TapeS-package: TapeS: New taper functions for most common tree species in...

TapeS-packageR Documentation

TapeS: New taper functions for most common tree species in Germany and evaluating functions.


Implementing new taper functions for German NFI and making available associated function to evaluate diameter, height of diameter, bark thickness, biomass and volume of these taper functions. Also providing wrappers to calculate specific diameters like dbh, d005, d03 and d7 as well as specific volume measures like Vfm, Efm, VolR, VolE, Vol_FAO, and physical stem volume.


The package contains datasets which hold the taper curve models and further parameters used inside the provided functions (see data(package="TapeS")).

TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.