x = 0.5,  # x position where to centre the text
#'         ymin = 3) # ymin defines the minimum thickness for the beds where text
#' # will be added, making for a clean litholog
#' # Vectorised drawing: example of importation ----
#' # This creates a svg in one of your temporary files, to show how to import svg
#' # files
#' svg.file.directory <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
#' writeLines(example.ammonite.svg, svg.file.directory)
#' print(paste("An example .svg file was created at ", svg.file.directory,
#'             sep = ""))
#' # The pointsvg function allows to import simple svg drawings into R
#' ammonite.drawing <- pointsvg(file = svg.file.directory)
#' # If you want to import your own .svg file uncomment the following line:
#' # pointsvg(file.choose())
#' # Other data frames of vectorised drawings are imbedded into the
#' # StratigrapheR package for this example : example.ammonite.svg (to see how to
#' # use pointsvg), example.ammonite, example.belemnite and example.liquefaction
#' # Now that ammonite.drawing is available, lets see what it looks like
#' whiteSet(ylim = c(-1,1), xlim = c(-1,1)) # Plot
#' box()
#' title("ammonite.drawing")
#' placesvg(ammonite.drawing)
#' # The placesvg() function plots any pointsvg-like dataset, which is a data frame
#' # with a column x, y, id (for each polygon or polyline) and type (polygone or
#' # line). Note that only polygons and polylines drawings can be imported by
#' # pointsvg()
#' # You can see that the ammonite drawing is centred on 0,0, and has its maxima
#' # and minima at 1 and -1 respectively, for x and y alike. To plot a drawing
#' # at the right position and ratio, you can use the centresvg and framesvg
#' # functions
#' # For that you have to provide information about the position, for instance:
#' y.ammonite <- fossil.example$dt[fossil.example$type == "ammonite"]
#' y.ammonite
#' # y.ammonite is the y position (or depth) where each ammonite should be drawn.
#' # It is provided via a vector of any length (i.e. you can have any number of y
#' # positions and of corresponding ammonites), as long as all the other parameters
#' # are of length 1 or of same length (i.e. you could provide two values for x if
#' # you want the two ammonite drawings to have a different x position)
#' # First build the log
#' whiteSet(xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(-1,77), ytick = 5, ny = 5)
#' title("Using pointsvg() and centresvg()")
#' multigons(basic.log$i, x = basic.log$xy, y = basic.log$dt,
#'           col = bed.legend$col,
#'           density = bed.legend$density,
#'           angle = bed.legend$angle)
#' bedtext(labels = bed.example$id, l = bed.example$l, r = bed.example$r,
#'         x = 0.5,  ymin = 3)
#' # Then add the drawings
#' centresvg(ammonite.drawing,
#'           x = 7, # this is an arbitrary x position for each ammonite drawing
#'           y = y.ammonite,
#'           xfac = 0.75,   # Correction factor for the ratio in x
#'           yfac = c(3,5)) # Correction factor for the ratio in y. As the other
#' # parameters it can be adapted for each drawing
#' # individually
#' # The centresvg() function will take a data frame outputted by pointsvg() - or
#' # from changesvg(), and even centresvg() and framesvg() if the output is TRUE as
#' # these two functions can output drawings with modified coordinates -.
#' # Dealing with bed thickness changes ----
#' # You can also weld changes of bed thickness at bed boundaries to the basic log
#' # For instance we can define here two types of sinuosidal boundaries. If you
#' # want you can even design a different type of 'wiggle' for each boundary.
#' s1 <- sinpoint(5,0,0.5,nwave = 1.5)
#' s2 <- sinpoint(5,0,1,nwave = 3, phase = 0)
#' # You can also weld lines you have drawn in svg and imported with pointsvg().
#' # However there are a few rules to use them as boundaries in StratigrapheR:
#' # you have to think about their coordinates. The function welding the 'wiggles'
#' # of the boundaries to the rectangles of the log, weldlog(), will require to set
#' # what you consider to be the beginning of the wiggle (at the left of the
#' # litholog) at 0,0 (if you run with the default parameters of weldlog, which is
#' # advised if you start), and define their coordinates to suit the scale of the
#' # litholog
#' # You can use centresvg() or framesvg() to change the coordinates, setting the
#' # output argument to TRUE (and the plot argument to FALSE if you don't want to
#' # plot)
#' s3 <- framesvg(example.liquefaction, 1, 4, 0, 2, plot = FALSE, output = TRUE)
#' # In framesvg(), rather than providing the point to center the drawing on, and
#' # correction in x and y (as centresvg does), you provide the maxima and minima
#' # in x and y
#' # With the function wedlog, we combine the lithological log we created
#' # (basic.log) with the wavy bed boundaries we created. We provide the log
#' # -parameter log-, the position of the joints we would lie to change -dt-, the
#' # segments that are going to be welded to the basic log -seg, as a list of
#' # data frames, by default having the first column for the xy coordinates and
#' # second for dt coordinates- and j making the link between the boundaries
#' # position -dt- and the segments -seg-.
#' # For each j corresponds a respective dt of same index (for each dt corresponds
#' # a j at the same position), and each j refers to the index or the name of a
#' # segment in the list of segments.
#' # with the function wedlog, we combine the lithological log we created
#' # (basic.log) with the wavy bed boundaries we created. So you can use any
#' # wiggle you define on your own and weld it to the log
#' final.log <- weldlog(log = basic.log, dt = boundary.example$dt,
#'                      seg = list(s1 = s1, s2 = s2, s3 = s3),
#'                      j = c("s1","s1","s1","s3","s2","s2","s1"))
#' # Lets see the result of the welding
#' whiteSet(xlim = c(-3,8), ylim = c(-1,77), ytick = 5, ny = 5) # Prepare plot
#' # This plot is going to serve to explain other functions;
#' title("Using weldlog(), infobar(), simp.lim() and minorAxis()")
#' multigons(final.log$i, x = final.log$xy, y = final.log$dt,
#'           col = bed.legend$col,
#'           density = bed.legend$density,
#'           angle = bed.legend$angle)
#' bedtext(labels = bed.example$id, l = bed.example$l, r = bed.example$r,
#'         x = 0.5, ymin = 3)
#' # Defining and drawing specific intervals  ----
#' # Lets say we would like to plot the position of magnetochrons. For that we
#' # firstly define a legend for each type of interval, here for normal and reverse
#' # polarity
#' legend.chron <- data.frame(polarity = c("N", "R"),
#'                            bg.col = c("black", "white"),
#'                            text.col = c("white", "black"),
#'                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Then we set the legend for each chron
#' chron.legend <- left_join(chron.example,legend.chron, by = "polarity")
#' # There are three chrons, but what we did can be applied to any number of them,
#' # as long as they are identified by a column (or more, left_join can merge using
#' # more than one column)
#' # Using this legend we can draw rectangles with text in it using the infobar()
#' # function. In this function we define the coordinates of each rectangle
#' # (linked to dt for y, and different for each rectangle, but constant in x)
#' # the text to be in the rectangles with the labels parameter, and graphical
#' # parameters to be used by the multigons() and text() functions embedded in the
#' # infobar() function. The number of rectangles is n, and the length of the y, x,
#' # and labels elements can be 1 or n (i.e. the same n for each parameter).
#' # You can provide a list of graphical parameters such as the colour for the
#' # rectangles and the text, as long as the length of each parameter
#' # in that list is 1 or n.
#' # Notice that this function shares has a lot in common with litholog() and
#' # multigons() in functionality and arguments. Note that you could obtain a
#' # similar result using litholog(), multigons() and bedtext(). You would simply
#' # need to code more :-)
#' infobar(-2.5, -2, chron.legend$l, chron.legend$r,
#'         labels = chron.legend$polarity,
#'         m = list(col = chron.legend$bg.col),
#'         t = list(col = chron.legend$text.col),
#'         srt = 0)
#' # Treat data sets made of intervals (as happens a lot in geology) ----
#' # As you have seen with litholog, intervals are dealt with by defining lim
#' # objects having a left and right boundary (l and r), an id and a boundary rule.
#' # Whichever of l and r is the maxima or minima usually does not
#' # matter. StratigrapheR offers a few functions to treat lim objectss. Here
#' #  we will see the simp.lim() function, but if you want more info go see the
#' # ?as.lim help page, and the functions in its See Also part.
#' # simp.lim: this functions merges intervals of same id (if adjacent or
#' # overlapping)
#' # Basically, the lim objects are boundaries, for instance in the form [0,1[
#' # which would indicate an interval going from 0 to 1, zero included but 1 not.
#' # simp.lim takes the left and right boundaries, assumes that each boundary
#' # is included in the interval (by default b = "[]"), and simplifies the interval
#' # by merging them by id, which gives the litholical information in merged
#' # rectangles (with S, C and L indicating shales, cherts and limestones in this
#' # case).
#' litho.intervals <- simp.lim(l = bed.legend$l, r = bed.legend$r,
#'                             id = bed.legend$litho)
#' # The resulting list needs to be transformed into a data frame to merge with the
#' # legend.
#' litho.intervals <- data.frame(litho.intervals, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Note the parameter stringsAsFactors that is set to FALSE, which is usually
#' # required when you create data frames to avoid problems, for instance using
#' # left_join()
#' colnames(litho.intervals)[3] <- "litho" # Change a column name to be able to merge
#' # legend and data
#' litho.intervals.legend <- left_join(litho.intervals,legend, by = "litho")
#' infobar(-1.25, -0.75, litho.intervals.legend$l, litho.intervals.legend$r,
#'         m = list(col = litho.intervals.legend$col,
#'                  density = litho.intervals.legend$density,
#'                  angle = litho.intervals.legend$angle))
#' # As you can see if you look closely at the "Using weldlog(), infobar() and
#' # simp.lim()" plot, the subdivisions between beds of same lithology is gone.
#' # This is the result of the simp.lim() function by interval manipulation
#' # Add sample position with axis ----
#' # If you want you can also show where every sample is using the minorAxis()
#' # function, which allows distinction between major and minor ticks
#' at.min <- every_nth(proxy.example$dt, 5, empty = FALSE)
#' at.maj <- every_nth(proxy.example$dt, 5, inverse = TRUE, empty = FALSE)
#' labels.maj <- every_nth(proxy.example$name, 5, inverse = TRUE, empty = FALSE)
#' # The every_nth function allows here to skip samples regularly (to avoid having
#' # too much text)
#' minorAxis(side = 4,                # Right-sided axis
#'           at.min = at.min,         # dt/y position of minor ticks
#'           at.maj = at.maj,         # dt/y position of major ticks
#'           labels.maj = labels.maj, # Text to add at major ticks
#'           tick.ratio = 0.5,        # Length ratio between minor and major ticks
#'           pos = 6,                 # x position
#'           las = 1,                 # Orientation of text
#'           lwd = 0 ,                # Width of axis line to 0 removes the line
#'           lwd.ticks = 1)           # Width of axis ticks to 1 to keep the ticks
#' # Final litholog generation: getting it in a convenient function ----
#' # Once the final design for the lithology is established, it can be integrated
#' # into a graphical function which will draw every component of the final
#' # litholog with each desired feature.
#' # The most efficient way to generate the litholog is to directly put it in a
#' # reusable function so that you do not do all the work twice. However you need
#' # some of the data sets we've prepared, in this case bed.example,
#' # fossil.example, boundary.example, chron.example (that are already imbedded
#' # in StratigrapheR), final.log, bed.legend, chron.legend and litholeg (that
#' # are created in this script)
#' # If you do not want to run all unnecessary functions whenever you want to draw
#' # your log, a good trick is to save all the necessary data.frames needed in
#' # the litholog drawing function (here one.log) and load them in it. You just
#' # need to have the saving file (here one.log.txt) in a file (here a temporary
#' # file, see ?setwd and ?getwd help pages to manage files in your working
#' # directory)
#' file <- paste(tempdir(), "one.log.txt", sep = "/")
#' save(final.log, bed.legend, chron.legend, litho.intervals.legend, file = file)
#' one.log <- function(xlim = c(-2.5,7), ylim = c(-1,77),
#'                     xarg = NULL,  # this is transmitted to whiteSet: if set to
#'                     # NULL its allows to avoid drawing the x axis
#'                     yarg = list(tick.ratio = 0.5, las = 1),
#'                     main = "Final litholog")
#' {
#'   load(file) # Load the saved data frames
#'   whiteSet(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ytick = 5, ny = 5,
#'            xarg = xarg, yarg = yarg)
#'   title(main = main)
#'   multigons(final.log$i, x = final.log$xy, y = final.log$dt,
#'             col = bed.legend$col,
#'             density = bed.legend$density,
#'             angle = bed.legend$angle)
#'   bedtext(labels = bed.example$id, l = bed.example$l, r = bed.example$r,
#'           x = 0.5, edge = TRUE)
#'   centresvg(example.ammonite, 6,
#'             fossil.example$dt[fossil.example$type == "ammonite"],
#'             xfac = 0.5)
#'   centresvg(example.belemnite, 6,
#'             fossil.example$dt[fossil.example$type == "belemnite"],
#'             xfac = 0.5)
#'   infobar(-2, -1.5, chron.legend$l, chron.legend$r,
#'           labels = chron.legend$id,
#'           m = list(col = chron.legend$bg.col),
#'           t = list(col = chron.legend$text.col))
#'   infobar(-1, -0.5, litho.intervals.legend$l, litho.intervals.legend$r,
#'           labels = litho.intervals.legend$litho, srt = 0)
#' }
#' # This graphical function can then be used as a standalone function, or
#' # integrated in a for loop to draw the entirety in a succesion of panels
#' # (typically in pdf form)
#' # Indeed, if you go back to the definition of the one.log() function, you can
#' # see that we gave it a parameter, ylim. That parameter defines the range of dt
#' # that is covered in the plot. So you can plot a smaller part of the log:
#' one.log(ylim = c(18,53), main = "Final litholog from dt 18 to 53")
#' # Or you can create a second function that creates a loop of the log if you want
#' # to generate an ensemble of sheets that placed end to end would create a
#' # complete litholog
#' # Basically can want to set up the scale (i.e. the y -or dt- interval of the
#' # litholog seen for each plot -or pdf page-: if you want to see each time an
#' # interval of 30 y-units of the litholog on each plot/pdf page, can set the
#' # parameter 'interval' of the following function to 30)
#' repeated.log <- function(start = 0, interval = 20)
#' {
#'   omar <- par("mar")
#'   par(mar = c(1,4,3,2)) # This allows to define the margins as you wish
#'   l1 <- seq(start,max(final.log$dt),interval)
#'   l2 <- seq(start,max(final.log$dt),interval) + interval
#'   for(i in length(l1):1)
#'   {
#'     one.log(ylim = c(l1[i],l2[i]),
#'             main = paste("Repeated litholog, part from dt", l1[i], "to", l2[i]))
#'   }
#'   par(mar = omar)
#' }
#' repeated.log()
#' # Printing and seeing you litholog in pdf ----
#' # The next function, pdfDisplay, generates a pdf of a graphical function.
#' # Any function producing plots such as repeated.log() can be inserted into it to
#' # generate plots. These plots will all be of the same size. I believe this
#' # function might not work on every computer. And its openfile argument, which
#' # causes the pdf to open, only works in Windows. If You are working with
#' # Windows, I recommend using SumatraPDF as your default pdf reader: this will
#' # allow pdfs to be changed while they are being visualised.
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfDisplay(repeated.log(), width = 10, height = 15,
#'           name = "StratigrapheR_Example_a", track = FALSE)}
#' # Plotting data -e.g. time-series data of a proxy - along the litholog ----
#' # Now lets say you want to plot information along the litholog. For that we will
#' # work in a graphical function that we will provide to pdfDisplay. Note that
#' # it is not possible to base yourself on the repeated.log() function, because
#' # it will print all the plots succesively without allowing modification or
#' # addition
#' # One way of working is to create two plots next to each other and provide
#' # identical y axis parameters
#' graphical.function.1 <- function()
#' {
#'   opar <- par("mar","mfrow")
#'   par(mar = c(3,4,3,2),
#'       mfrow = c(1,2)) # This creates two windows where to plot sucessively
#'   # Plot the litholog on the left
#'   one.log(main = "")
#'   # Plot the other data on the right
#'   blackSet(xlim = c(-2*10^-8,8*10^-8),
#'            ylim =  c(-1,77), # It is important to define identical y limits
#'            # between the litholog and the proxy
#'            ytick = 5, ny = 1,
#'            targ = NULL)
#'   lines(proxy.example$ms, proxy.example$dt, type = "o", pch = 19)
#'   par(mar = opar$mar, mfrow = opar$mfrow)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfDisplay(graphical.function.1(), width = 10, height = 15,
#'            name = "StratigrapheR_Example_b", track = FALSE)}
#' # If you want to put that repeated litholog in A4 format, the best way is to
#' # use LaTeX. The following lines of code will create a TeX file that would
#' # do that, test it if you want (the file will be in a temporary directory,
#' # but you can change tempdir(), to getwd() for instance):
#' \dontrun{
#' writeLines(log.loop.tex, paste(tempdir(),"log.loop.tex", sep = "/"))}
#' # Another way to work this out is to create more space than needed on the
#' # litholog plot and to add elements
#' graphical.function.2 <- function()
#' {
#'   omar <- par("mar")
#'   par(mar = c(3,4,3,2))
#'   # Plot the litholog with room for the rest
#'   one.log(main = "", xlim = c(-3,16), xarg = list())
#'   par(fig = c(0.5,1, 0, 1),  # 'fig' defines the overlapping plotting window
#'       # dimensions x1, x2, y1 and y2
#'       new = TRUE)               # 'new' allows addition to a preexisting plot
#'   # The graphical parameter 'fig' that you can set using the par() function
#'   # allows you to define a new plotting region overlapping the original one.
#'   # This allows you to redefine x axes values. But again using this you have to
#'   # be careful to provide the right y limits between the litholog and the proxy.
#'   # Be aware that the functions white-, black- and greySet() set the xaxis and
#'   # yaxis to "i", which means that the limits you provide in x and y are the
#'   # actual limits of the plot (while the default setting of xaxis and yaxis are
#'   # "r", which extends the data range by 4 percent at each end)
#'   blackSet(xlim = c(-2*10^-8,8*10^-8),
#'            ylim =  c(-1,77),
#'            ytick = 5, ny = 1,
#'            targ = NULL,
#'            xarg = list(side = 3))
#'   lines(proxy.example$ms, proxy.example$dt, type = "o", pch = 19)
#'   par(mar = omar)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfDisplay(graphical.function.2(), width = 8, height = 15,
#'            name = "StratigrapheR_Example_c", track = FALSE)}
#' @importFrom diagram openplotmat plotmat
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @export

StratigrapheR <- function(i = 1:3)

  opar <- par("mar", "mfrow")


  par(mar = c(0,0,5,0), mfrow = c(1,1))

  if(1 %in% i){

    M <- matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE, data = 0)

    pos <- cbind(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                 c(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2) + 0.1)

    openplotmat(main = "1. StratigrapheR litholog generation functions")

    con1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,1,2,3,4,4,4,6,9,10,9),
                       b = c(4,5,4,4,5,6,7,9,10,7,7))

    segments(x0 = pos[con1$a,1],
             y0 = pos[con1$a,2],
             x1 = pos[con1$b,1],
             y1 = pos[con1$b,2],
             lwd = 3)

    con2 <- data.frame(a = c(4,5,6,8), b = c(5,6,8,9))

    segments(x0 = pos[con2$a,1],
             y0 = pos[con2$a,2],
             x1 = pos[con2$b,1],
             y1 = pos[con2$b,2],
             lty = 2)

    fun.name <- c("as.lim()\n& other .lim functions",
                  "whiteSet()\nblack- & greySet()\nminorAxis()", "pdfDisplay()",
                  "litholog()\nbedtext() & leftlog()",
                  "infobar()\nnlegend() & ylink()","multigons()\nmultilines()",
                  "weldlog()\nweld()", "ignore()",

    plotmat(M, pos = pos,
            name = fun.name,
            lwd = 1, box.lwd = 2, cex.txt = 0.8, curve = 0, txt.font = 2,
            box.col = c("white", "white", "white",
                        "green", "green", "yellow",
                        "green", "white", "cornflowerblue", "cornflowerblue"),
            box.size = 0.11, box.type = "square", box.prop = 0.5, add = T)

    legend(c(0.1,0.9), c(0.05, 0.2),
           legend=c(paste("Complementary functions (learn to combine them",
                          " for better results)", sep = ""),
                    paste("Related functions (check them out if you want",
                          "insight into StratigrapheR)")),
           lty= c(1,2), lwd = c(3,1), box.lwd = NA, bg = "grey",
           y.intersp = 2)

  if(2 %in% i){

    M <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE, data = 0)

    pos <- cbind(c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
                 c(0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.3))

    openplotmat(main = "2. StratigrapheR stereographic projection functions")

    con1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,2,2,2),
                       b = c(2,3,4,5,6))

    segments(x0 = pos[con1$a,1],
             y0 = pos[con1$a,2],
             x1 = pos[con1$b,1],
             y1 = pos[con1$b,2],
             lwd = 3)

    fun.name <- c("earnet()\nearinc()\nencircle()",
                  "earplanes()\nearpoints()", "zijderveld()",
                  "incfix()         dipfix()\nrepitch()  transphere()",
                  "restore()  reposition()\nrotate()    rmatrix()")

    plotmat(M, pos = pos,
            name = fun.name,
            lwd = 1, box.lwd = 2, cex.txt = 0.8, curve = 0, txt.font = 2,
            box.size = 0.11, box.type = "square", box.prop = 0.5, add = T)

    legend(c(0.1,0.9), c(0.05, 0.15),
           legend=c(paste("Complementary functions (learn to combine them",
                          " for better results)", sep = "")),
           lty= 1, lwd = 3, box.lwd = NA, bg = "grey",
           y.intersp = 2)


  if(3 %in% i){

    M <- matrix(nrow = 16, ncol = 16, byrow = TRUE, data = 0)

    pos <- cbind(c(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7,
                   0.3,      0.3,      0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3,0.3) + 0,
                 c(0.95, 0.86, 0.77, 0.68, 0.59, 0.5, 0.41, 0.32, 0.23,
                   0.95,       0.77,       0.59, 0.5, 0.41, 0.32, 0.23))

    openplotmat(main = "3. Other useful functions and arguments")

    con1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,7,8,9),
                       b = c(10,14:16))

    segments(x0 = pos[con1$a,1],
             y0 = pos[con1$a,2],
             x1 = pos[con1$b,1],
             y1 = pos[con1$b,2],
             lwd = 3)

    con2 <- data.frame(a = c(3,5,6),
                       b = 11:13)

    segments(x0 = pos[con2$a,1],
             y0 = pos[con2$a,2],
             x1 = pos[con2$b,1],
             y1 = pos[con2$b,2],
             lty = 2)

    fun.name <- c("casing() & encase()", "enlarge()",
                  "every_nth()", "fastPairs()", "fmod()", "merge_list()",
                  "neatPick() & neatPicked()", "shift()", "sinpoint()",
                  "whiteSet()","minorAxis()","incfix() & related",
                  "earpoints(), multigons(), ...",
                  "weldlog()","multigons(): 'forget' argument", "weldlog()")

    plotmat(M, pos = pos,
            name = fun.name,
            lwd = 1, box.lwd = 2, cex.txt = 0.8, curve = 0,
            box.col = c(rep("white",13), "green", "yellow", "green"),
            txt.font = c(rep(2,9), rep(1,7)),
            box.size = 0.15, box.type = "square", box.prop = 0.14, add = T)

    legend(c(0.1,0.9), c(0.01, 0.17),
           legend=c(paste("Complementary functions (learn to combine them",
                          " for better results)", sep = ""),
                    paste("Related functions (check them out if you want insight",
                          "into StratigrapheR)")),
           lty= c(1,2), lwd = c(3,1), box.lwd = NA, bg = "grey",
           y.intersp = 2)



utils::globalVariables(c("gloVar.neworder", "gloVar.ni", "gloVar.bs",
                         "gloVar.k", "gloVar.adapt.buttons",
                         "gloVar.x", "gloVar.y", "gloVar.i",
                         "gloVar.main", "gloVar.sec",
                         "gloVar.xy", "gloVar.o",
                         "glovar.wdt", "glovar.order",
                         "gloVar.id", "gloVar.coord", "gloVar.args.save",
                         "gloVar.what.save", "gloVar.files.save",
                         "gloVar.seed.save", "gloVar.out"))

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StratigrapheR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.