Defines functions guiTVMM

Documented in guiTVMM

#' @title A graphical user interface (GUI) of the package TVMM
#' @description A graphical user interface (GUI) of the package TVMM to perform more general hypothesis tests on the vector of multivariate population means.
#' \url{https://rpubs.com/Henriqueufla/617206} for more details.
#' @param gui Logical argument, \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. The default is \code{TRUE}
#' @import tcltk
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom robustbase covComed
#  @importFrom tkrplot tkrplot
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom stats quantile rchisq rf var runif
#' @importFrom utils browseURL edit read.table read.csv
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm ginv
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @importFrom tcltk2 tk2text
#' @importFrom DescToolsAddIns dir.choose
#' @importFrom robustbase covComed
#' @return \code{guiTVMM} A graphical user interface (GUI) for performing tests on the vector of multivariate population means.
#' @references
#' Henrique J. P. Alves & Daniel F. Ferreira (2019): Proposition of new alternative tests adapted to the traditional T2 test, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1693596
#' @examples
#' library(TVMM)
#' if(interactive()){
#'   guiTVMM(gui=FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
guiTVMM <- function(gui=TRUE) {
  if (gui == TRUE) {
    if (!requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"tkrplot\" need for this function to work. Please install it!")
    } else{
      color <- c("#FF9999", "#3366FF")
      Color <- gray(2:1 /2 )
      options(digits = 4)
      T2help <- function() {

      #fun??o da op??o quit do menu file da GUI
      quit <- function(){
        dialog <- tkmessageBox(message = "Do you really want to end this GUI?" ,
                               icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
        if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){

      X <- NULL
      mu0 <- NULL
      # funcoes auxiliares que carregam os arquivos de dados em txt
      DaTa <- function(){
        fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=gettext('{"txt Files" {".txt"}} {{All files} {"*"}}')))
        if (fileName == "") return();
        if(exists("fileName")) {
          sapply(2:3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(topMenu, i, state = "normal"))
        dat <- NULL
        X <<- dat <- dat <<- as.matrix(read.table(fileName, header = TRUE))
        pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
        u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
        for(i in u) {
          info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
          setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("Data (%s)", info), info)
        sapply(0:5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))

      MeanVec <- function(){
        fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=gettext('{"txt" {".txt"}} {{All files} {"*"}}')))
        if (fileName == "") return();
        if(exists("fileName")) {
          sapply(2:3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(topMenu, i, state = "normal"))
        dat <- NULL
        mu0 <<- dat <- dat <<- as.matrix(read.table(fileName, header = TRUE))
        pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
        u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
        for(i in u) {
          info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
          setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("Data (%s)", info), info)
        sapply(0:5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))

      DaTacsv <- function(){
        fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=gettext('{"Excel Files" {".csv"}} {{All files} {"*"}}')))
        if (fileName == "") return();
        if(exists("fileName")) {
          sapply(2:3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(topMenu, i, state = "normal"))
        dat <- NULL
        X <<- dat <- dat <<- as.matrix(read.csv(fileName, header = TRUE, sep=",", dec="."))
        pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
        u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
        for(i in u) {
          info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
          setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("Data (%s)", info), info)
        sapply(0:5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))

      MeanVeccsv <- function(){
        fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=gettext('{"Excel Files" {".csv"}} {{All files} {"*"}}')))
        if (fileName == "") return();
        if(exists("fileName")) {
          sapply(2:3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(topMenu, i, state = "normal"))
        dat <- NULL
        mu0 <<- dat <- dat <<- as.matrix(read.csv(fileName,header = TRUE, sep=",", dec="."))
        pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
        u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
        for(i in u) {
          info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
          setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("Data (%s)", info), info)
        sapply(0:5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))

      #fun??o que traz a op??o view/edit do menu file da GUI
      # X <- NULL
      editMatrixData <- function(){
        dat <- NULL
        X <<- dat <- dat <<- edit(X)
      # mu0 <- NULL
      editMeanData <- function(){
        dat <- NULL
        mu0 <<- dat <- dat <<- edit(mu0)

      #teste T2 original
      T2OO <- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2O test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"Results of T2O test!!")
            win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
            tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="T2O", background="#CCE5FF", command=function(){
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("T2 test (%s)", info), info)
              tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$T2[1],".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$valor.p[1], ".\n"))
            help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= t2help)
            tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
            tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="right")
            sapply(0, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
            sapply(1:5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      #cria a janela de sa?da gr?fica na GUI
      FigplotT2O <- function(...) {
        gl1 <- as.numeric(nrow(X))
        gl2 <- as.numeric(nrow(mu0))
        vF <- rf(80, gl2,gl1-gl2)
        VF <- (gl1-1)*gl2*vF/(gl1-gl2)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$T2[1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2O test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$T2[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2O test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotT200 <- function(...) {
        gl1 <- as.numeric(nrow(X))
        gl2 <- as.numeric(nrow(mu0))
        vF <- rf(80, gl2,gl1-gl2)
        VF <- (gl1-1)*gl2*vF/(gl1-gl2)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$T2[1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2O test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=TVMM::T2O(X, mu0)$T2[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2O test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      plotT2O <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2O test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                    icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
            if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              # tktitle <- "T2 original test."
              tkwm.title(win,"T2 original test.")
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT2O, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2O(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            } else{
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              # tktitle <- "T2 original test."
              tkwm.title(win,"T2 original test.")
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT200, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT200(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      #Teste T2Bootstrap
      T2BBoot <- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2Boot test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"Results of T2Boot test!!")
            win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
            tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            b <- tclVar(80)
            B.entry <- tkentry(button_frame, textvariable=b, width=7)
            calc <- function(){B <- as.numeric(tclvalue(b))
            if(B<=0 | B%%floor(B)!=0 | is.na(B)==TRUE){
              tkmessageBox(message=paste("B must be a positive integer!!!!!!"))
            } else{
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("T2Boot test (%s)", info), info)
              results <- TVMM::T2Boot(X, mu0, B)
              tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", results$T2,".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", results$valor.p, ".\n"))
            calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="T2Boot", background="#CCE5FF", command=calc)
            help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= t2boothelp)
            tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
            tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="B", background="#CCE5FF", width="7"), B.entry, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
            sapply(1, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
            sapply(c(0,2:5), function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      # fun??o que cria o gr?fico deste teste
      FigplotT2Boot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        XS <- apply(X,2,mean)
        SS <- var(X)
        T2 <- n * t(XS - mu0) %*% solve(SS) %*% (XS - mu0)
        T2v <- T2
        T2b <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, SS)
          Xsb <- apply(Xb,2,mean)
          Ssb <- var(Xb)
          T2b[[i]] <- n * t(Xsb - mu0) %*% solve(Ssb) %*% (Xsb - mu0)
        VF <- c(T2v,T2b)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=T2Boot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2Boot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=T2Boot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2Boot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotT2BBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        XS <- apply(X,2,mean)
        SS <- var(X)
        T2 <- n * t(XS - mu0) %*% solve(SS) %*% (XS - mu0)
        T2v <- T2
        T2b <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, SS)
          Xsb <- apply(Xb,2,mean)
          Ssb <- var(Xb)
          T2b[[i]] <- n * t(Xsb - mu0) %*% solve(Ssb) %*% (Xsb - mu0)
        VF <- c(T2v,T2b)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=T2Boot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2Boot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=T2Boot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)), colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2Boot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      #cria a janela de sa??da gr?fica na GUI
      plotT2Boot <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2Boot test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                    icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
            if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              tkwm.title(win,"T2 parametric bootstrap test.")
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT2Boot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            } else{
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT2BBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2Boot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2Boot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2O.png", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2O.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2BBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      #teste T2 Robusto bootstrap
      T2RRBBoot <- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2RBoot test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"Results of T2RBoot test!!")
            win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
            tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            b <- tclVar(80)
            B.entry <- tkentry(button_frame, textvariable=b, width=7)
            calc <- function(){B <- as.numeric(tclvalue(b))
            if(B<=0 | B%%floor(B)!=0 | is.na(B)==TRUE){
              tkmessageBox(message=paste("B must be a positive integer!!!!!!"))
            } else{
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("T2Boot test (%s)", info), info)
              results <- TVMM::T2RobustBoot(X, mu0, B)
              tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", results$T2,".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", results$valor.p, ".\n"))
            calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="T2RBoot", background="#CCE5FF", command=calc)
            help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= t2boothelp)
            tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0), side="left")
            tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0), side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="B", background="#CCE5FF", width="5"), B.entry, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
            sapply(2, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
            sapply(c(0:1,3:5), function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      #cria seu gr?fico
      FigplotT2RBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        robust <- covComed(X)
        XS <- robust$raw.center
        SS <- robust$raw.cov
        T2 <- n * t(XS - mu0) %*% solve(SS) %*% (XS - mu0)
        T2v <- T2
        T2b <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, SS)
          robust <- covComed(Xb)
          Xsb <- robust$raw.center
          Ssb <- robust$raw.cov
          T2b[[i]] <- n * t(Xsb - mu0) %*% ginv(Ssb) %*% (Xsb - mu0)
        T2v <- c(T2v,T2b)
        VF <- c(T2v,T2b)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=T2RobustBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2RobustBoot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=T2RobustBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2RobustBoot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotT2RRBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        robust <- covComed(X)
        XS <- robust$raw.center
        SS <- robust$raw.cov
        T2 <- n * t(XS - mu0) %*% solve(SS) %*% (XS - mu0)
        T2v <- T2
        T2b <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, SS)
          robust <- covComed(Xb)
          Xsb <- robust$raw.center
          Ssb <- robust$raw.cov
          T2b[[i]] <- n * t(Xsb - mu0) %*% ginv(Ssb) %*% (Xsb - mu0)
        T2v <- c(T2v,T2b)
        VF <- c(T2v,T2b)
        #OS GRUPOS
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1,ifelse(VF>=T2RobustBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],2, 0))
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2RobustBoot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=T2RobustBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$T2[,1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("T2RobustBoot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      plotT2RBoot <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("The T2RBoot test cannot be calculated!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                    icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
            if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              tkwm.title(win,"T2 robust parametric bootstrap test.")
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT2RBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2RBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            } else{
              pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
              u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
              for(i in u) {
                info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
                setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
              hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
              vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
              win <- tktoplevel()
              win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotT2RRBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
              #create button save
              frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
              tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
              nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
              button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
              tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
              button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
              tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
              rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
              rbValue <- tclVar("all")
              tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
              tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
              tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
              tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
              tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
              tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
              tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
              tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

              handler1 <- function () {
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                  rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                  if (rbVal=="png"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="eps"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  if (rbVal=="all"){
                    folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                    ggsave("T2RBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotT2RRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                          icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                  if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
              tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
                response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                         message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                         type = "yesno" ,
                                         parent = win)
                if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
                tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
            tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      #teste LRT com tra?o
      LRTTTrace <- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          win <- tktoplevel()
          tkwm.title(win,"Results of LRT test!!")
          win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
          tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
          tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
          nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
          button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
          tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
          calc <- function(){
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("LRT test (%s)", info), info)
            results <- TVMM::LRTTrace(X, mu0)
            tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", results$LRTT,".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", results$valor.p, ".\n"))
          calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="LRTT", background="#CCE5FF", command=calc)
          help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= LRTThelp)
          tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="right")
          sapply(3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
          sapply(c(0:2,4:5), function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      #cria seu gr?fico (esse tem de olhar no caso de alta dimens?o)
      FigplotLRTTrace <- function(...) {
        p <- ncol(X)
        VF <- rchisq(2000, p)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTrace test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTrace(X,mu0)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTrace test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotLRTTTrace <- function(...) {
        p <- ncol(X)
        VF <- rchisq(2000, p)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTrace test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTrace(X,mu0)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTrace test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      #cria a janela de sa??da gr?fica na GUI
      LRTTracegraph <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                  icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
          if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTrace, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          } else{
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTTrace, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTrace.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTTrace(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      #Teste LRT bootstrap

      LRTTTBoot <- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          win <- tktoplevel()
          tkwm.title(win,"Results of LRTBoot test!!")
          win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
          tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
          tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
          nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
          button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
          tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
          b <- tclVar(80)
          B.entry <- tkentry(button_frame,textvariable=b, width=7)
          calc <- function(){B <- as.numeric(tclvalue(b))
          if(B<=0 | B%%floor(B)!=0 | is.na(B)==TRUE){
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("B must be a positive integer!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("LRTTBoot test (%s)", info), info)
            results <- TVMM::LRTTBoot(X, mu0, B)
            tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", results$LRTT,".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", results$valor.p, ".\n"))
          calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="LRTTBoot", background="#CCE5FF", command=calc)
          help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= LRTTboothelp)
          tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="B", background="#CCE5FF", width="7"), B.entry, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          sapply(4, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
          sapply(c(0:3,5), function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      #cria seu gr?fico
      FigplotLRTTBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        Xsrb <- apply(X, 2, mean)
        Ssrb <- var(X)
        H <- (Xsrb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrb - mu0)
        LRTTo <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrb))))
        LRTTv <- LRTTo
        LRTTb <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xbb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, Ssrb)
          Xsbb <- apply(Xbb, 2, mean)
          Ssbb <- var(Xbb)
          H <- (Xsbb - mu0) %*% t(Xsbb - mu0)
          LRTTb[i] <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssbb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssbb))))
        VF <- c(LRTTv, LRTTb)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTBoot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTBoot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotLRTTBBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        Xsrb <- apply(X, 2, mean)
        Ssrb <- var(X)
        H <- (Xsrb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrb - mu0)
        LRTTo <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrb))))
        LRTTv <- LRTTo
        LRTTb <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B=80))
          Xbb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, Ssrb)
          Xsbb <- apply(Xbb, 2, mean)
          Ssbb <- var(Xbb)
          H <- (Xsbb - mu0) %*% t(Xsbb - mu0)
          LRTTb[i] <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssbb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssbb))))
        VF <- c(LRTTv, LRTTb)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTBoot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTBoot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      #cria a janela de sa??da gr?fica na GUI
      LRTTBootgraph <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                  icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
          if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT parametric bootstrap with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          } else{
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT parametric bootstrap with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTBBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTBBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      # teste LRTT roobusto Bootstrap
      LRTTTRBoot<- function(){
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          win <- tktoplevel()
          tkwm.title(win,"Results of LRTRBoot test!!")
          win$env$txt <- tk2text(win, width = 60, height = 10)
          tkpack(win$env$txt, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
          tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
          nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
          button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
          tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
          b <- tclVar(80)
          B.entry <- tkentry(button_frame,textvariable=b, width=7)
          calc <- function(){B <- as.numeric(tclvalue(b))
          if(B<=0 | B%%floor(B)!=0 | is.na(B)==TRUE){
            tkmessageBox(message=paste("B must be a positive integer!!!!!!"))
          } else{
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Test progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("LRTTRBoot test (%s)", info), info)
            results <- TVMM::LRTTRBoot(X, mu0, B)
            tkinsert(win$env$txt, "1.0", paste("The statistic value is:.\n", results$LRTT,".\n", "The p-value is:.\n", results$valor.p, ".\n"))
          calc.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="LRTTRBoot", background="#CCE5FF", command=calc)
          help.boot <- tkbutton(button_frame, text="Help", background="#CCE5FF", command= LRTTRboothelp)
          tkpack(calc.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          tkpack(help.boot, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="B", background="#CCE5FF", width="7"), B.entry, padx = c(40,0),side="left")
          sapply(5, function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "normal"))
          sapply(c(0:4), function(i) tkentryconfigure(fileTestgraph, i, state = "disabled"))
        tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
          response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                   message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                   type = "yesno" ,
                                   parent = win)
          if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
          tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche

      #cria seu gr?fico
      FigplotLRTTRBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        robust <- covComed(X)
        Xsrb <- robust$raw.center
        Ssrb <- robust$raw.cov
        H <- (Xsrb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrb - mu0)
        LRTTo <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrb))))
        LRTTv <- LRTTo
        LRTTb <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B= 80))
          Xrbb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, Ssrb)
          robust <- covComed(Xrbb)
          Xsrbb <- robust$raw.center
          Ssrbb <- robust$raw.cov
          H <- (Xsrbb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrbb - mu0)
          LRTTb[i] <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrbb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrbb))))
        VF <- c(LRTTv, LRTTb)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTRboot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTRBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTRboot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      FigplotLRTTRRBoot <- function(...) {
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        robust <- covComed(X)
        Xsrb <- robust$raw.center
        Ssrb <- robust$raw.cov
        H <- (Xsrb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrb - mu0)
        LRTTo <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrb))))
        LRTTv <- LRTTo
        LRTTb <- numeric(length = 80)
        for (i in 1:(B= 80))
          Xrbb <- mvrnorm(n, mu0, Ssrb)
          robust <- covComed(Xrbb)
          Xsrbb <- robust$raw.center
          Ssrbb <- robust$raw.cov
          H <- (Xsrbb - mu0) %*% t(Xsrbb - mu0)
          LRTTb[i] <- n * (log(sum(diag(Ssrbb + H))) - log(sum(diag(Ssrbb))))
        VF <- c(LRTTv, LRTTb)
        group <- ifelse(VF>=as.numeric(quantile(VF,0.95)),1, 0)
        Dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group))
        p1 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTRboot test density.","Critical region (5%)."))
        group1 <- ifelse(VF>=LRTTRBoot(X,mu0, B=80)$LRTT[1],1, 0)
        Dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(VF, group1))
        p2 <- ggplot(Dat,aes(x=VF,  y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), group=as.factor(group1)))+
          geom_histogram(aes(x = VF, fill = as.factor(group1)),colour="black",
                         bins = round(sqrt(length(VF)))+1)+
          xlab ("Quantiles")+
                legend.box = "horizontal",legend.title=element_text(size=12),
                legend.text=element_text(size=12), axis.text=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"),
                axis.title=element_text(size=15, colour = "#000000"), axis.line = element_line(colour = "#000000"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank())+
                            labels=c("LRTTRboot test density.", "Statistic observed."))
        ml <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=1)

      #cria a janela de sa??da gr?fica na GUI
      LRTTRBootgraph <- function() {
          tkmessageBox(message=paste("You haven't loaded the dataset yet!!!"))
        } else{
          dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to view this figure in color?" ,
                                  icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
          if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT robust parametric bootstrap with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTRBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          } else{
            pb <- tkProgressBar("Graph progress bar", "",0, 100, 0)
            u <- c(0, sort(runif(20, 0, 100)), 100)
            for(i in u) {
              info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(i))
              setTkProgressBar(pb, i, sprintf("graph (%s)", info), info)
            hscale <- 2    # Horizontal scaling
            vscale <- 1    # Vertical scaling
            win <- tktoplevel()
            tkwm.title(win,"LRT robust parametric bootstrap with trace test.")
            win$env$plot <- tkrplot::tkrplot(win, fun = FigplotLRTTRRBoot, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
            #create button save
            frame <- ttkframe(win , padding = c(3 ,3 ,12 ,12), relief="groove", borderwidth = 2)
            tkpack(frame , expand = TRUE , fill = "both")
            nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame ) ; tkpack(nested_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
            tkpack(button_frame , anchor = "ne")
            button1 <- ttkbutton (button_frame , text = "Save")
            tkpack(button1 , side = "right")
            rb1 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb2 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb3 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb4 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb5 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb6 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rb7 <- tkradiobutton(button_frame)
            rbValue <- tclVar("all")
            tkconfigure(rb1, variable=rbValue, value="png")
            tkconfigure(rb3, variable=rbValue, value="jpeg")
            tkconfigure(rb4, variable=rbValue, value="pdf")
            tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="eps")
            tkconfigure(rb5, variable=rbValue, value="tiff")
            tkconfigure(rb6, variable=rbValue, value="bmp")
            tkconfigure(rb7, variable=rbValue, value="all")

            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="png"), rb1, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="jpeg"), rb3, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="pdf"), rb4, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="eps"), rb2, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="tiff"), rb5, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="bmp"), rb6, side="left")
            tkpack(tklabel(button_frame, text="all"), rb7, side="left")

            handler1 <- function () {
              dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Do you want to save this figure?" ,
                                      icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
              if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
                rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
                if (rbVal=="png"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="eps"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="jpeg"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="pdf"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="tiff"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="bmp"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                if (rbVal=="all"){
                  folder <- DescToolsAddIns::dir.choose()
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.png", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.eps", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.jpeg", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.pdf", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml),width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.tiff", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                  ggsave("LRTTRBoot.bmp", path = folder, FigplotLRTTRRBoot(ml), width = 10, height = 7)
                dialog <- tkmessageBox (message = "Don't you really want to save this figure?" ,
                                        icon = "question" , type = "yesno")
                if(as.character(dialog) == "yes"){
            tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
              response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                       message = "Do you really want to close this window?" ,
                                       type = "yesno" ,
                                       parent = win)
              if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
              tkdestroy(win) # Caso contrario feche
          tkconfigure(button1 , command = handler1)

      t2help <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The T2 test!!")
        tclimg2 <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "T2test.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg2), compound = "none")

      t2boothelp <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The parametric bootstrap T2 test!!")
        tclimg3 <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "T2boot.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg3), compound = "none")

      t2rboothelp <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The robust parametric bootstrap T2 test!!")
        tclimg4 <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "T2RBoot.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg4), compound = "none")

      LRTThelp <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The likelihood ratio test with trace!!")
        tclimg5 <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "LRTT.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg5), compound = "none")

      LRTTboothelp <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The likelihood ratio parametric bootstrap test with trace!!")
        tclimg6 <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "LRTTBoot.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg6), compound = "none")

      LRTTRboothelp <- function(){
        img <- tclVar()
        win <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(win,"The robust likelihood ratio parametric bootstrap test with trace!!")
        tclimg7 <- tkimage.create("photo", img , file = system.file("etc", "LRTTRBoot.gif", package="TVMM"))
        button.widget <- ttklabel(win, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg7), compound = "none")
      #inicio da GUI

      tt <- tktoplevel(width=800, height=450)
      tkwm.title(tt,"GUI TVMM package")
      img <- tclVar()
      tclimg <- tkimage.create("photo" , img , file = system.file("etc", "figura.gif", package="TVMM"))
      figura <- ttklabel(tt, text = "", image = as.character(tclimg), compound = "none")
      topMenu <- tkmenu(tt)
      fontMenu <- tkfont.create(family="sans",size=8,weight="normal",slant="italic")
      tkconfigure(tt, menu = topMenu)
      # fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
      fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openMenutxt <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openMenucsv <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openEdit <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      fileTest <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openTest <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      fileTestgraph <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openTestgraph <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      helpMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      openHelp <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE, font = fontMenu)
      #command head file
      tkadd(openMenutxt,"command",label="matrix data (txt)", command=DaTa, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openMenutxt,"command",label="mean vector (txt)", command=MeanVec, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openMenucsv,"command",label="matrix data (csv)", command=DaTacsv, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openMenucsv,"command",label="mean vector (csv)", command=MeanVeccsv, font = fontMenu)
      # tkadd(openMenu,"command",label="xlsx", command=getXlsx, font = fontMenu)
      # tkadd(openMenu,"command",label="xls", command=getXls, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openEdit,"command",label="Matrix Data", command=editMatrixData, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openEdit,"command",label="Mean vector", command=editMeanData, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileMenu, "cascade",label="Data (txt)", menu=openMenutxt, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileMenu, "cascade",label="Data (csv)", menu=openMenucsv, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileMenu, "cascade",label="View/Edit", menu=openEdit, font = fontMenu)
      #command tests
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="T2 test", command=T2OO, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="T2 bootstrap test", command=T2BBoot, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="T2 robust bootstrap test", command=T2RRBBoot, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="LRT trace test", command=LRTTTrace, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="LRT bootstrap trace test", command=LRTTTBoot, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTest,"command",label="LRT robust bootstrap trace test", command=LRTTTRBoot, font = fontMenu)
      #command graphs
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="T2 original", command=plotT2O, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="T2 parametric bootstrap", command=plotT2Boot, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="T2 robust parametric bootstrap", command=plotT2RBoot, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="LRT trace", command=LRTTracegraph, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="LRT parametric bootstrap trace", command=LRTTBootgraph, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(fileTestgraph,"command",label="LRT robust parametric bootstrap trace", command=LRTTRBootgraph, font = fontMenu)
      #command help
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="Manual", command=T2help, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="T2 test", command=t2help, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="T2Boot test", command=t2boothelp, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="T2RBoot test", command=t2rboothelp, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="LRTTrace test", command=LRTThelp, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="LRTTBoot test", command=LRTTboothelp, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(openHelp,"command",label="LRTTRBoot test", command=LRTTRboothelp, font = fontMenu)
      #command quit
      tkadd(fileMenu,"cascade",label="Quit", command=quit, font = fontMenu)
      #create the menus
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label="File", menu=fileMenu, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label="Tests", menu=fileTest, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label="Graphs", menu=fileTestgraph, font = fontMenu)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade",label="Help", menu=openHelp, font = fontMenu)
      sapply(2:3, function(i) tkentryconfigure(topMenu, i, state = "disabled"))
      #the end program
      tkwm.protocol(tt, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
        response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                 message = "Do you really want to close this GUI?" ,
                                 type = "yesno" ,
                                 parent = tt)
        if (as.character(response) == "no") return()
        tkdestroy(tt) # Caso contrario feche

Try the TVMM package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TVMM documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 5:33 p.m.