
Defines functions agg.data

Documented in agg.data

#' Aggregation of time-series data
#' @description Aggregation of time-series data and start/end time selection.
#' This function provides the option to select the temporal step size
#' for aggregation of a single time series origination from an \code{\link{is.trex}}-compliant object.
#' Additionally, the user can define the start and end time of the series and select
#' the function used for aggregation.
#' @usage agg.data(input,
#'  time.agg = 60*24,
#'  start = "2012-07-28 00:00",
#'  end = "2012-10-29 00:00",
#'  FUN = "mean",
#'  unit = 60,
#'  na.rm = TRUE,
#'  df = FALSE)
#' @param input An \code{\link{is.trex}}-compliant time series from \code{tdm_cal.sfd} outputs
#' (e.g., \code{X$sfd.mw$sfd}).
#' @param time.agg Numeric, the aggregation time in minutes (default = 60).
#' @param start Character string, the start time for the series. Format has
#'  to be provided in "UTC" (e.g. "2012-05-28 00:00" or Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute).
#'  Starting time should not be earlier than the start of the series.
#'  If not provided the entire series is considered.
#' @param end character string, the end time for the series.
#'  Format has to be provided in "UTC" (e.g. "2012-06-28 00:50" or Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute).
#'  Starting time should be earlier than the end time and the end time should not exceed the
#'  length of the series.  If not provided the entire series is considered.
#' @param FUN Quoted function name to compute the summary statistics which can be
#' applied to all data subsets (see aggregate; including "sum", "mean",
#'  "median", "sd", "se", "min", "max").
#' @param unit Numeric, the minutes in which a velocity unity is provided
#'  (e.g., \eqn{cm^3 cm^{-2} h^{-1} = 60}{cm3 cm-2 h-1 = 60}) for summation (\code{FUN = “sum”}; default = 60).
#' @param na.rm Logical; if \code{TRUE} missing values are removed (default = \code{TRUE}).
#' @param df Logical; if \code{TRUE}, output is provided in a \code{data.frame} format
#'  with a timestamp and a value column. If \code{FALSE}, output
#'  is provided as a zoo vector object (default = \code{FALSE}).
#' @details
#'  Time series are often derived at variable resolutions.
#'  This function provides the option to aggregate (homogenize) time steps with
#'  standard \code{FUN} statistics. When applying this function to calculate
#'  summed sap flow values (e.g., \eqn{cm^3 cm^{-2} d^{-1}}{cm3 cm-2 d-1}) one needs
#'  to include the velocity unit, as the summation is dependent upon the minimum timestep
#'  of the time series (e.g., \eqn{cm^3 cm^{-2} h^{-1}}{cm3 cm-2 h-1}, \code{unit = 60}).
#' @return A zoo object or data.frame in the appropriate format for other functionalities.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #aggregate SFD values to mean hourly and daily sums
#' raw   <- example.data(type="doy")
#' input <- is.trex(raw,tz="GMT",time.format="%H:%M",
#'                   solar.time=TRUE,long.deg=7.7459,ref.add=FALSE,df=FALSE)
#' input[which(input<0.4)]<-NA
#' k.input<-tdm_dt.max(dt.steps(input,time.int=15,
#'                max.gap=180,decimals=10),methods=c("mw"))
#' sfd.input<-tdm_cal.sfd(k.input,make.plot=FALSE,
#'                   df=FALSE,wood="Coniferous")$sfd.mw$sfd
#' # means
#' output.1hmean <- agg.data(sfd.input,
#'                        time.agg=60,
#'                        start="2012-07-28 00:00",
#'                        end="2012-08-29 00:00",
#'                        FUN="mean",
#'                        na.rm=TRUE,
#'                        df=FALSE)
#' output.6hmean <- agg.data(sfd.input,
#'                          time.agg=60*6,
#'                          start="2012-07-28 00:00",
#'                          end="2012-08-29 00:00",
#'                          FUN="mean",
#'                          na.rm=TRUE,
#'                          df=FALSE)

#' plot(output.1hmean,col="cyan")
#' lines(output.6hmean,col="black")
#' # daily sums
#' output.dsum<-agg.data(sfd.input,
#'                       time.agg=60*24,
#'                       start="2012-07-28 00:00",
#'                       end="2012-10-29 00:00",
#'                       FUN="sum",
#'                       unit=60,
#'                       na.rm=TRUE,
#'                       df=FALSE)
#' plot(output.dsum)
#' points(output.dsum,pch=16)
#' }
agg.data <-
           time.agg = 60 * 24,
           start = "2012-07-28 00:00",
           end = "2012-10-29 00:00",
           FUN = "mean",
           unit = 60,
           na.rm = TRUE,
           df = FALSE){
    #t= test
    #raw   <- example.data(type="doy")
    #input <- is.trex(raw,tz="GMT",time.format="%H:%M",solar.time=TRUE,long.deg=7.7459,ref.add=FALSE,df=FALSE)
    #time.agg=60*24 # in minutes
    #start= "2012-07-28 00:00"  #format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
    #end=   "2012-08-29 00:00"  #format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
    #unit=60 # in minutes
    #FUN= "sum"

    #p= process
    if (attributes(input)$class == "data.frame") {
      if (is.numeric(input$value) == F)
        stop("Invalid input data, values within the data.frame are not numeric.")
      if (is.character(input$timestamp) == F)
        stop("Invalid input data, timestamp within the data.frame are not numeric.")

      input <-
          order.by = base::as.POSIXct(input$timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz =

      if (as.character(zoo::index(input)[1]) == "(NA NA)" |
          is.na(zoo::index(input)[1]) == T)
        stop("No timestamp present, time.format is likely incorrect.")

    #d= default conditions
    if (missing(start)) {
      start = as.character(zoo::index(input[1]))
    if (missing(end)) {
      end = as.character(zoo::index(input[length(input)]))
    if (missing(time.agg)) {
      time.agg <- 60
    if (missing(df)) {
      df = F
    if (missing(unit)) {
      unit = 60
    if (df != T &
        df != F)
      stop("Unused argument, df needs to be TRUE|FALSE.")
    if (missing(na.rm)) {
      na.rm = T

    #e= errors
    if (zoo::is.zoo(input) == F)
        "Invalid input data, use a zoo file from is.trex or a zoo vector containing numeric values (tz= UTC)."
    if (is.numeric(input) == F)
      stop("Invalid input data, values within the vector are not numeric.")
    if (is.character(start) == F)
      stop("Unused argument, start is not a character (format= %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).")
    if (is.character(end) == F)
      stop("Unused argument, end is not a character (format= %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).")
    if (is.numeric(time.agg) == F)
      stop("Unused argument, time.int is not numeric.")
    if (is.numeric(unit) == F)
      stop("Unused argument, unit is not numeric.")
     if ((FUN %in% c("sum", "mean", "median", "sd", "se", "min", "max")) == F)
      stop("Unused argument, FUN should be a character of either sum|mean|median|sd|se|min|max.")
    if (na.rm != T &
        na.rm != F)
      stop("Unused argument, na.rm needs to be TRUE|FALSE.")

    ts.start <-
      as.POSIXct(as.character(base::paste0(start, ":00")),
                 format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                 tz = "UTC") - 1
    ts.end <-
      as.POSIXct(as.character(base::paste0(end, ":00")),
                 format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                 tz = "UTC") + 1

    if (is.na(ts.start) == TRUE)
      stop("Unused argument, start is not in the correct format (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).")
    if (is.na(ts.end) == TRUE)
      stop("Unused argument, end is not in the correct format (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).")
    if (as.numeric(ts.start - zoo::index(input[1])) < -1)
      stop("Unused argument, start is earlier then start of the timestamp.")
    if (as.numeric(zoo::index(input[length(input)]) - ts.end) < -1)
      stop("Unused argument, end is later then start of the timestamp.")

    #p= process
    value <- stats::na.omit(stats::window(input, start = ts.start, end = ts.end))
    raw.gap <-
      as.numeric(difftime(zoo::index(value)[-1], zoo::index(value[-length(value)]), tz = "UTC", units = c("mins")))

    if (stats::median(raw.gap, na.rm = TRUE) > time.agg)
      stop("Unused argument, time.agg is smaller the minimum timestep.")
    if (time.agg / stats::median(raw.gap) != round(time.agg / stats::median(raw.gap)))
      stop("Unused argument, time.agg does not match the minimum timestep of the series.")

    gap <-
      stats::window(zoo::zoo(raw.gap, order.by = zoo::index(value)),
                    start = ts.start,
                    end = ts.end)
    dummy <-
      zoo::zoo(NA, order.by = seq(
        from = ts.start + 1,
        to = ts.end - 1,
        by = (60 * stats::median(raw.gap))
      )) #*time.int
    agg.links <-
      zoo::zoo(NA, order.by = seq(
        from = ts.start + 1,
        to = ts.end - 1,
        by = (60 * time.agg)
      )) #*time.int
    agg.links <-
      zoo::zoo(c(1:length(agg.links)), order.by = zoo::index(agg.links))
    proc.1 <- zoo::cbind.zoo(value, gap, dummy, agg.links)
    proc.1$agg <- zoo::na.locf(proc.1$agg.links)
    proc.2 <- proc.1[which(is.na(proc.1$value) == F), ]
    proc.3 <-
        by = list(proc.2$agg),
        FUN = FUN,
        na.rm = TRUE

    if (na.rm == T) {
      test <- stats::aggregate(proc.2$value, by = list(proc.2$agg), FUN = "length")
      proc.3[which(test < max(test))] <- NA

    proc.4 <-
      zoo::zoo(proc.3, order.by = zoo::index(proc.1[which(as.character(proc.1$agg.links) %in%
                                                            as.character(as.numeric(zoo::index(proc.3)))), ]))
    proc.5 <- cbind(proc.1, proc.4)
    proc.6 <- proc.5[which(is.na(proc.5$agg.links) == F), "proc.4"]
    if (FUN == "sum") {
      proc.6 <- proc.6 / (unit / stats::median(gap, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (na.rm == T) {
      proc.6 <- stats::na.omit(proc.6)
    if (df == T) {
      output.data <-
        data.frame(timestamp = as.character(zoo::index(proc.6)),
                   value = as.numeric(as.character(proc.6)))
    } else{
      output.data <- proc.6

#aggregate SFD values to mean hourly and daily sums
# raw   <- example.data(type="doy")
# input <- is.trex(raw,tz="GMT",time.format="%H:%M",solar.time=TRUE,long.deg=7.7459,ref.add=FALSE,df=FALSE)
# input[which(input<0.4)]<-NA
# k.input<-tdm_dt.max(dt.steps(input,time.int=15,max.gap=180,decimals=10),methods=c("mw"))
# sfd.input<-tdm_cal.sfd(k.input,make.plot=FALSE,df=FALSE,wood="Coniferous")$sfd.mw$sfd
# output.1hmean<-agg.data(sfd.input,time.agg=60,start="2012-07-28 00:00",end="2012-08-29 00:00",FUN="mean",na.rm=TRUE,df=FALSE)
# output.3hmean<-agg.data(sfd.input,time.agg=60*3,start="2012-07-28 00:00",end="2012-08-29 00:00",FUN="mean",na.rm=TRUE,df=FALSE)
# output.6hmean<-agg.data(sfd.input,time.agg=60*6,start="2012-07-28 00:00",end="2012-08-29 00:00",FUN="mean",na.rm=TRUE,df=FALSE)
# plot(output.1hmean,col="cyan")
# lines(output.3hmean,col="orange")
# lines(output.6hmean,col="black")
# output.dsum<-agg.data(sfd.input,time.agg=60*24,start="2012-07-28 00:00",end="2012-10-29 00:00",FUN="sum",unit=60,na.rm=TRUE,df=FALSE)
# plot(output.dsum)
# points(output.dsum,pch=16)

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TREXr documentation built on March 24, 2021, 5:06 p.m.