
nTax <- 6L
dataset <- matrix(seq_len(nTax), nrow = nTax, ncol = 6,
                  dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:nTax], 1:6))
dataset[4, 3:5] <- "-"
dataset[5:6, 4:6] <- "?"
dataset[6, 3] <- "?"

test_that("Errors are handled", {
  expect_error(ArtificialExtinction(dataset, "A", "E", replaceAmbiguous = "INVALID"))
  expect_error(ArtificialExtinction(dataset, "A", "E", replaceCoded = "INVALID"))

test_that("Replacements ok", {
  expectation <- matrix(rep("?", 6), 2, 3, dimnames = list(c("A", "B"), 4:6))
               ArtificialExtinction(dataset, subject = c("A", "B"),
                                    template = "E",
                                    replaceAmbiguous = "ambig")[1:2, 4:6])

  expectation[] <- 1
  colnames(expectation) <- NULL
                 c("A", "B"), "F", "unif", sampleFrom = "A"
                ))[1:2, 4:6],

  expect_true(all(!"?" == ArtificialExtinction(
    dataset[-6, ], 1:2, 5, "freq"
    )[1:2, 4:6]))

  expect_true(all(ArtificialExtinction(dataset, subject = "E", template = "F",
                                       replaceAmbiguous = "binary")["E", 3:6] %in% 0:1))

  expect_equal(setNames(rep("?", 3), 4:6),
               ArtificialExtinction(dataset, subject = "E", template = "F",
                                    replaceAmbiguous = "binary",
                                    replaceAll = FALSE)["E", 4:6])

  nChar <- 100
  dataset <- rbind(subj = c(rep(2, nChar)),
                   templ = c(rep(3, nChar / 2), rep("?", nChar / 2)))
    ArtEx(dataset, 1, 2, "binary", "binary")[1, ]))$p.value, 0.05))

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TreeTools documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.