
##                                                                         ## 
## Tests for Tinflex.                                                      ## 
##                                                                         ## 

## Load libraries -----------------------------------------------------------


## Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------

## Debug mode ?

## Seed for running tests.
SEED <- 123456

## Sample size for goodness-of-fit (GoF) tests.
## (if n.GoF, then is >= 1e7 then it is rounded to a multiple of 1e7.)
n.GoF <- 1e5

## Sample size for creating histogram.
## (if <= 0, then no histgram is plotted.)
n.hist <- 1e4

## Sample size for comparing R and C version of sampling routine.
## (if <= 0, then test is skipped.)
n.comp <- 100

## Requested maximal ratio rho = A.hat / A.squeeze.
rho <- 1.1

## Lower bounded for accepted p-values.
pval.threshold <- 1e-4

## Print numbers very accurately.
options(digits = 15)

## Load auxiliary libraries -------------------------------------------------

if ( ## Function for approximate quantile function.
    require(Runuran) ) {

    ## We have all required libraries.
    have.UNURAN <- TRUE

} else {
    warning("Package 'Runuran' needed for testing!")
    have.UNURAN <- FALSE
## Global variables ---------------------------------------------------------

## Start timer.
time.start <- proc.time()

## Vector for storing p-values of tests.
pvals <- numeric(0)

## Number of failed tests.
FAIL.setup.R <- 0
FAIL.setup.C <- 0
FAIL.comp.sample <- 0
FAIL.comp.object <- 0

## Auxiliary functions ------------------------------------------------------

## Plot histogram and run GoF tests (only if 'Runuran' is installed). .......

run.test <- function(id, type, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib, cT, rho, plot=FALSE) {

    ## lower and upper bound for domain
    ib <- sort(ib)
    lb <- ib[1]
    ub <- ib[length(ib)]

    ## create Tinflex objects
    genR <- try(Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho))
    if ( is(genR, "try-error") ) {
        FAIL.setup.R <<- FAIL.setup.R + 1
        cat(paste("Error - FAIL - Setup!  [id=",id,"]\n",
                  "genR failed!\n"))

    genC <- try(Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho))
    if ( is(genC, "try-error") ) {
        FAIL.setup.C <<- FAIL.setup.C + 1
        cat(paste("Error - FAIL - Setup!  [id=",id,"]\n",
                  "genC failed!\n"))

    genX <- Tinflex:::Tinflex.C2R(genC)

    ## compare objects
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(genR, genX))) {
        FAIL.comp.object <<- FAIL.comp.object + 1
        cat(paste("Warning - FAIL - object!  [id=",id,"]\n",
                  "genR and converted genC differ!\n"))
        if (! isTRUE(all.equal(genR$gt, genX$gt))) {
            cat ("guide table: sum of absolute differences =",sum(abs(genR$gt-genX$gt)),"\n")

    ## Print generator (in debugging mode?)
    print(genR, debug=DEBUG)
    ## Plot density, hat and squeeze.
    if (plot) {
        plot(genR, from=max(lb,-3), to=min(ub,3), is.trans=FALSE, main=paste("c =",cT))
        plot(genR, from=max(lb,-3), to=min(ub,3), is.trans=TRUE,  main=paste("c =",cT))
    if (n.comp > 0) {

        ## Compare R and C version of sampling routine.
        x.R <- Tinflex:::Tinflex.sample.R(genR,n=n.comp)
        x.RC <- Tinflex.sample(genR,n=n.comp)
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(x.R,x.RC))) {
            FAIL.comp.sample <<- FAIL.comp.sample + 1
            d <- x.R - x.RC
            cat(paste("Warning - FAIL - sample!  [id=",id,"]\n",
                      "R and C versions differ!\n",
                      "\tsample size =",n.comp,"\n",
                      "\t  different =",length(d[d!=0]),"\n\n"))
            cat("output of R version:\n")
            cat("difference to C version:\n")
            ## Remark: x.R and x.RC may differ due to different round-off errors
            ## in the C and R version, resp.
            ## Thus we only print a message.
        ## Compare Tinflex and TinflexC versions.
        x.C <- Tinflex.sample.C(genC,n=n.comp)
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(x.R,x.C))) {
            FAIL.comp.sample <<- FAIL.comp.sample + 1
            d <- x.R - x.C
            cat(paste("Warning - FAIL - sample!  [id=",id,"]\n",
                "R and pure C versions differ!\n",
                "\tsample size =",n.comp,"\n",
                "\t  different =",length(d[d!=0]),"\n\n"))
            cat("output of R version:\n")
            cat("difference to pure C version:\n")

    ## Create a histogram and run GoF test (when Runuran is available).
    if (isTRUE(have.UNURAN)) {
        ## Set seed for tests.
        ## Create frequency table (using packages 'Runuran')
        if (n.GoF < 1e7) {
            m <- 1
            n <- n.GoF
        } else {
            m <- round(n.GoF / 1e7)
            n <- 1e7
        ug <- pinv.new(pdf=lf, lb=lb, ub=ub, islog=TRUE, center=0, uresolution=1.e-14)
        tb <- rvgt.ftable(n=n, rep=m,
        ## Plot histgram of random sample.
        if (plot && n.hist > 0)
            hist(Tinflex.sample(genR,n=n.hist), breaks=101, main=paste("c =",cT))
        ## Plot frequency table,
        if (plot) {
            plot(tb, main=paste("c =",cT))
        ## Run GoF test.
        gof <- rvgt.chisq(tb)
        if(! isTRUE(gof$pval[m] >= pval.threshold))
            warning("[id=",id,"]  p-value too small. GoF test failed!")
        ## Store p-value.
        pvals <<- append(pvals, gof$pval[m])
    else {
        ## Package 'Runuran' is not installed.
        ## Thus we only plot a histgram.
        if (plot && n.hist > 0)
            hist(Tinflex.sample(genR,n=n.hist), breaks=101, main=paste("c =",cT))

## Test whether there is an error. ..........................................
is.error <- function (expr) { is(try(expr), "try-error") }

## Check API -- R version

lf <- function(x) { -x^4 + 5*x^2 - 4 }  ## = (1 - x^2) * (x^2 - 4)
dlf <- function(x) { 10*x - 4*x^3 }
d2lf <- function(x) { 10 - 12*x^2 }

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup() ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'lpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'dlpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf="invalid") ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'd2lpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'ib' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), cT="a") ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), cT=c(-0.5,0,-0.5)) )) )
    stop("invalid 'cT' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,1,Inf), cT=c(-2,0,-0.5)) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,1,Inf), cT=c(0,-0.5,-2)) )) )
    stop("invalid 'cT' not detected")

## Check API -- C version

lf <- function(x) { -x^4 + 5*x^2 - 4 }  ## = (1 - x^2) * (x^2 - 4)
dlf <- function(x) { 10*x - 4*x^3 }
d2lf <- function(x) { 10 - 12*x^2 }

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C() ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'lpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'dlpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf="invalid") ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'd2lpdf' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=1) )) )
    stop("invalid 'ib' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), cT="a") ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), cT=c(-0.5,0,-0.5)) )) )
    stop("invalid 'cT' not detected")

if (! (is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,1,Inf), cT=c(-2,0,-0.5)) ) &&
       is.error( Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf=lf, dlpdf=dlf, d2lpdf=d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,0,1,Inf), cT=c(0,-0.5,-2)) )) )
    stop("invalid 'cT' not detected")

## Distribution 1

lf <- function(x) { -x^4 + 5*x^2 - 4 }  ## = (1 - x^2) * (x^2 - 4)
dlf <- function(x) { 10*x - 4*x^3 }
d2lf <- function(x) { 10 - 12*x^2 }

## extrema: -1.581, 0.0, 1.581

## c = 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.7620, -1.4012, 1.4012, 1.7620
cT <- 1.5

run.test(id="1|1.5:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|1.5:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.8018, -1.3627, 1.3627, 1.8018
cT <- 1

run.test(id="1|1:w",  type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|1:o",  type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.8901, -1.2809, 1.2809, 1.8901
cT <- 0.5

run.test(id="1|0.5:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|0.5:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -2.2361, -1.0574, 1.0574, -2.2361
cT <- 0.1

run.test(id="1|0.1:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|0.1:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-1.5,0,1.5,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.9129, 0.9129
cT <- 0

run.test(id="1|0a:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|0a:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|0b:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|0b:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|0c:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|0c:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.4264, 0.4264
cT <- -0.2

run.test(id="1|-0.2a:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.2a:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.2b:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.2b:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.2c:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.2c:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.4264, 0.4264
cT <- -0.5

run.test(id="1|-0.5a:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.5a:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.5b:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.5b:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.5c:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.5c:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.9 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.4264, 0.4264
cT <- -0.9

run.test(id="1|-0.9a:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.9a:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.9b:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.9b:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

run.test(id="1|-0.9c:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-0.9c:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-2,0,1.5), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.3094, -0.3094
cT <- -1

run.test(id="1|-1:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-1:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.2546, 0.2546
cT <- -1.5

run.test(id="1|-1.5:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-1.5:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.2213, 0.2213
cT <- -2

run.test(id="1|-2:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|-2:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-3,-2.1,-1.05,0.1,1.2,3), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = cvec -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- c(   -0.5 ,   -2,     0,    1,   -0.5 , 0)
ib <- c(-Inf , -2.1 , -1.05 , 0.1 , 1.2 , 2   , Inf)

run.test(id="1|cvec:w", type=1, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="1|cvec:o", type=1, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)


## Distribution 2
## Test construction points at and near extrema.

lf <- function(x) { -2*x^4 + 4*x^2 } 
dlf <- function(x) { -8*x^3 + 8*x }
d2lf <- function(x) { -24*x^2+8 }

## extrema: -1, 0, 1

## special boundary points:
##   points where the slope of the tangent is identical 0.
ivb.1 <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, Inf) 
##   points where the slope of the tangent is almost 0
##   but not identical 0 (and thus might cause numerical errors).
ivb.2 <- c(-Inf, -2, -1+2^(-52), 1e-20, 1-2^(-53), 2, Inf) 

ivb.3 <- c(-3, -1, 0, 1, 3) 
ivb.4 <- c(-3, -1+2^(-52), 1e-20, 1-2^(-53), 3) 

## c = 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.1734, -0.8300, 0.8300, 1.1734
cT <- 2

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|2a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|2a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|2b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|2b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.1993, -0.8067, 0.8067, 1.1993
cT <- 1.5

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|1.5a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|1.5a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|1.5b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|1.5b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.2418, -0.7709, -0.7709, 1.2418
cT <- 1

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|1a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|1a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|1b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|1b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -1.3345, -0.7071, 0.7071, 1.3345
cT <- 0.5

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|0.5a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|0.5a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|0.5b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|0.5b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.5774, 0.5774, 
cT <- 0

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|0a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|0a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|0b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|0b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.5076, 0.5076
cT <- -0.2

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-0.2a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.2a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-0.2b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.2b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.4180, 0.4180
cT <- -0.5

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-0.5a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.5a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-0.5b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.5b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.9 -----------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.3404, 0.3404
cT <- -0.9

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-0.9a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.9a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.1, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-0.9b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-0.9b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.2, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.3264, 0.3264
cT <- -1

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-1a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-1a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-1b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-1b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.3139, 0.3139
cT <- -1.1

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-1.1a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-1.1a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-1.1b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-1.1b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.2412, 0.2412
cT <- -2

## slope = 0
run.test(id="2|-2a:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-2a:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.3, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## slope ~ 0
run.test(id="2|-2b:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="2|-2b:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ivb.4, cT=cT, rho=rho)

rm(ivb.1, ivb.2, ivb.3, ivb.4)

## Distribution 3
## Test density that vanishes at boundaries of bounded domain.

lf <- function(x) { log(1-x^4) }
dlf <- function(x) { -4*x^3/(1-x^4) }
## extrema: 0
d2lf <- function(x) { -(4*x^6+12*x^2)/(x^8-2*x^4+1) } 

## domain: lb=-1, ub=1

## c = 2   ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.8091, [ 0 ], 0.8091
cT <- 2
run.test(id="3|2:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.9,-0.5,0.5,0.9,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|2:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.9,-0.5,0.5,0.9,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: -0.8801, [ 0 ], 0.8801
cT <- 1.5
run.test(id="3|1.5:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.9,-0.5,0.5,0.9,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|1.5:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.9,-0.5,0.5,0.9,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
## inflection points: [ 0 ]
cT <- 1
run.test(id="3|1:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|1:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- 0.5
run.test(id="3|0.5:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|0.5:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- 0.1
run.test(id="3|0.1:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|0.1:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- 0
run.test(id="3|0:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|0:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -0.2
run.test(id="3|-0.2:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-0.2:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -0.5
run.test(id="3|-0.5:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-0.5:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.9 -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -0.9
run.test(id="3|-0.9:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-0.9:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -1
run.test(id="3|-1:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-1:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -1.5
run.test(id="3|-1.5:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-1.5:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -2
run.test(id="3|-2:w", type=3, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="3|-2:o", type=3, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## Distribution 4
## Test density with pole.

lf <- function(x) { -log(abs(x))/2 }    ## 1/sqrt(|x|)
dlf <- function(x) { -1/(2*x) }
## extrema: 0
d2lf <- function(x) { 1/(2*x^2) }

## c = -1.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -1.5
run.test(id="4|-1.5:w", type=4, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-1,0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="4|-1.5:o", type=4, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-1,0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## Distribution 5
## Test different values for 'c'

lf <- function(x) { -2*x^4 + 4*x^2 } 
dlf <- function(x) { -8*x^3 + 8*x }
d2lf <- function(x) { -24*x^2+8 }
## Remark: same as Distribution 2

## extrema: -1, 0, 1

cT <- c(-0.5, 2, -2, 0.5, -1, 0)
ib <- c(-Inf,-2, -1,   0,  1, 2, Inf)
run.test(id="5|multa:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="5|multa:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)

cT <- c(-0.5, 2, -2, 0.5, -1, 0)
ib <- c(  -3,-2, -1,   0,  1, 2, 3)
run.test(id="5|multb:w", type=2, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="5|multb:o", type=2, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)

rm(cT, ib)

## Distribution 6
## Test density with infection point at interval boundary

lf <- function(x) { -x^4+6*x^2 }
dlf <- function(x) { 12*x-4*x^3 }
d2lf <- function(x) { 12-12*x^2 }

## c = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- 0

## inflection points: -1, 1
run.test(id="6|:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(-Inf,-2,-1,0,1,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="6|:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(-Inf,-2,-1,0,1,2,Inf), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## Distribution 7
## Test density which is zero on boundary of domain (i.e., log-pdf = -Inf)

lf <- function(x) { log(1-x^2) }
dlf <- function(x) { -2*x/(1-x^2) }
d2lf <- function(x) { -2*(1+x^2)/(1-x^2)^2 }

## c = 0.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -0.5

## monotonically decreasing
run.test(id="7|0.5:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|0.5:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- 0

## monotonically decreasing
run.test(id="7|0:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|0:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -0.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -0.5

## monotonically decreasing
run.test(id="7|-0.5:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|-0.5:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -1

## monotonically decreasing
run.test(id="7|-1:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|-1:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## c = -1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------
cT <- -1.5

## monotonically decreasing
run.test(id="7|-1.5:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|-1.5:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=c(0,1), cT=cT, rho=rho)

## Distribution 8
## Test density which is zero on boundary of domain (i.e., log-pdf = -Inf)

la <- 0.4     ## lambda
om <- 1.e-7   ## omega

lf   <- function(x) { ifelse (x==0., -Inf, ((la - 1) * log(x) - om/2*(x+1/x))) }
dlf  <- function(x) { if (x==0) { Inf} else {(om + 2*(la-1)*x-om*x^2)/(2*x^2)} }
d2lf <- function(x) { if (x==0) {-Inf} else {-(om - x + la*x)/x^3} }

## Parameter cT=0 near 0 and cT=-0.5 at tail:
ib <- c(0, (3/2*om/(1-la) + 2/9*(1-la)/om), Inf)
cT <- c(0,-0.5)

run.test(id="7|0:w", type=6, lf, dlf, d2lf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)
run.test(id="7|0:o", type=6, lf, dlf, NULL, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=rho)

## Summary of tests.

## Number of tests.

## p-values for goodness-of-fit tests.
## Level-2 test for p-values (must be uniformly distributed).
if (length(pvals)>0)
  ks.test(x=pvals, y="punif", alternative = "greater")

## Print number of setup fails
cat("Setup - R: Number of fails =",FAIL.setup.R,"\n\n")
cat("Setup - C: Number of fails =",FAIL.setup.C,"\n\n")

## Print number of tests where different implemenations return different results.
cat("Random samples: Number of fails =",FAIL.comp.sample,"\n\n")

cat("Tinflex objects: Number of fails =",FAIL.comp.object,"\n\n")

## Stop timer.
run.time <- (proc.time() - time.start)[3]  ## "elapsed" time

## Failed tests?
if (length(pvals[pvals < pval.threshold])) {
  stop (paste(length(pvals[pvals < pval.threshold]),"out of",length(pvals),
              "goodness-of-fit tests failed!"))
} else {
  cat ("All goodness-of-fit tests passed!\n")


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