
Defines functions NUnrootedMult Log2UnrootedMult LnUnrootedMult NUnrootedSplits Log2UnrootedSplits LnUnrootedSplits IC1Spr N1Spr Log2Rooted.int Log2Rooted LnRooted.int LnRooted Log2Unrooted.int Log2Unrooted LnUnrooted.int LnUnrooted NUnrooted64 NRooted64 NUnrooted NRooted LnDoubleFactorial.int DoubleFactorial64 DoubleFactorial

Documented in DoubleFactorial DoubleFactorial64 IC1Spr LnDoubleFactorial.int LnRooted LnRooted.int LnUnrooted LnUnrooted.int LnUnrootedMult LnUnrootedSplits Log2Rooted Log2Rooted.int Log2Unrooted Log2Unrooted.int Log2UnrootedMult Log2UnrootedSplits N1Spr NRooted NRooted64 NUnrooted NUnrooted64 NUnrootedMult NUnrootedSplits

#' @importFrom utils globalVariables

#' Double factorial
#' Calculate the double factorial of a number, or its logarithm.
#' @param n Vector of integers.
#' @return Returns the double factorial, _n_ * (_n_ - 2) * (_n_ - 4) *
#' (_n_ - 6) * ...
#' @examples
#' DoubleFactorial (-4:0) # Return 1 if n < 2
#' DoubleFactorial (2) # 2
#' DoubleFactorial (5) # 1 * 3 * 5
#' exp(LnDoubleFactorial.int (8)) # log(2 * 4 * 6 * 8)
#' @template MRS
#' @family double factorials
#' @export
DoubleFactorial <- function(n) {
  if (any(n > 300)) stop("301!! is too large to represent. Use LnDoubleFactorial() instead.")

  n[n < 2] <- 1

  #odds <- as.logical(x %% 2)
  #oddX <- x[odds]
  #xPlusOneOverTwo <- (oddX + 1) / 2
  #evenX <- x[!odds]
  #xOverTwo <- evenX / 2
  #ret <- integer(length(x))
  #ret[odds] <- gamma(oddX + 1L) / (gamma(xPlusOneOverTwo) * 2^(xPlusOneOverTwo - 1L))
  #ret[!odds] <- evenX * gamma(xOverTwo) * 2^(xOverTwo - 1L)
  ## Return:

#' @describeIn DoubleFactorial Returns the exact double factorial as a 64-bit
#' `integer64`, for `n` < 34.
#' @examples
#' DoubleFactorial64(31)
#' @export
DoubleFactorial64 <- function(n) {
  if (n < 2L) 1 else as.integer64(n * DoubleFactorial64(n - 2L))

# Memoizing this function makes it MUCH slower...
#' @describeIn DoubleFactorial Returns the logarithm of the double factorial.
#' @export
LnDoubleFactorial <- (function(n) {
  n[n < 2L] <- 1 # Much faster than pmax
  if (any(n > 49999L)) {

    odds <- as.logical(n %% 2)

    oddN <- n[odds]
    nPlusOneOverTwo <- (oddN + 1) / 2
    evenN <- n[!odds]
    nOverTwo <- evenN / 2

    ret <- integer(length(n))
    ret[odds] <- lgamma(oddN + 1L) - (lgamma(nPlusOneOverTwo) + (nPlusOneOverTwo - 1) * log(2))
    ret[!odds] <- log(evenN) + lgamma(nOverTwo) + (nOverTwo - 1) * log(2)

    # Return:

  } else {
    # Return from cache

#' @describeIn DoubleFactorial Returns the logarithm of the double factorial.
#' @export
Log2DoubleFactorial <- (function(n) {
  n[n < 2L] <- 1 # Much faster than pmax
  if (any(n > 49999L)) {

    odds <- as.logical(n %% 2)

    oddN <- n[odds]
    nPlusOneOverTwo <- (oddN + 1) / 2
    evenN <- n[!odds]
    nOverTwo <- evenN / 2

    ret <- integer(length(n))
    ret[odds] <-  ((lgamma(oddN + 1L) - lgamma(nPlusOneOverTwo)) / log(2)) - nPlusOneOverTwo + 1
    ret[!odds] <- log2(evenN) + (lgamma(nOverTwo) / log(2)) + (nOverTwo - 1)

    # Return:

  } else {
    # Return from cache

#' @rdname DoubleFactorial
#' @export
LogDoubleFactorial <- LnDoubleFactorial

#' @describeIn DoubleFactorial Slightly faster, when x is known to be length one
#' and below 50001
#' @export
LnDoubleFactorial.int <- function(n) {
  if (n < 2L) {
  } else {

#' @rdname DoubleFactorial
#' @export
LogDoubleFactorial.int <- LnDoubleFactorial.int

#' Number of trees
#' These functions return the number of rooted or unrooted binary trees
#' consistent with a given pattern of splits.
#' Functions starting `N` return the number of rooted or unrooted trees.
#' Replace this initial `N` with `Ln` for the natural logarithm of this number;
#' or `Log2` for its base 2 logarithm.
#' Calculations follow \insertCite{CavalliSforza1967;textual}{TreeTools} and
#' \insertCite{Carter1990;textual}{TreeTools}, Theorem 2.
#' @param tips Integer specifying the number of leaves.
#' @param \dots Integer vector, or series of integers, listing the number of
#' leaves in each split.
#' @template MRS
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' NRooted(10)
#' NUnrooted(10)
#' LnRooted(10)
#' LnUnrooted(10)
#' Log2Unrooted(10)
#' # Number of trees consistent with a character whose states are
#' # 00000 11111 222
#' NUnrootedMult(c(5,5,3))
#' @family tree information functions
#' @export
NRooted     <- function(tips) DoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 3L) # addition faster than 2*

#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees
#' @export
NUnrooted   <- function(tips) DoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 5L)

#' @describeIn NRooted Exact number of rooted trees as 64-bit integer
#' (13 < `nTip` < 19)
#' @export
NRooted64 <- function(tips) DoubleFactorial64(tips + tips - 3L)

#' @describeIn NRooted Exact number of unrooted trees as 64-bit integer
#' (14 < `nTip` < 20)
#' @examples
#' NUnrooted64(18)
#' @export
NUnrooted64 <- function(tips) DoubleFactorial64(tips + tips - 5L)

#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of unrooted trees
#' @export
LnUnrooted  <- function(tips) LnDoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 5L)

#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of unrooted trees (as integer)
#' @export
LnUnrooted.int <- function(tips) {
  ifelse(tips < 3L, 0, logDoubleFactorials[tips + tips - 5L])

#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
Log2Unrooted  <- function(tips) Log2DoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 5L)

#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
Log2Unrooted.int <- function(tips) {
  ifelse(tips < 3L, 0, log2DoubleFactorials[tips + tips - 5L])

#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of rooted trees
#' @export
LnRooted    <- function(tips) LnDoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 3L)
#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of rooted trees (as integer)
#' @export
LnRooted.int <- function(tips) {
  ifelse(tips < 2L, 0, logDoubleFactorials[tips + tips - 3L])
#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
Log2Rooted    <- function(tips) Log2DoubleFactorial(tips + tips - 3L)
#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
Log2Rooted.int <- function(tips) {
  ifelse(tips < 2L, 0, log2DoubleFactorials[tips + tips - 3L])

#' Number of trees one SPR step away
#' `N1Spr()` calculates the number of trees one subtree prune-and-regraft
#' operation away from a binary input tree using the formula given by 
#' \insertCite{Allen2001;textual}{TreeTools};
#' `IC1Spr()` calculates the information content of trees at this
#' distance: i.e. the entropy corresponding to the proportion of all possible
#' _n_-tip trees whose SPR distance is at most one from a specified tree.
#' @param n Integer vector specifying the number of tips in a tree.
#' @return `N1Spr()` returns an integer vector denoting the number of trees one
#' SPR rearrangement away from the input tree..
#' @examples
#' N1Spr(4:6)
#' IC1Spr(5)
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
N1Spr <- function(n) ifelse(n > 3L, (n + n - 6L) * (n + n - 7L), 0L)

#' @rdname N1Spr
#' @return `IC1Spr()` returns an numeric vector giving the phylogenetic
#' information content of trees 0 or 1 SPR rearrangement from an _n_-leaf tree,
#' in bits.
#' @export
IC1Spr <- function(n) Log2Unrooted(n) - log2(1L + N1Spr(n))

#' @rdname NRooted
#' @examples
#' LnUnrootedSplits(c(2,4))
#' LnUnrootedSplits(3, 3)
#' @export
LnUnrootedSplits <- function(...) {
  splits <- c(...)

  if ((nSplits <- length(splits)) < 2L) {
  } else if (nSplits == 2L) {
    LnRooted(splits[1]) + LnRooted(splits[2])
  } else {

#' @rdname NRooted
#' @examples
#' Log2UnrootedSplits(c(2,4))
#' Log2UnrootedSplits(3, 3)
#' @export
Log2UnrootedSplits <- function(...) {
  splits <- c(...)

  if ((nSplits <- length(splits)) < 2L) {
  } else if (nSplits == 2L) {
    Log2Rooted(splits[1]) + Log2Rooted(splits[2])
  } else {

#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees consistent with a bipartition
#' split.
#' @examples
#' NUnrootedSplits(c(2,4))
#' NUnrootedSplits(3, 3)
#' @family split information function
#' @export
NUnrootedSplits  <- function(...) {
  splits <- c(...)
  if ((nSplits <- length(splits)) < 2L) {
  } else if (nSplits == 2L) {
    NRooted(splits[1]) * NRooted(splits[2])
  } else {

#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
LnUnrootedMult <- function(...) {  # Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2
  splits <- c(...)
  splits <- splits[splits > 0]
  totalTips <- sum(splits)

  # Return:
  LnDoubleFactorial(totalTips +  totalTips - 5L) -
    LnDoubleFactorial(2L * (totalTips - length(splits)) - 1L) +
    sum(LnDoubleFactorial(splits + splits - 3L))


#' @rdname NRooted
#' @export
Log2UnrootedMult <- function(...) {  # Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2
  splits <- c(...)
  splits <- splits[splits > 0]
  totalTips <- sum(splits)

  # Return:
  sum(Log2DoubleFactorial(totalTips +  totalTips - 5L),
      -Log2DoubleFactorial(2L * (totalTips - length(splits)) - 1L),
      Log2DoubleFactorial(splits + splits - 3L))

#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees consistent with a multi-partition
#' split.
#' @export
NUnrootedMult  <- function(...) { # Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2
  splits <- c(...)
  splits <- splits[splits > 0]
  nSplits <- length(splits)
  if (nSplits < 1L) {
    # Return:
  } else if (nSplits == 1L) {
    # Return:
  } else if (nSplits == 2L) {
    prod(DoubleFactorial(splits + splits - 3L))
  } else {
    totalTips <- sum(splits)

    numerator <- totalTips + totalTips - 5L
    denominator <- 2L * (totalTips - length(splits)) + 1L

    # Return:
    prod(seq.int(numerator, denominator, -2L),
         DoubleFactorial(splits + splits - 3L))

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