
"tree.demo" <-
	old.opt <- options(locatorBell = FALSE)
        on.exit( options(old.opt) )
	cuts <- range(x)
	repeat {
		cut2 <- numeric(0)
		repeat {
			abline( v=cuts, col='blue' )
			abline( v=cut2, col='red' )
			cuts3 <- sort( c(cuts,cut2) )
			cats <- cut( x, cuts3, include.lowest=T)
			means <- tapply(y, cats, mean )
			index <- tapply(y, cats )
			segments(cuts3[-length(cuts3)], means, cuts3[-1], means, col='green' )
			resid <- y-means[index]
			ss <- round(resid %*% resid)
			title( paste( "Residual sum of squares =", ss ) )
			tempx <- locator(1)$x
			if (length(tempx) < 1) break
			cut2 <- tempx
		if(length(cut2) < 1) break
		cuts <- sort( c(cuts,cut2) )

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TeachingDemos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.