#' Matching Split Distance
#' Calculate the
#' [Matching Split Distance](
#' \insertCite{Bogdanowicz2012,Lin2012}{TreeDist} for unrooted binary trees.
#' Trees need not contain identical leaves; scores are based on the leaves that
#' trees hold in common. Check for unexpected differences in tip labelling
#' with `setdiff(TipLabels(tree1), TipLabels(tree2))`.
#' @inheritParams TreeDistance
#' @templateVar returns `MatchingSplitDistance()` returns
#' @template distReturn
#' @section Normalization:
#' A normalization value or function must be provided in order to return a
#' normalized value. If you are aware of a generalised formula, please
#' let me know by
#' \href{}{creating a GitHub issue}
#' so that it can be implemented.
#' @examples
#' MatchingSplitDistance(lapply(rep(8, 5), ape::rtree), normalize = 16)
#' MatchingSplitDistance(TreeTools::BalancedTree(6),
#' TreeTools::PectinateTree(6),
#' reportMatching = TRUE)
#' VisualizeMatching(MatchingSplitDistance, TreeTools::BalancedTree(6),
#' TreeTools::PectinateTree(6))
#' @template MRS
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @family tree distances
#' @export
MatchingSplitDistance <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
reportMatching = FALSE) {
unnormalized <- CalculateTreeDistance(MatchingSplitDistanceSplits, tree1,
tree2, reportMatching)
# Return:
NormalizeInfo(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, how = normalize,
InfoInTree = function(X) stop(
"Please specify a function to generate a normalizing constant"
Combine = max)
#' @rdname MatchingSplitDistance
#' @inheritParams SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits
#' @useDynLib TreeDist, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
MatchingSplitDistanceSplits <- function(splits1, splits2,
nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"),
normalize = TRUE,
reportMatching = FALSE) {
GeneralizedRF(splits1, splits2, nTip, cpp_matching_split_distance,
maximize = FALSE, reportMatching = reportMatching)
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