
Defines functions dateMatch dateMatch.character dateMatch.factor dateMatch.POSIXct dateMatch.POSIXlt dateMatch.Date

Documented in dateMatch

dateMatch <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL,value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)

dateMatch.character <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL,value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)
    x <- NextMethod('dateMatch')
    if (value)

dateMatch.factor <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL,value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)
    lev <- levels(x)
    y <- dateMatch.Date(dateParse(lev), table=table, how=how, error.how=error.how,
                        nomatch=nomatch, offset=offset, value=value, optimize.dups=FALSE)
    if (value) {
        new.lev <- as.character(y)
        if (!any(duplicated(new.lev)) && length(new.lev)==length(lev) && !any(is.na(new.lev) & !is.na(lev))) {
            levels(x) <- new.lev
        } else {
            # Have duplicates new.lev; must recode factor to a smaller set of levels.
            new.lev2 <- unique(new.lev)
            new.lev2 <- sort(new.lev2[!is.na(new.lev2)])
            recode <- match(new.lev, new.lev2)
            x <- structure(recode[as.integer(x)], levels=new.lev2, class='factor')
    } else {

dateMatch.POSIXct <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL,value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)
    tz <- attr(date, 'tzone')
    x <- NextMethod('dateMatch')
    # need to convert Date to character before converting back to POSIXct
    # see examples in tests/pitfalls.Rt
    if (value) {
        x <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x))
        if (!is.null(tz))
            attr(x, 'tzone') <- tz
    } else {

dateMatch.POSIXlt <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL,value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)
    tz <- attr(date, 'tzone')
    x <- NextMethod('dateMatch')
    # need to convert Date to character before converting back to POSIXlt
    # see examples in tests/pitfalls.Rt
    if (value) {
        x <- as.POSIXlt(as.character(x))
        if (!is.null(tz))
            attr(x, 'tzone') <- tz
    } else {

dateMatch.Date <- function(x, table, how=c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"), error.how=c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"), nomatch=NA, offset=NULL, value=FALSE, optimize.dups=TRUE)
    have.error.how <- FALSE
    if (is.null(how)) {
        how <- "NA"
    } else if (is.character(how) && length(strsplit(how, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]])>1) {
        have.error.how <- TRUE
        error.how <- match.arg(strsplit(how, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2], c("NA", "drop", "nearest", "stop"))
        how <- match.arg(strsplit(how, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1], c("NA", "before", "after", "nearest", "interp"))
    } else {
        how <- match.arg(how)
    if (!have.error.how)
        if (is.null(error.how))
            error.how <- "NA"
            error.how <- match.arg(error.how)

    if (optimize.dups && error.how!='drop' && length(x) > 50 && length(xu <- unique(x)) < length(x)/2) {
        # lots of duplicates -- do the slow date computations only for the unique values
        yu <- dateMatch.Date(xu, table=table, how=how, error.how=error.how, nomatch=nomatch, offset=NULL, value=value, optimize.dups=FALSE)
        i <- match(x, xu)

    # return indices of x in table
    if (!inherits(x, 'Date'))
        x <- dateParse(x)
    if (!inherits(table, "Date"))
        table <- dateParse(table)
    # NA's in table confuse align() below, so remove them
    table.ok <- which(!is.na(table))
    need.na.adj <- FALSE
    if (length(table.ok) != length(table)) {
        table <- table[table.ok]
        need.na.adj <- TRUE

    if (length(table) && length(x)) {
        if (any(diff(table) <= 0))
            stop("table must contain strictly increasing dates")

        # Date vectors can use match() for exact matches with NA's for no match
        idx <- match(x,table)
        idxNA <- is.na(idx)
        N <- length(table)

        if (how=="NA"){
            if (any(idxNA)){
                if (error.how=='NA' || error.how=='nearest') {
                    idx[idxNA] <- nomatch
                } else if (error.how=='drop'){
                    idx <- idx[!idxNA]
                } else if (error.how=='stop'){
                    stop('no match found for ', sum(idxNA), ' dates, e.g.: ',
                         paste(x[which(idxNA)[seq(1,min(3,sum(idxNA)))]], collapse=', '))
        } else if (how=="before"){
            if (any(idxNA)){
                # findInterval() returns the left side of the interval (i.e the "before" index),
                # 0 if x[i] <- min(table),
                # and N if x[i] > table[N]
                idx[idxNA] <- findInterval(x[idxNA],table)

                if (error.how=='NA') {
                    idx[idx==0] <- nomatch
                } else if (error.how=='drop'){
                    idx <- idx[idx>0]
                } else if (error.how=='nearest') {
                    idx[idx==0] <- 1
                } else if (error.how=='stop'){
                    idxBad <- idx==0
                    if (any(idxBad))
                        stop('no match found for ', sum(idxBad), ' dates, e.g.: ',
                             paste(x[which(idxBad)[seq(1,min(3,sum(idxBad)))]], collapse=', '))
        } else if (how=="after"){
            if (any(idxNA)){
                idx[idxNA] <- findInterval(x[idxNA],table) + 1

                if (error.how=='NA') {
                    idx[idx>N] <- nomatch
                } else if (error.how=='drop'){
                    idx <- idx[idx<=N]
                } else if (error.how=='nearest') {
                    idx[idx>N] <- N
                } else if (error.how=='stop'){
                    idxBad <- idx>N
                    if (any(idxBad))
                        stop('no match found for ', sum(idxBad), ' dates, e.g.: ',
                             paste(x[which(idxBad)[seq(1,min(3,sum(idxBad)))]], collapse=', '))
        } else if (how=="nearest"){
            if (any(idxNA)){
                x_idxNA <- x[idxNA]
                y <- findInterval(x_idxNA,table)

                # Not efficient! But what's the alternative look like?
                if (N == 1) {
                    y[] <- 1
                } else {
                    for (i in 1:length(y)){
                        if (y[i] == 0){
                            y[i] <- 1
                        } else if (y[i] == N){
                            d2 <- table[N] - x_idxNA[i]
                            d1 <- x_idxNA[i] - table[N-1]
                            if (d2 < d1) y[i] <- N
                            else y[i] <- N-1
                        } else {
                            d2 <- table[y[i]+1] - x_idxNA[i]
                            d1 <- x_idxNA[i] - table[y[i]]
                            if (d2 < d1) y[i] <- y[i]+1
                            else y[i] <- y[i]
                idx[idxNA] <- y
        } else if (how=="interp"){
            if (any(idxNA)){
                x_idxNA <- x[idxNA]
                y <- findInterval(x_idxNA,table)

                # Not efficient! But what's the alternative look like?
                if (N == 1) {
                    y[] <- 1
                } else {
                    for (i in 1:length(y)){
                        if (y[i] == 0){
                        } else if (y[i] == N){
                            # -1 signifies an upper bound error condition
                            if (x_idxNA[i] > table[N]){
                                y[i] <- -1
                            } else {
                                d2 <- table[N] - table[N-1]
                                d1 <- x_idxNA[i] - table[N-1]
                                y[i] <- y[i] + unclass(d1)/unclass(d2)
                        } else {
                            d2 <- table[y[i]+1] - table[y[i]]
                            d1 <- x_idxNA[i] - table[y[i]]
                            y[i] <- y[i] + unclass(d1)/unclass(d2)

                idx[idxNA] <- y

                if (error.how=='NA') {
                    idx[idx==0|idx==-1] <- nomatch
                } else if (error.how=='drop'){
                    idx <- idx[idx>0]
                } else if (error.how=='nearest') {
                    idx[idx==-1] <- N
                    idx[idx==0] <- 1
                } else if (error.how=='stop') {
                    idxBad <- idx<1
                    if (any(idxBad))
                        stop('no match found for ', sum(idxBad), ' dates, e.g.: ',
                             paste(x[which(idxBad)[seq(1,min(3,sum(idxBad)))]], collapse=', '))

        if (!is.null(offset)) {
            if (abs(as.integer(offset) - offset)>0){
                stop("offset must be an integer")
            } else {
                idx <- idx + offset
                if (any(i <- which(idx < 1)))
                    idx[i] <- NA
                if (any(i <- which(idx > length(table))))
                    idx[i] <- NA
    } else {
        if (error.how=="drop")
            idx <- numeric(0)
            idx <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(x))
    if (any(is.na(idx)) && !is.null(nomatch) && !is.na(nomatch))
        idx[which(is.na(idx))] <- nomatch
    # need to adjust idx to account for NA's in original table?
    if (need.na.adj)
        idx <- table.ok[idx]

    if (value)

dateMatch.default <- dateMatch.Date

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TimeWarp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:11 a.m.