
"dice" <-
function(rolls=1, ndice=2, sides=6, plot.it=FALSE, load=rep(1,sides))
# Simulate the tossing of some dice.
# rolls is the number of times to roll the dice
# ndice is the number of dice to roll each time
# sides is the number of sides to the dice
# load is how the dice are loaded, can be though of as odds
	temp <- matrix( sample(sides, ndice*rolls, TRUE, load), ncol=ndice )
	temp <- as.data.frame(temp)
	names(temp) <- c("Red","Green","Blue","Black","Yellow","Purple",
	#if(ndice==1) return(temp$Red)
	oldClass(temp) <- c("dice","data.frame")

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TeachingDemos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.