
"face2.plot" <-
function(x, size=480){

    arc1 <- function(x1, y1, r, l)
        sign <- ifelse(l > 0, -1, 1)
        theta <- sign*acos(x1/r)
        y1 <- y1-sign*sqrt(r^2-x1^2)
        if (l <= 0) {
            arc(0, y1, r, theta, pi-theta)
        else {
            arc(0, y1, r, pi-theta, pi*2+theta)
    arc <- function(ox, oy, r, theta.start, theta.end)
        step <- min(0.1, (theta.end-theta.start)*0.1)
        x <- y <- interval <- c(seq(theta.start, theta.end, step), theta.end)
        i <- 0
        for (theta in interval) {
            i <- i+1
            x[i] <- cos(theta)
            y[i] <- sin(theta)
        lines(r*x+ox, r*y+oy)
    elips <- function(ox, oy, r.a, r.b, theta.axis, theta.start, theta.end)
        theta.end <- theta.end+(theta.end <= theta.start)*pi*2
        temp1 <- r.a*r.b
        temp2 <- 30/(r.a+r.b)
        k <- (theta.end-theta.start)/temp2+2
        x <- y <- rep(NULL, k)
        for (i in 1:(k-1)) {
            factor <- temp1/sqrt((r.a*sin(theta.start))^2+(r.b*cos(theta.start))^2)
            x[i] <- factor*cos(theta.axis+theta.start)
            y[i] <- factor*sin(theta.axis+theta.start)
            theta.start <- theta.start+temp2
        factor <- temp1/sqrt((r.a*sin(theta.end))^2+(r.b*cos(theta.end))^2)
        x[k] <- factor*cos(theta.axis+theta.end)
        y[k] <- factor*sin(theta.axis+theta.end)
        lines(ox+x, oy+y)

    pi2 <- 2*pi
    plot(c(-500, 500), c(-500, 500), type="n", xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="", yaxt="n", bty="n")
    size2 <- size*(1+x[1])/2
    theta <- (pi/4)*(2*x[2]-1)
    h <- size*(1+x[3])/2
    x1 <- size2*cos(theta)
    y1 <- size2*sin(theta)
# ????? 
    ak <- 1-x[4]^2
    oy1 <- (ak*x1^2+y1^2-h^2)/(2*(y1-h))
    r.a1 <- (r.b1 <- h-oy1)/sqrt(ak)
    theta.end <- pi-(theta.start <- atan((y1-oy1)/x1))
    elips(0, oy1, r.a1, r.b1, 0, theta.start, theta.end)
# ????? 
    ak <- 1-x[5]^2
    oy2 <- (ak*x1^2+y1^2-h^2)/(2*(y1+h))
    r.a2 <- (r.b2 <- h+oy2)/sqrt(ak)
    theta.start <- pi-(theta.end <- atan((y1-oy2)/x1))
    elips(0, oy2, r.a2, r.b2, 0, theta.start, theta.end)
# ? 
    y <- h*x[6]
    lines(c(0, 0), c(y, -y))
# ? 
    pm <- -h*(x[7]+(1-x[7])*x[6])
    wm <- sqrt(r.a2^2*(1-(pm-oy2)^2/r.b2^2))
    if (x[8] == 0) {
        lines(c(-wm/2, wm/2), c(pm, pm))
    else {
        r <- h/abs(x[8])
        am <- x[9]*r
        x1 <- ifelse(am > wm, x[9]*wm, am)
        l <- ifelse(x[8] <= 0, -1, 1)
        y1 <- pm-l*(r-sqrt(r^2-x1^2))
        arc1(x1, y1, r, l)
# ? 
    ye <- h*(x[10]+(1-x[10])*x[6])
    we <- sqrt(r.a1^2*(1-(ye-oy1)^2/r.b1^2))
    xe <- we*(1+2*x[11])/4
    theta <- (2*x[12]-1)*pi/5
    r.a3 <- x[14]*min(xe, we-xe)
    r.b3 <- sqrt(r.a3^2*(1-x[13]^2))
    elips(xe, ye, r.a3, r.b3, theta, 0, pi2)
    elips(-xe, ye, r.a3, r.b3, pi-theta, 0, pi2)
# ? 
    re <- r.a3/sqrt(cos(theta)^2+sin(theta)^2/x[13]^2)
    shift <- re*(2*x[15]-1)
    sapply(c(xe, -xe)-shift, function(arg) arc(arg, ye, 3, 0, pi2))
# ? 
    theta2 <- 2*(1-x[17])*(pi/5)
    theta3 <- ifelse(theta >= 0, theta+theta2, theta-theta2)
    len <- re*(2*x[18]+1)/2
    x0 <- len*cos(theta3)
    x1 <- xe-c(x0, -x0)
    y0 <- len*sin(theta3)
    y1 <- ye+2*(x[16]+0.3)*r.a3*x[13]-c(y0, -y0)
    lines(x1-shift, y1)
    lines(-x1-shift, y1)

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