

test_that("replace_LaTeX_argument single value", {
  x <- readLines("./SchoolFunding/SchoolFunding.tex")
  x <- grep("Changes in spending over the last decade ", x, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  out <- replace_nth_LaTeX_argument(x, "label", replacement = "QQ")
  expect_equal(out, "\\subsection{Changes in spending over the last decade }\\label{QQ}")

test_that("nth argument", {
                                         command_name = "begin.(?:(?:(?:very)?small)|(?:big))box[*]?[}]",
                                         n = 2L,
                                         replacement = "box:key"),

test_that("nth argument when command absent", {
  expect_equal(replace_nth_LaTeX_argument(c("\\begin{smallbox}{Title}{box:some-key}", "\\somecommand{a}{bc}"),
                                          command_name = "begin.(?:(?:(?:very)?small)|(?:big))box[*]?[}]",
                                          n = 2L,
                                          replacement = "box:key"),
               c("\\begin{smallbox}{Title}{box:key}", "\\somecommand{a}{bc}"))

test_that("When command_name is a subset of other command", {
  replace_nth_LaTeX_argument(tex_lines = c("Two commands \\abc{1}{2} and \\ab{1}{2}",
                             command_name = "ab")

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TeXCheckR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.