hc114: Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents

Description Usage Format See Also


These vectors give names of commonly used harmonic constituents.

The hc114 vector gives the first 114 of the 115 constituents listed in the TASK-2000 software manual. The order is the same as that given in the manual. The 115th constituent has the same speed (but a different nodal correction) as the constituent L2. It is omitted because it probably not sensible to include both.

The hc60 vector gives the first 60 of the 115 constituents listed in the TASK-2000 software manual. The order is the same as that given in the manual (which is in order of speed).

The hc37 vector gives the 37 constituents that are used by the NOAA, in the sense that they are publicly available on the NOAA website (for USA sites). They are listed in NOAA order. Note that NOAA uses constituents S6 and M8, but neither are contained in hc60, and S6 is not contained in hc114.

The hc7 vector gives the seven major constituents M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1.

The hc4 vector gives the four major constituents M2 S2 K1 O1. Unless you are investigating single constituents, it is recommended that these four are always included because they are fundamental to the classification of a site as semi-diurnal, mixed semi-diurnal or diurnal.

The task vector gives the same constituents as hc114 but using the TASK-2000 names. The noaa vector gives the same constituents as hc37 but using the NOAA names. The package is written to be robust to different naming schemes, and therefore any of these vectors can be used as the hcn argument to the ftide function.




Character vectors of different lengths.

See Also

ftide, harmonics

TideHarmonics documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:34 a.m.