#' Collapse areas of agreement between two trees
#' `ReduceTrees()` reduces trees according to the tree reduction rules of
#' \insertCite{Allen2001;textual}{TreeDist}:
#' - Collapse identical pendant subtrees;
#' - Compress equivalent internal chains.
#' @template tree12Params
#' @param check Logical specifying whether to validate input. Specify
#' `FALSE` and you will encounter undefined behaviour if trees are not
#' binary `phylo` objects with identical leaf labels, rooted on leaf 1.
#' @return `ReduceTrees()` returns a list of two trees, corresponding to
#' `tree1` and `tree2` after any identical groupings have been collapsed,
#' with tree edges listed in postorder; or `NULL` if the trees are equivalent.
#' @examples
#' tree1 <- TreeTools::BalancedTree(9)
#' tree2 <- TreeTools::PectinateTree(9)
#' # Set graphical parameters
#' oPar <- par(mai = rep(0.1, 4), mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' plot(tree1)
#' plot(tree2)
#' # Reduce trees by collapsing identical clades
#' confl <- ReduceTrees(tree1, tree2)
#' plot(confl[[1]])
#' plot(confl[[2]])
#' # Restore graphical parameters
#' par(oPar)
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom TreeTools NTip PostorderOrder RenumberTips RootTree
#' @export
ReduceTrees <- function(tree1, tree2, check = TRUE) {
if (check) {
if (!inherits(tree1, 'phylo')) {
stop("`tree1` must be a `phylo` object.")
if (!inherits(tree2, 'phylo')) {
stop("`tree2` must be a `phylo` object.")
if (NTip(tree1) != NTip(tree2)) {
stop("Trees must bear same leaf labels")
tree2 <- RenumberTips(tree2, tree1)
tree1 <- RootTree(tree1, 1)
tree2 <- RootTree(tree2, 1)
if (tree1[["Nnode"]] != tree2[["Nnode"]]
|| tree1[["Nnode"]] != NTip(tree1) - 1L) {
stop("Trees must be binary")
ret <- reduce_trees(tree1$edge[PostorderOrder(tree1), ],
tree2$edge[PostorderOrder(tree2), ],
# Return:
if (is.null(ret[[1]])) {
} else {
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