
Defines functions report2console

Documented in report2console

#' Report errors to console
#' @name report_error
#' @param file The file in which the error occurred.
#' @param line_no The line number locating the source of the error.
#' @param column The position on the line to identify the error (usually following the error).
#' @param context The content of the file, to provide context to the error.
#' @param error_message The error message to display beyond the console.
#' @param advice Advice to the user: how should the detected error be resolved in general?
#' @param build_status What should the build status be reported as?
#' @param log_file Optionally, path to a log file on which \code{error_message} will be written. 
#' @param log_file_sep How should the log file's fields be separated? By default, with a pipe (as tabs are common within error messages).
#' @param rstudio If available, should the report be allowed to modify the RStudio session (for example, to pop to the location of the error)?
#' @param extra_cat_ante Character vector extra messages (placed before \code{context}).
#' @param extra_cat_post Character vector extra messages (placed after \code{context}).
#' @param caret (logical, default: \code{FALSE}) Should a caret symbol be placed beneath the 
#' \code{context} to point to the location of the error? The caret will be inserted on a
#' new line after \code{error_message} and \code{extra_cat_post}.
#' Length-one integer values of \code{caret} are permitted and will be interpreted as the
#' number of caret symbols to be inserted at the position. 
#' @param silent (logical, default: \code{FALSE}) Suppress all output.
#' @param halt Should failures halt via \code{stop} or just display a message in the console?
#' @param as_tbl Return a list. Experimental.
#' @rdname report_error
#' @export
report2console <- function(file = NULL,
                           line_no = NULL,
                           column = NULL,
                           context = NULL,
                           error_message = NULL,
                           advice = NULL,
                           build_status = NULL,
                           extra_cat_ante = NULL,
                           extra_cat_post = NULL,
                           caret = FALSE,
                           rstudio = FALSE,
                           log_file = NULL,
                           log_file_sep = "|",
                           silent = FALSE,
                           halt = getOption("TeXCheckR.halt_on_error", FALSE),
                           as_tbl = getOption("TeXCheckR.error_as_tbl", FALSE)) {
  # Printing requirements:
  ## 1. Cross
  ## 2. Line no (if applicable)
  ## 3. Context
  ## 4. Suggeston.
  if (as_tbl) {
  # crayon::red(NULL) -> Error in mypaste(...) need character strings
  Red <- function(x) if (!is.character(x)) x else red(x)
  bold_red <- function(x) if (!is.character(x)) x else bold(red(x))
  if (!silent && OR(getOption("TeXCheckR.capture.output", FALSE), !is_testing())) {
    caret_text <- 
      if (caret && !is.null(column)) {
        paste0(" ", # cross
               " ", # space, 
               formatC("", width = nchar(line_no) + 1L), # line_no + 1
               formatC("", width = as.integer(column)),
               paste0(rep("^", times = as.integer(caret)), collapse = ""),
        bold_red(error_message), "\n",
        bold_red(symbol$cross), " ", Red(line_no), ": ",
        unlist(extra_cat_ante), Red(context), unlist(extra_cat_post), "\n",
        bold_red(advice), "\n",
        sep = "")
    if (rstudio &&
        !is.null(file) &&
        interactive() &&
        rstudioapi::isAvailable() && !is_testing()) {
      rstudioapi::navigateToFile(file, line = line_no, column = if (is.null(column)) 1L else as.integer(column))
  # To return the directory if applicable
  if (!is.null(log_file)) {
      if (file.exists(log_file)) {
        prev_log <- fread(log_file)
        prev_build_status <-
          prev_log %>%
          last %>%
        append <- TRUE
      } else {
        prev_build_status <- "None"
        if (append <- identical(log_file_sep, "|")) {
          prev_log <- data.table()
      if (prev_build_status %in% c("Broken", "Still failing")){
        build_status <- "Still failing"
      } else {
        build_status <- "Broken"
      if (append) {
        d <- function(x) if (!length(x)) NA_character_ else x
        to_append <-
          data.table(Time = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                     build_status = build_status, 
                     error_message = if (is.null(error_message)) "(No error msg provided.)" else error_message,
                     file =  d(file),
                     line_no = d(line_no),
                     column = d(column),
                     context = d(context),
                     advice = d(advice),
                     build_status = d(build_status),
                     extra_cat_ante = d(extra_cat_ante),
                     extra_cat_post = d(extra_cat_post))
                  use.names = TRUE,
                  fill = TRUE) %>%
                 sep = log_file_sep,
                 append = FALSE)
      } else {
        data.table(Time = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                   build_status = build_status, 
                   error_message = if (is.null(error_message)) "(No error msg provided.)" else error_message) %>%
                 sep = log_file_sep,
                 append = append)
    }, add = TRUE)
  if (halt) {

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TeXCheckR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.