tprBiomass: total aboveground and component biomass

tprBiomassR Documentation

total aboveground and component biomass


calculate total above ground and optionally component biomass for given trees


tprBiomass(obj, component = NULL, mono = TRUE, Rfn = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'tprTrees'
tprBiomass(obj, component = NULL, mono = TRUE, Rfn = NULL)



object of class 'tprTrees'


component for which biomass should be returned. If NULL, total aboveground biomass is returned, if 'all', all components are returned. See details.


logical, defaults to true. If calibrated taper curve is non-monotonic at stem base, a support diameter is added.


Rfn setting for residuals error matrix, defaults to list(fn="sig2"), see resVar.


The available components are agb (= total aboveground biomass), stw (=stump wood), stb (=stump bark), sw (=solid wood with diameter above 7cm over bark), sb (=bark of component sw), fwb (=fine wood incl. bark) and ndl (=needles), if applicable. The needles-component is set to zero for deciduous tree species, no mass for leaves is available. One can request 'all' components to receive all components.


a vector in case agb or only one component is requested, otherwise a matrix with one row per tree

Methods (by class)

  • tprBiomass(tprTrees): method for class 'tprTrees'


Kändler, G. and B. Bösch (2012). Methodenentwicklung für die 3. Bundeswaldinventur: Modul 3 Überprüfung und Neukonzeption einer Biomassefunktion - Abschlussbericht. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Waldökologie und Waldinventur des Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Instituts, FVA-BW: 71.

Kaendler (2021): AFJZ article, in press.


obj <- tprTrees(spp=c(1, 15),
                Dm=list(c(30, 28), c(30, 28)),
                Hm=list(c(1, 3), c(1, 3)),
                Ht = rep(30, 2))
## OBS: component 'ndl' NOT included to aboveground biomass 'agb'
(tmp <- tprBiomass(obj, component="all"))
rowSums(tmp[, -which(colnames(tmp) %in% c("agb", "ndl"))])
## equal to
tprBiomass(obj, component=NULL) # aboveground biomass
component <- c("agb", "sw", "sb", "ndl")
tprBiomass(obj, component=component)
component <- c("sw", "sb", "ndl")
tprBiomass(obj, component=component)

TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.