simTrees: simulating objects of class 'tprTrees'

View source: R/simTrees.r

simTreesR Documentation

simulating objects of class tprTrees


Function to simulate an object of class tprTrees


simTrees(par = NULL)



list of lists, one for each species


Function simulates trees based on given distributions and petterson height function. Dbh can be simulated using normal ('norm'), weibull or gamma distribution. Others might be added.

The par-list of each species needs the following named entries: spp - species code, n - number of trees, ddist - distribution of dbh, dpar - list of parameter of the distribution, i.e. mu and sd for normal distribution and shape and scale for weibull and gamma distribution. The latter both might use lag to offset the estimated diameter by this amount.


an object of class tprTrees

See Also

petterson for the implemented height function and dnorm, dweibull and dgamma for the diameter distributions.


par <- list(list(spp=1, n=10, ddist="norm", dpar=list(mu=30, sd=4)),
            list(spp=3, n=5, ddist="norm", dpar=list(mu=40, sd=2)))

TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.