#' Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
#' @name Toeplitz
#' @param x An R object.
#' @description The `Toeplitz` class contains efficient methods for linear algebra with symmetric positive definite (i.e., variance) Toeplitz matrices.
#' @details An `N x N` Toeplitz matrix `Tz` is defined by its length-`N` "autocorrelation" vector `acf`, i.e., first row/column `Tz`. Thus, for the function [stats::toeplitz()], we have `Tz = toeplitz(acf)`.
#' It is assumed that `acf` defines a valid (i.e., positive definite) variance matrix. The matrix multiplication methods still work when this is not the case but the other methods do not (return values typically contain `NaN`s).
#' `as.Toeplitz(x)` attempts to convert its argument to a `Toeplitz` object by calling `Toeplitz$new(acf = x)`. `is.Toeplitz(x)` checks whether its argument is a `Toeplitz` object.
#' @example examples/Toeplitz.R
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @export
is.Toeplitz <- function(x) "Toeplitz" %in% class(x)
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @export
as.Toeplitz <- function(x) {
Toeplitz$new(acf = x)
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @export
Toeplitz <- R6Class(
classname = "Toeplitz",
private = list(
Tz_ = NULL,
N_ = NA,
# deep clone method.
# required to create new Xptr for Tz_ at C++ level
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
Tz_ = {
Tz_new <- Toeplitz_ctor(private$N_)
if(self$has_acf()) {
Toeplitz_set_acf(Tz_new, self$get_acf())
PCG_ = PCG_ctor(private$N_),
public = list(
#' @description Class constructor.
#' @param N Size of Toeplitz matrix.
#' @param acf Autocorrelation vector of length `N`.
#' @return A `Toeplitz` object.
initialize = function(N, acf) {
if(missing(N)) N <- length(acf)
private$N_ <- N
private$Tz_ <- Toeplitz_ctor(N)
private$PCG_ <- PCG_ctor(N)
if(!missing(acf)) self$set_acf(acf)
#' @description Print method.
print = function() {
if(self$has_acf()) {
obj_acf <- self$get_acf()[1:min(6, private$N_)]
obj_acf <- signif(obj_acf, digits = 3)
if(private$N_ > 6) obj_acf <- c(obj_acf, "...")
} else {
obj_acf <- "NULL"
cat("Toeplitz matrix of size", private$N_, "\n",
"acf: ", obj_acf, "\n")
#' @description Get the size of the Toeplitz matrix.
#' @return Size of the Toeplitz matrix. [`ncol()`][base::ncol()], [`nrow()`][base::nrow()], and [`dim()`][base::dim()] methods for `Toeplitz` objects also work as expected.
size = function() {
#' @description Set the autocorrelation of the Toeplitz matrix.
#' @param acf Autocorrelation vector of length `N`.
set_acf = function(acf) {
check_tz(acfs = list(acf = acf), N = private$N_)
Toeplitz_set_acf(private$Tz_, acf)
#' @description Get the autocorrelation of the Toeplitz matrix.
#' @return The autocorrelation vector of length `N`.
get_acf = function() {
check_tz(has_acf = self$has_acf())
#' @description Check whether the autocorrelation of the Toeplitz matrix has been set.
#' @return Logical; `TRUE` if `Toeplitz$set_acf()` has been called.
has_acf = function() {
#' @description Toeplitz matrix-matrix product.
#' @param x Vector or matrix with `N` rows.
#' @return The matrix product `Tz %*% x`. `Tz %*% x` and `x %*% Tz` also work as expected.
prod = function(x) {
check_tz(has_acf = self$has_acf())
if(is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
if(!(is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x))) {
stop("x must be a numeric matrix.")
if(nrow(x) != private$N_) {
stop("Incompatible matrix multiplication dimensions.")
Toeplitz_prod(private$Tz_, x)
#' @description Solve a Toeplitz system of equations.
#' @param x Optional vector or matrix with `N` rows.
#' @param method Solve method to use. Choices are: `gschur` for a modified version of the Generalized Schur algorithm of Ammar & Gragg (1988), or `pcg` for the preconditioned conjugate gradient method of Chen et al (2006). The former is faster and obtains the log-determinant as a direct biproduct. The latter is more numerically stable for long-memory autocorrelations.
#' @param tol Tolerance level for the `pcg` method.
#' @return The solution in `z` to the system of equations `Tz %*% z = x`. If `x` is missing, returns the inverse of `Tz`. `solve(Tz, x)` and `solve(Tz, x, method, tol)` also work as expected.
solve = function(x, method = c("gschur", "pcg"), tol = 1e-10) {
method <- match.arg(method)
check_tz(has_acf = self$has_acf())
if(missing(x)) x <- diag(private$N_)
vec_x <- is.vector(x)
if(vec_x) x <- as.matrix(x)
if(!(is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x))) {
stop("x must be a numeric matrix.")
if(nrow(x) != private$N_) {
stop("Incompatible matrix solve dimensions.")
y <- switch(method,
gschur = Toeplitz_solve(private$Tz_, x),
pcg = PCG_solve(private$PCG_, self$get_acf(), x, tol))
if(vec_x) y <- drop(y)
#' @description Calculate the log-determinant of the Toeplitz matrix.
#' @return The log-determinant `log(det(Tz))`. `determinant(Tz)` also works as expected.
log_det = function() {
check_tz(has_acf = self$has_acf())
#' @description Computes the trace-gradient with respect to Toeplitz matrices.
#' @param acf2 Length-`N` autocorrelation vector of the second Toeplitz matrix. This matrix must be symmetric but not necessarily positive definite.
#' @return Computes the trace of
#' ```
#' solve(Tz, toeplitz(acf2)).
#' ```
#' This is used in the computation of the gradient of `log(det(Tz(theta)))` with respect to `theta`.
trace_grad = function(acf2) {
check_tz(acfs = list(acf2 = acf2), N = private$N_,
has_acf = self$has_acf())
Toeplitz_trace_grad(private$Tz_, acf2)
#' @description Computes the trace-Hessian with respect to Toeplitz matrices.
#' @param acf2 Length-`N` autocorrelation vector of the second Toeplitz matrix. This matrix must be symmetric but not necessarily positive definite.
#' @param acf3 Length-`N` autocorrelation vector of the third Toeplitz matrix. This matrix must be symmetric but not necessarily positive definite.
#' @return Computes the trace of
#' ```
#' solve(Tz, toeplitz(acf2)) %*% solve(Tz, toeplitz(acf3)).
#' ```
#' This is used in the computation of the Hessian of `log(det(Tz(theta)))` with respect to `theta`.
trace_hess = function(acf2, acf3) {
check_tz(acfs = list(acf2 = acf2, acf3 = acf3),
N = private$N_, has_acf = self$has_acf())
Toeplitz_trace_hess(private$Tz_, acf2, acf3)
#--- generic methods -----------------------------------------------------------
# ncol
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @aliases ncol,Toeplitz-method
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("ncol", "Toeplitz", function(x) {
# nrow
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @aliases nrow,Toeplitz-method
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("nrow", "Toeplitz", function(x) {
# dim
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @export
dim.Toeplitz <- function(x) rep(x$size(), 2)
# Matrix multiplication
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @aliases %*%
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
`%*%` <- function(x, y) UseMethod("%*%")
#' @export
`%*%.default` <- function(x, y) {
if(is.Toeplitz(x) || is.Toeplitz(y)) return(`%*%.Toeplitz`(x, y))
base::`%*%`(x, y)
#' @export
`%*%.Toeplitz` <- function(x, y) {
if(is.Toeplitz(x)) {
# Toeplitz %*% Matrix
if(is.Toeplitz(y)) {
# Toeplitz %*% Toeplitz
# This can be done more efficiently by Gohberg-Semencul decomposition,
# but not currently implemented.
y <- stats::toeplitz(y$get_acf())
check_tz(has_acf = x$has_acf())
if(is.vector(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
if(!(is.matrix(y) && is.numeric(y))) {
stop("Second argument must be a numeric matrix.")
if(nrow(y) != x$size()) {
stop("Incompatible matrix multiplication dimensions.")
ans <- x$prod(y)
} else if(is.Toeplitz(y)) {
# Matrix %*% Toeplitz
check_tz(has_acf = y$has_acf())
if(is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
if(!(is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x))) {
stop("First argument must be a numeric matrix.")
if(ncol(x) != y$size()) {
stop("Incompatible matrix multiplication dimensions.")
ans <- t(y$prod(t(x)))
} else stop("This shouldn't happen. Please contact package maintainer.")
# determinant
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @aliases determinant determinant,Toeplitz-method
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("determinant", "Toeplitz", function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
ldT <- x$log_det()
if(!logarithm) ldT <- exp(ldT)
# solve
#' @rdname Toeplitz
#' @aliases solve solve,Toeplitz,ANY-method solve,Toeplitz-method
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
f = "solve",
signature = "Toeplitz",
definition = function(a, b, method = c("gschur", "pcg"), tol = 1e-10, ...) {
check_tz(has_acf = a$has_acf())
if(missing(b)) b <- diag(a$size())
vec_b <- is.vector(b)
if(vec_b) b <- as.matrix(b)
if(!is.matrix(b)) {
stop("b must be a matrix or vector.")
if(nrow(b) != a$size()) {
stop("Incompatible matrix solve dimensions.")
y <- a$solve(b, method, tol)
if(vec_b) y <- drop(y)
#--- helper functions ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Check inputs to Toeplitz.
#' @param acfs Named list of acfs.
#' @param N Required size of each acf.
#' @param has_acf Optional whether or not acf has been set.
#' @details
#' - For each element of `acfs` checks that it has length `N`.
#' - If `has_acf` provided returns error if `has_acf == FALSE`.
#' @noRd
check_tz <- function(acfs, N, has_acf) {
if(!missing(has_acf)) {
# check has_acf
if(!has_acf) stop("Toeplitz$set_acf() has not been called yet.")
if(!missing(acfs)) {
# check acfs
for(varname in names(acfs)) {
x <- acfs[[varname]]
if(!(is.vector(x) && is.numeric(x))) {
stop(paste0(varname, " must be a numeric vector."))
if(length(x) != N) {
stop(paste0(varname, "has wrong length."))
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