BaMap: function for mapping the 36 tree species to several internal...

View source: R/BaMap.r

BaMapR Documentation

function for mapping the 36 tree species to several internal functions


function for mapping the 36 tree species to several internal functions


BaMap(Ba = NULL, type = NULL)



BDAT tree number


a number referring to the type to be mapped


c.f. BDAT source code, line 7622, data block Ban(36, 7) type 1: Schaftform // taper form type 2: Rinde // bark type 3: Durchschnittliche Aufarbeitungsgrenze (nach EST) //average cutting diameter type 4: Höhe unverwertbares Derbholz // percentage non-merchantable coarse wood type 5: durchschnittlicher Astdurchmesser in der Krone // average branch diameter inside crown type 6: BWI-Biomasse-Funktionen // NFI-biomass functions according to Riedel & Kändler (2017) type 7: kompartimentweise Biomassefunktionen // component biomass functions according to Vonderach et al (2018) type 8: Zuordnung zu volfao // Mapping to volume according to FAO (FIX: mapping still temporary) Not included: volume tables according to Grundner and Schwappach as well as volume tables according to Krenn for small trees below 10cm dbh


value(s), either a scalar, vector or matrix, with respect to tree species mapping to functions


BaMap(1,1) # which taper form for Norway spruce
BaMap(15,1) # which taper form for European Beech
BaMap(15,2) # which bark equation for European Beech
BaMap(,1) # return all taper form mappings
BaMap(1,) # return all mappings for Norway spruce
BaMap() # return all mappings
BaMap(, 6) # biomass mapping
BaMap(, 7) # component biomass functions
BaMap(, 8) # mapping for Vol_FAO

TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.