
Defines functions MASTInfo .MASTSizeEdges .MASTSizeSingle MASTSize

Documented in MASTInfo MASTSize .MASTSizeEdges

#' Maximum Agreement Subtree size
#' Calculate the size or phylogenetic information content 
#' \insertCite{Steel2006}{TreeDist}
#' of the maximum agreement subtree between two phylogenetic trees, i.e.
#' the largest tree that can be obtained from both `tree1` and `tree2` by
#' deleting, but not rearranging, leaves, using the algorithm of
#' \insertCite{Valiente2009;textual}{TreeDist}.
#' Implemented for trees with up to 4096 tips.  Contact the maintainer if you
#' need to process larger trees.
#' @param tree1,tree2 Trees of class `phylo`, or lists of such trees to undergo
#' pairwise comparison.
#' @param rooted Logical specifying whether to treat the trees as rooted.
#' @return `MASTSize()` returns an integer specifying the number of leaves in
#' the maximum agreement subtree.
#' @examples
#'  # for as.phylo, BalancedTree, PectinateTree:
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' MASTSize(PectinateTree(8), BalancedTree(8))
#' MASTInfo(PectinateTree(8), BalancedTree(8))
#' MASTSize(BalancedTree(7), as.phylo(0:3, 7))
#' MASTSize(as.phylo(0:3, 7), PectinateTree(7))
#' MASTInfo(BalancedTree(7), as.phylo(0:3, 7))
#' MASTInfo(as.phylo(0:3, 7), PectinateTree(7))
#' MASTSize(list(Bal = BalancedTree(7), Pec = PectinateTree(7)),
#'          as.phylo(0:3, 7))
#' MASTInfo(list(Bal = BalancedTree(7), Pec = PectinateTree(7)),
#'          as.phylo(0:3, 7))
#' CompareAll(as.phylo(0:4, 8), MASTSize)
#' CompareAll(as.phylo(0:4, 8), MASTInfo)
#' @template MRS
#' @seealso [`phangorn::mast()`], a slower implementation that also lists the
#' leaves contained within the subtree.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @family tree distances
#' @export
MASTSize <- function(tree1, tree2 = tree1, rooted = TRUE) {
  .TreeDistance(.MASTSizeSingle, tree1, tree2, rooted = rooted,
                # Checks not necessary, as tip labels need not match.
                checks = FALSE)

#' @importFrom ape drop.tip
#' @importFrom TreeTools Postorder RenumberTips TreeIsRooted RootOnNode
.MASTSizeSingle <- function(tree1, tree2, rooted = TRUE,
                             tipLabels = tree1[["tip.label"]],
                             ...) {
  label1 <- tipLabels
  label2 <- tree2[["tip.label"]]
  tree1 <- drop.tip(tree1, setdiff(label1, label2))
  label1 <- tree1[["tip.label"]]
  tree2 <- RenumberTips(drop.tip(tree2, setdiff(label2, label1)), label1)
  nTip <- length(label1)
  if (!rooted) {
    if (!TreeIsRooted(tree1)) {
      tree1 <- RootOnNode(tree1, node = tree1[["edge"]][nTip + nTip - 2L], TRUE)
    postorderEdge1 <- Postorder(tree1[["edge"]])
    tree2 <- Preorder(tree2)
    max(vapply(tree2[["edge"]][, 2], function(node)
                     RootOnNode(tree2, node = node, TRUE)[["edge"]],
                     nTip = nTip), 0L))
  } else {
    if (!TreeIsRooted(tree1) || !TreeIsRooted(tree2)) {
      stop("Both trees must be rooted if rooted = TRUE")
    .MASTSizeEdges(Postorder(tree1[["edge"]]), tree2[["edge"]], nTip)

#' Calculate MAST size from edge matrices.
#' Internal function.
#' @param edge1 Edge matrix of tree 1. **Must be in postorder!**
#' @param edge2 Edge matrix of tree 2.
#' @param nTip Integer specifying the number of leaves in each split.
#' @keywords internal
.MASTSizeEdges <- function(edge1, edge2, nTip) {
  cpp_mast(edge1 - 1L, Postorder(edge2) - 1L, nTip)

#' @rdname MASTSize
#' @return `MASTInfo()` returns a vector or matrix listing the phylogenetic
#' information content, in bits, of the maximum agreement subtree.
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2Rooted.int Log2Unrooted.int
#' @export
MASTInfo <- function(tree1, tree2 = tree1, rooted = TRUE) {
  size <- MASTSize(tree1, tree2, rooted = rooted)
  ret <- if (rooted) Log2Rooted.int(size) else Log2Unrooted.int(size)
  if (!is.null(attributes(size))) attributes(ret) <- attributes(size)
  # Return:

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TreeDist documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:10 p.m.