Man pages for TapeS
Tree Taper Curves and Sorting Based on 'TapeR'

Azestimate minimum cutting diameter
azpData: Function Parameters to estimate cutting diameter
BaMapfunction for mapping the 36 tree species to several internal...
barkDouble Bark Thickness
biomassPrediction of above-ground biomass according to NFI-functions
calcVCOVsekVolcalculate VCOV-Matrix for volume segments
check_monotonicitymonotonicity check for taper curve
crownExpansionData: Crown wood expansion models to include branch coarse...
data_coercioncoerce different data sources into class 'tprTrees'
DbhExtract pre-defined diameter
dbtpData: Function Parameters to estimate double bark thickness
E_HDxoR_HmDm_Ht.fFind Height of diameter under bark via uniroot
estHeightEstimate tree height by DBH according to BWI3
fnUnvdpercentage of unusable coarse wood
FormTariffTariff for taper form
HtCoefreturns coefficients for Pettersen-Height model
lmeSKEBLUPdiameter prediction E[d] for TapeR-object
nsurComponent biomass functions
parSortconstructor for class parSort
parSort-classAn S4 class to represent the parameters for tree assorting.
pettersonheight estimation
plot.tprTreesPlot taper curve for an object of class 'tprTrees'
RiParparameter of bark function
setTapeSoptionsSet and get options for the TapeS-package
simTreessimulating objects of class 'tprTrees'
SKParData: Taper Curve models fit using R-Package TapeR
Slot_accessorsslot accessor functions for class 'tprtrees'
TapeS-packageTapeS: New taper functions for most common tree species in...
tprAssortmentFunctions to calculate assortments for given tree
tprBarkFunctions to calculate double bark thickness for given...
tprBiomasstotal aboveground and component biomass
tprDiameterFunctions to extract diameters from Taper curve
tprDiameterCppFunction to extract diameters from Taper curve using Rcpp
tprHeightEstimate height for given diameter w/ or w/o bark
tprSpeciesCodeGet BDAT species code or transform it to a name.
tprTreesconstructor for class tprTrees
tprTrees-classAn S4 class to represent one or multiple trees.
tprVolumeFunctions to calculate stem volume from taper curve
unvdData: Percentage of unusable wood in Beech and Oak in Germany
Vfmtree volume information
volfaodlt7Data: Volume (cbm over bark) according to FAO definition for...
TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.