
mytree.symmetric.taxa <-
function (m, waitsp, waitext, complete=TRUE, tiplabel, shiftsp, shiftext, sampling, gsa)

  # create waiting time functions #
  if (is.function(waitsp)){
    rnumbsp <- waitsp#parse(text="waitsp()")
  } else if (is.character(waitsp)){
    rnumbsp <- express.distribution(waitsp)
  if (is.function(waitext)){
    rnumbext <- waitext#parse(text="waitext()")
    firstextpar <- "funk"
  } else if (is.character(waitext)){
    rnumbext <- express.distribution(waitext)
    firstextpar <- get.first.par.distribution(waitext)
  if (is.function(shiftsp$strength)){
    rnumbshiftsp <- shiftsp$strength#parse(text="shiftsp$strength()")
  } else if (is.character(shiftsp$strength)){
    rnumbshiftsp <- express.distribution(shiftsp$strength)
  if (is.function(shiftext$strength)){
    rnumbshiftext <- shiftext$strength#parse(text="shiftext$strength()")
  } else if (is.character(shiftext$strength)){
    rnumbshiftext <- express.distribution(shiftext$strength)
  # end create waiting time functions #

#testing for shift speciation
testshiftsp <- function (spt){
  if (shiftspprob!=0){
    if (runif(1,0,1)<shiftspprob) { #cheking if shift happens based on a uniform distribution U[0,1]
      shiftspstrength <- rnumbshiftsp()#eval(rnumbshiftsp) #draw shift strength
      #print(paste("Hey, a speciation shift happened at node", nextsp - i, "with strenght", shiftspstrength ))
      shiftspstrength <- shiftspm[shiftspm[,"node"]==species,"strength"] #inherit ancestor shift
      #print(paste("No speciation shift!",nextsp - i, "is inheriting the shift of",shiftspstrength, "from", species ))
    shiftspstrength <- 1
  spt <- spt*shiftspstrength #update speciation time
  shiftspmr <- c((nextsp - i),shiftspstrength ) #link shift with node to be added to shiftspm...
  attributes(spt) <- NULL
  attributes(shiftspmr) <- NULL
  return(list(spt=spt,shiftspmr=shiftspmr))#return updated shift and updated shiftspmatrix

#testing for shifts on extinction process
testshiftext <- function (extt){
  if (shiftextprob!=0){
    if (runif(1,0,1)<shiftextprob) { #cheking if shift happens based on a uniform distribution U[0,1]
      shiftextstrength <- rnumbshiftext()#eval(rnumbshiftext) #draw shift strength
      #extt <- extt*shiftextstrength #update extinction time
      #print(paste("Hey, an extinction shift happened at node", nextsp - i, "with strenght", shiftextstrength ))
      shiftextstrength <- shiftextm[shiftextm[,"node"]==species,"strength"] #inherit ancestor shift
      #print(paste("No extinction shift!",nextsp - i, "is inheriting the shift of",shiftextstrength, "from", species ))
      #extt <- extt*shiftextstrength #update extt by ancestor shift 
    shiftextstrength <- 1
  extt <- extt*shiftextstrength #update extinction time
  shiftextmr <- c((nextsp - i),shiftextstrength ) #link shift with node to be added to shiftextm...
  attributes(extt) <- NULL
  attributes(shiftextmr) <- NULL
  return(list(extt=extt,shiftextmr=shiftextmr))#return updated shift and updated shiftextmatrix

# tracing back the time for one species until origin
trajectory  <- function (trace){
	#trace should indicate the edge number that is to be followed until the origin
	trajectory  <- NULL
	while ( length( which(edge[,2] == trace)) ){
		atual  <- which(edge[,2] == trace)
		trajectory  <- c(edge.length[atual], trajectory)
		trace  <- edge[atual,1]
bingo <- FALSE

while (bingo == FALSE)	# ######## while bingo
  stop <- FALSE
	stopsearch <- FALSE
	mytree <-list(edge=NULL, tip.label=NULL, edge.length=NULL, Nnode=NULL, root.edge=NULL, age=NULL, 
	              shiftsp=NULL,shiftext=NULL, shifted.sp.living=NULL,shifted.sp.extinct=NULL,
	              shifted.ext.living=NULL, shifted.ext.extinct=NULL)
	class(mytree) <- "phylo"
	edge <- matrix(c(-1,-2), ncol=2)
	##SM-S creating shiftsp and shiftext matrixes...
	shiftspm <- matrix(c(-1,1,-2,1), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL,c("node","strength")))
	shiftextm <- matrix(c(-1,1,-2,1), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL,c("node","strength")))
	leaves <- NULL
	realleaves <- NULL
	extinct <- NULL
	realextinct <- NULL
	age <- NULL
	timeline <- NULL
	extinct <- NULL
	tip.label <- NULL
	pnodges <- NULL
	timeline <- NULL
	##SM - S
	shiftedspliving <- NULL
	shiftedspextinct <- NULL
	shiftedextliving <- NULL
	shiftedextextinct <- NULL
	##SM - E
# initial if in case the (-1,-2) edge get extinct or bigger than age
spt <- rnumbsp()#eval(rnumbsp)
#to remove NaN warnings messages
if (firstextpar == 0)
	extt <- suppressWarnings(rnumbext())
	extt <- rnumbext()
# if to see if the user simulates with extinction = ZERO and avoid error generated by expression-distribution when rate equals zero
if (is.nan(extt))
	extt <- spt +1 # we add so that the sp will always occurs first, and an extinction will never occur

if (spt <= extt)
	status <- "sp" #occurred an speciation
	edge.length <- spt
	leaves <- -2
	status <- "ext" #occurred an extinction
	edge.length <- extt
	extinct <- -2
	stop <- TRUE
	pnodges <- c(leaves, extinct)	
	timeline <- edge.length[1]
# for the while (increase of the tree)
while (stop == FALSE) 
  stopsearch <- FALSE
	positionnextsp <- which(timeline == min(timeline[pnodges%in%leaves]))[1] #ATTENTION, we take the first element since it can happen that we get two equal numbers
	nextsp <- min(edge[,2])
	species <- pnodges[positionnextsp]
	ptime <- timeline[positionnextsp]
	pnodges <- pnodges[-positionnextsp]
	timeline <- timeline[-positionnextsp]
	i <- 1
	#print(paste("Now we will start from species ", species))
	for (i in 1:2)
		edge <- rbind( edge, c(species, (nextsp - i)))
		spt <- rnumbsp()
		##SM -S now we examine for shifts and update spt and shiftspm
		testshiftspout <- testshiftsp(spt)
		spt <- testshiftspout$spt
		shiftspm <- rbind(shiftspm, testshiftspout$shiftspmr)
		##SM -E
		#to remove NaN warnings messages
		if (firstextpar == 0)
			extt <- suppressWarnings(rnumbext())
			extt <- rnumbext()
		# if to see if the user simulates with extinction = ZERO and avoid error generated by exp. distribution when rate equals zero
		if (is.nan(extt))
			extt <- spt +1000 # we add 1000 so that the sp will always occurs first, and we will never have an extinction
		##SM -S now we examine for shifts and update extt and shiftextm
		testshiftextout <- testshiftext(extt)
		extt <- testshiftextout$extt
		shiftextm <- rbind(shiftextm, testshiftextout$shiftextmr)
		##SM -E
		if (spt <= extt)
			status <- "sp" #occurred an speciation
			edge.length <- c(edge.length, spt)
			leaves <- c(leaves, (nextsp - i))
			ntime <- spt
			status <- "ext" #occurred an extinction
			edge.length <- c(edge.length, extt)
			extinct <- c(extinct, (nextsp - i))
			ntime <- extt
		pnodges <- c(pnodges, (nextsp - i))
		timeline <- c(timeline, (ptime + ntime))
	#SM modified
	leaves <- leaves[-which(leaves==species)]
	#now we test for the smallest pnodge and see if there is the enough leaving creatures
	while (stopsearch == FALSE)
		if (length(pnodges) == 0)
			stop <- TRUE	
			stopsearch <- TRUE
			if (length(pnodges) >= m)
				#we achieved m species at least
				bingo<- TRUE
				stop <- TRUE
				stopsearch <- TRUE
				age <- min(timeline)
				realleaves <- pnodges
				positionsp <- which(timeline == min(timeline))[1]
				#testing fit the smallest tested one is an extinct
				if (pnodges[positionsp] %in% extinct)
					#if it is on the extinct, we will remove it from the pnodges and timeline and add it to the realextinct
					realextinct <- c(realextinct, pnodges[positionsp])
					pnodges <- pnodges[-positionsp]
					timeline <- timeline[-positionsp]
					stopsearch <- TRUE


}# ######## while bingo finish
#after this point, all threes that are leaving this last while have at least m leavingspecies....
extinct <- realextinct

#cutting tree at desired age
step <- 1
for (step in 1: length(pnodges))
	traject <- trajectory(pnodges[step])
	traject <- traject[-length(traject)]
	edge.length[which(edge[,2]==pnodges[step])] <- (age-sum(traject))

# final if... in case of (stop == TRUE) , we write the tree "mytree"
if (stop == TRUE) 
	#### replacing to the ape format
	prealleaves <- realleaves
	if (length(realleaves) > 0)
			realleaves <- c(1:length(realleaves))
			i <- 1
			for (i in 1:length(realleaves))
					edge[ which(edge[,2] == prealleaves[i]), 2 ] <- realleaves[i]
					## SM- S changing nodes names
					shiftspm[ which(shiftspm[,"node"] == prealleaves[i]), "node" ] <- realleaves[i]
					shiftextm[ which(shiftextm[,"node"] == prealleaves[i]), "node" ] <- realleaves[i]
					## SM- E
	tip.label <- paste(labellivingsp, realleaves, sep = "")
	## SM - S creating vector with shifted species and updating shifted names
	#for shifts on speciation
	shiftedspliving <- rep(0,length(realleaves)) #preparing vector
	data <- shiftspm[shiftspm[,"node"]%in%realleaves,]
	shiftedspliving[data[sort.list(data[,"node"]),"strength" ]!=1] <- 1
	tip.label[shiftedspliving==1] <- paste(tip.label[shiftedspliving==1], shiftsplabel, sep=" ")
	shiftedspliving <- cbind(realleaves,shiftedspliving)
	colnames(shiftedspliving) <- c("LivingSpecies", "shift")
	#for shifts on extinction
	shiftedextliving <- rep(0,length(realleaves))
	data <- shiftextm[shiftextm[,"node"]%in%realleaves,]
	shiftedextliving[data[sort.list(data[,"node"]),"strength" ]!=1] <- 1
	tip.label[shiftedextliving==1] <- paste(tip.label[shiftedextliving==1], shiftextlabel, sep=" ")
	shiftedextliving <- cbind(realleaves,shiftedextliving)
	colnames(shiftedextliving) <- c("LivingSpecies", "shift")
	## SM - E
	pextinct <- extinct
	if (length(extinct) > 0)
		extinct <- c((length(realleaves)+1):(length(realleaves)+length(extinct)))
		i <- 1
		for (i in 1:length(extinct))
			edge[ which(edge[,2] == pextinct[i]), 2 ] <- extinct[i]
			## SM- S changing nodes names
			shiftspm[ which(shiftspm[,"node"] == pextinct[i]), "node" ] <- extinct[i]
			shiftextm[ which(shiftextm[,"node"] == pextinct[i]), "node" ] <- extinct[i]
			## SM- E
	  tip.label.tail <- paste(labelextinctsp, extinct, sep = "")
	  ## SM - S creating vector with shifted species and updating shifted names
	  #for shifts on speciation
  	shiftedspextinct <- rep(0,length(extinct))
  	data <- shiftspm[shiftspm[,"node"]%in%extinct,]
  	#error handling in case only one species got extinct and data is transformed into a vector and not a matrix...
  	if(!is(data, "matrix")){
  	  data <- matrix(data, ncol=2)
  	shiftedspextinct[data[sort.list(data[,1]),2 ]!=1] <- 1
  	tip.label.tail[shiftedspextinct==1] <- paste(tip.label.tail[shiftedspextinct==1], shiftsplabel, sep=" ")
  	shiftedspextinct <- cbind(extinct,shiftedspextinct)
  	colnames(shiftedspextinct) <- c("ExtinctSpecies", "shift")
  	#for shifts on extinction
  	shiftedextextinct <- rep(0,length(extinct))
  	data <- shiftextm[shiftextm[,"node"]%in%extinct,]
  	if(!is(data, "matrix")){
  	  data <- matrix(data, ncol=2)
  	shiftedextextinct[data[sort.list(data[,1]),2 ]!=1] <- 1
  	tip.label.tail[shiftedextextinct==1] <- paste(tip.label.tail[shiftedextextinct==1], shiftextlabel, sep=" ")
  	shiftedextextinct <- cbind(extinct,shiftedextextinct)
  	colnames(shiftedextextinct) <- c("ExtinctSpecies", "shift")
  	## SM - E
  	tip.label <- c(tip.label, tip.label.tail )
	#regarding the edges that lead to an extinct or leaving final species, but are not the final edges
	potheredges <- levels(as.factor(edge[edge <0]))
	otheredges <- rev(seq((max(realleaves, extinct)+1), length.out=length(potheredges)))
	i <- 1
	for (i in 1:length(potheredges))
		edge[ edge == potheredges[i] ] <- otheredges[i]
		## SM- S changing nodes names
		shiftspm[shiftspm[,"node"]==potheredges[i],"node"] <- otheredges[i]
		shiftextm[shiftextm[,"node"]==potheredges[i],"node"] <- otheredges[i]
		## SM- E
	mytree$edge <- edge	
	mytree$tip.label <- tip.label
	mytree$edge.length <- edge.length
	mytree$Nnode <-  length(realleaves) + length(extinct)
	mytree$root.edge <- edge.length[1]
	root.edge <- edge.length[1]
	mytree$age <- age
	## SM - S
	mytree$shiftsp <- shiftspm
	mytree$shiftext <- shiftextm
	mytree$shifted.sp.living <- shiftedspliving
	mytree$shifted.sp.extinct <- shiftedspextinct
	mytree$shifted.ext.living <- shiftedextliving
	mytree$shifted.ext.extinct <- shiftedextextinct
	## SM - E

#final handling before plotting with ape
if (length(realleaves) == 0)
	# in case no specie is surviving until final simulation time
	mytree <- 0
	if ( length(realleaves) == 1 & complete == FALSE)
		#in case only one specie is surviving, even if other speciations events occured in the history
		mytree <- 1
		if (length(realleaves)==1 & length(extinct)==0 & complete==TRUE)
			#in case only one species is surviving and was the only one that existed
			mytree <- 1
			#in case non of the above condition is fulfilled, there will be a tree with no initial branch, tree starts at the MRCA
			#this is done to be aple to plot and be compatible wth `ape` package 
			mytree <- collapse.singles(mytree)
			#cheking status of 'complete' and take or dont take extincted species out of final tree
			if (complete == FALSE)	
				mytree<- drop.fossil(mytree)
				mytree$root.edge <- root.edge
if (sampling$frac!=1 & class(mytree)=="phylo" & !gsa){ # do sampling.....
  mytree <- sample.mytree(mytree.=mytree, realleaves.=realleaves, extinct.=extinct, sampling.=sampling, complete.=complete)

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