tprVolume: Functions to calculate stem volume from taper curve

tprVolumeR Documentation

Functions to calculate stem volume from taper curve


Function calculates stem volume from taper curve for given trees, depending definition of segment and on bark indicator. It is possible to request confidence or prediction intervals.


  AB = NULL,
  iAB = NULL,
  bark = NULL,
  interval = "none",
  mono = TRUE,
  Rfn = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'tprTrees'
  AB = list(A = 0, B = 7, sl = 2),
  iAB = c("h", "dob"),
  bark = TRUE,
  interval = "none",
  mono = TRUE,
  Rfn = NULL



object of class 'tprTrees'


list with heights or diameters A and B of section for which volume over or under bark should be calculated. Additionally, add in sl for the segment length over which the integral should be calculated. See details.


character indicating how to interpret given A and B values. Either "H" (the default), "Dob" (diameter over bark) or "Dub" (diameter under bark). Could be of length one or two, depending on whether A and B are both height or diameter variables or not. See examples.


should volume be returned including (TRUE) or excluding bark (FALSE)?


character to indicate whether and which type of interval is required; one of none, confidence or prediction.


logical, defaults to true. If calibrated taper curve is non-monotonic at stem base, a support diameter is added.


Rfn setting for residuals error matrix, defaults to list(fn="sig2"), see resVar.


The function returns total solid wood w/ bark (i.e. from H=0 to D=7cm) by default. Using AB, one can specify lower A and upper B end of segments for which volume is required, w/ or w/o bark.

iAB can be a vector of length two, indicating how to interpret A and B. Hence, one can calculate volume between a given height and a given diameter, either over or under bark. If of length one, it is assumed that the indicator applies to both A and B.

Defining interval 'confidence' or 'prediction' returns lower (lwr) and upper (upr) interval bounds on confidence level \alpha = qt(0.025, ...). NB: The volume confidence bounds only incorporate the uncertainty of diameter estimation at a pre-fixed position (e.g. H=1.3m). If the position is given as diameter (e.g. iAB="Dob"), the absolute height position is calculated using the *estimated* diameter, hence, the uncertainty of the estimated absolute height is not (yet) included. Neither is the uncertainty of the models for bark reduction.

In contrast to the underlying R-package TapeR, which uses E_VOL_AB_HmDm_HT.f for volume calculation, this function calculates volume based on stem-section (default: 2m, see parameter AB). Additionally, with that approach, bark reduction is easily possible.


if interval='none' a vector else a matrix.

Methods (by class)

  • tprVolume(tprTrees): method for class 'tprTrees'

See Also

E_DHx_HmDm_HT.f for the underlying diameter calculation.


obj <- simTrees() # default is: simulate 10 Norway spruce with mean dbh of 40
A <- 1
B <- 10
tprVolume(obj) # default is: coarse wood volume w/ bark
tprVolume(obj, AB = list(A=A, B=B, sl=2), iAB = "H", bark=FALSE)
tprVolume(obj, AB = list(A=A, B=B, sl=0.01), iAB = "H", bark=FALSE)
tprVolume(obj, AB = list(A=A, B=B, sl=0.01), iAB = "H", bark=TRUE)

## compare against integrated taper curve volume via package TapeR
## TapeR integrates over the taper curve, while TapeS uses segments of length 'sl'
TapeR::E_VOL_AB_HmDm_HT.f(Hm=obj@Hm[[1]], Dm = obj@Dm[[1]], iDH = "H",
                          mHt = obj@Ht[1], sHt = 0, A = A, B = B,

## returning intervals
tprVolume(obj, interval="none")
tprVolume(obj, interval="confidence")
tprVolume(obj, interval="prediction")
tprVolume(obj, interval="prediction", bark=FALSE)
tprVolume(obj, interval="prediction", AB=list(A=0.1, B=5.1, sl=0.1), iAB="H")

TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.