
Defines functions roctable

Documented in roctable

roctable <- function(indval, boolval, maskval = NULL, nthres = NULL, thres = NULL, NAval = 0, progress = FALSE,
                     ones.bool = NULL, zeros.bool = NULL){ 
  # mask out nodata cells in the index and boolean vectors if a mask vector is given
    maskval[maskval == NAval] <- NA
    indval <- indval * maskval
    boolval <- boolval * maskval
  if(is.null(ones.bool) | is.null(zeros.bool)){   
    # extract total number of cells with ones and zeros in the boolean vector
    boolvals <- boolval[!is.na(boolval)]
    ones.bool <- sum(as.bit(boolvals))
    zeros.bool <- length(boolvals) - ones.bool
  # generic function for crosstabing two boolean vectors 
  func_logical3   <- function(v1, v2){
    r1  <- sum(v1 & v2)
    r2  <- sum(v1 & !v2)
    return(c(r1, r2))
  # extract only no NA values from the boolean and index vectors
  # length of (not NA) boolean and index vectors must be equal as the mask was applied previously
  if(any(ls() == 'boolvals')){
    boolval <- boolvals
  } else{ 
    boolval <- boolval[!is.na(boolval)]
  indval <- indval[!is.na(indval)]
  if (length(boolval) != length(indval)) stop('different NA values in input maps')
  zeroIndVal <- indval * 0
  maxInd <- max(indval, na.rm = TRUE)
  # define the thresholds vector
  ifelse(!is.null(thres), minInd <- min(thres), minInd <- min(indval, na.rm = TRUE))
  ifelse(!is.null(nthres), newThres <- (maxInd - minInd)/(nthres-2) * (0:(nthres-2)) + minInd, 
         ifelse(!is.null(thres), newThres <- thres, newThres <- unique(indval)))
  newThres <- sort(newThres, decreasing = TRUE)
  # create results data.frame
  res <- cbind(newThres, "Hits" = 0, "HitsRate" = 0, "falseAlarms" = 0, "falseAlarmsRate" = 0)
  # loop for reclassifying the index vector for each new threshold
  # and then perform the crosstab with the boolean vector
  for (j in 2:(nrow(res))){
    i <- newThres[j]
    zeroIndVal[which(indval > i)]  <- 1
    xb <- as.bit(zeroIndVal)
    yb <- as.bit(boolval)
    crsstb <- func_logical3(xb,yb)
    res[j, "Hits"] <- crsstb[1]
    res[j, "HitsRate"] <- crsstb[1]/ones.bool * 100
    res[j, "falseAlarms"] <- crsstb[2]
    res[j, "falseAlarmsRate"] <- crsstb[2]/zeros.bool * 100
    zeroIndVal <- indval * 0
      pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, round(j/nrow(res) * 100, 0))
  tocd <- as.data.frame(rbind(res, c(NA, ones.bool, 100, zeros.bool, 100)))
  names(tocd) <- c("Threshold", "A", "HitsRate", "B", "falseAlarmsRate")
  # calculate ROC table as shown in TOCfigure1.xlsx created by Pontius
  tocd$Model1 <- tocd$HitsRate/100
  tocd$falseAlarms1 <- tocd$falseAlarmsRate/100
  tocd$Uniform <- tocd$falseAlarms1
  return(list(tocd = tocd, minInd = minInd))

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TOC documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:10 p.m.