Man pages for StructFDR
False Discovery Control Procedure Integrating the Prior Structure Information

AdjStatsPrior Structure-Adjusted Statistic
alcoholAlcohol data set
EstHyperEstimate the Hyper-parameter Using Generalized Least Squares
MicrobiomeSeqTreeFDRFalse Discovery Rate (FDR) Control Integrating Prior Tree...
SimulateDataData Simulation Function to Study the Performance of TreeFDR.
StructFDRFalse Discovery Rate (FDR) Control Integrating a General...
StructFDR-packageFalse Discovery Rate (FDR) Control Procedure Integrating the...
throat.parameterDirichlet parameters used for generating the artificial data...
TreeFDRFalse Discovery Rate (FDR) Control Integrating Prior Tree...
ZtransformTransform P-values to Z-values
StructFDR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:44 a.m.