
Defines functions predict.gater gater

Documented in gater predict.gater

#' Gater function for mixture SVMs
#' @param x the nxp training data matrix. Could be a matrix or a sparse matrix object.
#' @param y a response vector for prediction tasks with one value for each of the n rows of \code{x}. 
#'     For classification, the values correspond to class labels and can be a 1xn matrix, 
#'     a simple vector or a factor. For regression, the values correspond to the values to predict, 
#'     and can be a 1xn matrix or a simple vector.
#' @param S the prediction matrix from experts
#' @param hidden the number of neurons in the hidden layer 
#' @param learningrate the learningrate for the back propagation
#' @param threshold neural network stops training once all gradient is below the threshold
#' @param stepmax the maximum iteration of the neural network training process
#' @param verbose a logical value indicating whether to print information of training.
#' @param ... other parameters passing to \code{neuralnet}
#' @export
gater = function(x, y, S, hidden, learningrate = 0.01, threshold = 0.01, 
                 stepmax = 100, verbose = verbose, ...) {
  assertInt(nrow(x), lower = 1)
  assertInt(ncol(x), lower = 1)
  assertInt(nrow(y), lower = nrow(x), upper = nrow(x))
  assertInt(ncol(y), lower = 1)
  assertInt(nrow(S), lower = nrow(x), upper = nrow(x))
  assertInt(ncol(x), lower = 1)
  m = ncol(S)
  n = nrow(x)
  p = ncol(x)
  # out.num = 1
#   x = as.data.frame(x)
#   colnames(x) = paste0('X',1:ncol(x))
#   S = as.data.frame(S)
#   colnames(S) = paste0('S',1:ncol(S))
#   data = data.frame(S, x)
#   formula = paste0(paste(colnames(S),collapse='+'),
#                    '~',
#                    paste(colnames(x),collapse='+'))
  net = neuralnet(x = x, y = S, hidden = hidden, true.response = as.vector(y),
                  algorithm = 'rprop+', act.fct = 'tanh', stepmax = stepmax,
                  learningrate = learningrate, threshold = threshold,
                  linear.output = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...)
  # weights = net$weights[[1]]
  res = list(net = net)
  res = structure(res, class = "gater")

#' Predictions for Gater function
#' The function applies a model produced by the 
#'  \code{gaterSVM} function to every row of a data matrix and returns the model predictions.
#' @param object Object of class "gater", created by \code{gater}.
#' @param newdata An n x p matrix containing the new input data. Could be a matrix or a sparse matrix object.
#' @param ... parameters for future usage.
#' @method predict gater
#' @export
predict.gater = function(object, newdata, ...) {
  res = compute(object$net, newdata)$net.result

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