
Defines functions proportion_silhouette_area_shapes

Documented in proportion_silhouette_area_shapes

#' @title Organism Surface Area from Mass 
#' @description The function estimates surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}) from mass (g) for one of a variety of taxa. 
#' @param m \code{numeric} vector of mass (g). 
#' @param taxon \code{character} taxonomic classification of organism, current choices: \code{"lizard"}, \code{"salamander"}, \code{"frog"}, \code{"insect"}.
#' @return \code{numeric} surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}).
#' @family allometric functions 
#' @details All models follow (\ifelse{html}{\out{SA = a M<sup>b</sup>}}{\eqn{SA = a M^b}{ASCII}}) with mass in grams and surface area in \ifelse{html}{\out{meters<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{meters^2}{ASCII}}.
#' \cr
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item Lizards \insertCite{Norris1965,Porter1979,Roughgarden1981,OConnor1999,Fei2012}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 0.000314 \pi} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 2/3}
#'   \item Salamanders \insertCite{Whitford1967,Riddell2017}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 0.000842} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 0.694}
#'   \item Frogs \insertCite{McClanahan1969}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 0.00099} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 0.56}
#'   \item Insects \insertCite{Lactin1997}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 0.0013} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 0.8}
#'  }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   surface_area_from_mass(m     = 1:50, 
#'                          taxon = "lizard")
#'   surface_area_from_mass(m     = 1:50,  
#'                          taxon = "salamander")
#'   surface_area_from_mass(m     = 1:50,  
#'                          taxon = "frog")
#'   surface_area_from_mass(m     = seq(0.1, 5, 0.1),  
#'                          taxon = "insect")
#' @export
surface_area_from_mass <- function (m, 
                                    taxon) {

  stopifnot(length(taxon) == 1, 
            taxon %in% c("lizard", "salamander", "frog", "insect"), 
            m > 0)

  if (taxon == "lizard") {

    a <- 0.000314 * pi
    b <- 2/3
  } else if (taxon == "salamander") {

    a <- 0.000842
    b <- 0.694

  } else if (taxon == "frog") {

    a <- 0.00099
    b <- 0.56

  } else if (taxon == "insect" ) {

    a <- 0.0013
    b <- 0.8

  a * m ^ b


#' @title Organism Mass from Length 
#' @description The function estimates mass (g) from length (m) for a variety of taxa.
#' @param l \code{numeric} vector of length (m). Can be 1 or more values.
#'  \cr
#'  Snout-vent length is used for amphibians and reptiles, except turtles where length is carapace length.
#' @param taxon \code{character} taxon of organism, current choices: \code{"insect"}, \code{"lizard"}, \code{"salamander"}, \code{"frog"}, \code{"snake"}, \code{"turtle"}. 
#' @return \code{numeric} mass (g).
#' @family allometric functions
#' @details All models follow (\ifelse{html}{\out{m = a l<sup>b</sup>}}{\eqn{m = a * l^b}{ASCII}}) with mass in grams and length in meters.
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item Lizards: \insertCite{Meiri2010;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 16368.17} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 3.022}
#'   \item Salamanders: \insertCite{Pough1980;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 13654.4} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 2.94}
#'   \item Frogs: \insertCite{Pough1980;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 181197.1} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 3.24}
#'   \item Snakes: \insertCite{Pough1980;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 723.6756} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 3.02}
#'   \item Turtles: \insertCite{Pough1980;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 93554.48} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 2.69}
#'   \item Insects: \insertCite{Sample1993;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{a = 806.0827} 
#'     \cr \eqn{b = 2.494}
#'  }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04,
#'                    taxon = "insect")
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04,
#'                    taxon = "lizard")
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04,
#'                    taxon = "salamander")
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04,
#'                    taxon = "frog")
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04, 
#'                    taxon = "snake")
#'   mass_from_length(l     = 0.04, 
#'                    taxon = "turtle")
#' @export
mass_from_length <- function (l, 
                              taxon) {
  stopifnot(length(taxon) == 1, 
            taxon %in% c("insect", "lizard", "salamander", "frog", "snake", "turtle"), 
            l > 0)

  if (taxon == "insect") {

    a <- 806.0827
    b <- 2.494 
  } else if (taxon == "lizard") {

    a <- 16368.17
    b <- 3.022
  } else if (taxon == "salamander"){

    a <- 13654.4 
    b <- 2.94

  } else if (taxon == "frog") {    

    a <- 181197.1 
    b <- 3.24

  } else if (taxon == "snake") {

    a <- 723.6756
    b <- 3.02

  } else if (taxon == "turtle") {

    a <- 93554.48
    b <- 2.69


  a * l ^ b


#' @title Organism Surface Area from Volume 
#' @description The function estimates surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}) from volume (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}{ASCII}}) for a variety of taxa following \insertCite{Mitchell1976;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @param V \code{numeric} vector of volume (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}{ASCII}}). Can be one or more values.
#' @param taxon \code{character} taxon of organism, current choices: \code{"lizard"}, \code{"frog"}, \code{"sphere"}.
#' @return \code{numeric} surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}).
#' @family allometric functions
#' @details All models follow (\ifelse{html}{\out{SA = Ka V<sup>2/3</sup>}}{\eqn{SA = Ka * V^{2/3}}{ASCII}}) with surface area and volume in meters.
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item Lizards: \insertCite{Norris1965;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{Ka = 11.0} 
#'   \item Frogs: \insertCite{Tracy1972;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{Ka = 11.0} 
#'   \item Sphere: \insertCite{Mitchell1976;textual}{TrenchR}:
#'     \cr 
#'     \cr \eqn{Ka = 4.83} 
#'  }   
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   surface_area_from_volume(V     = 0.001, 
#'                            taxon = "lizard")
#'   surface_area_from_volume(V     = 0.001,  
#'                            taxon = "frog")
#'   surface_area_from_volume(V     = 0.001,  
#'                            taxon = "sphere")
#' @export
surface_area_from_volume <- function (V,  
                                      taxon) {

  stopifnot(length(taxon) == 1, 
            taxon %in% c("lizard", "frog", "sphere"), 
            V > 0)
  if (taxon == "lizard") {

    Ka <- 11
  } else if (taxon == "frog") {    

    Ka <- 11 

  } else if (taxon == "sphere") {

    Ka <- 4.83 


  Ka * V^(2/3) 


#' @title Organism Volume from Length
#' @description The function estimates volume (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}{ASCII}}) from length (m) for a variety of taxa following \insertCite{Mitchell1976;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @param l \code{numeric} length (m). 
#'  \cr
#'  Use snout-vent length for lizards and frogs.
#' @param taxon \code{character} taxon of organism, current choices: \code{"lizard"}, \code{"frog"}, \code{"sphere"}.
#' @return \code{numeric} volume (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}{ASCII}}).
#' @family allometric functions
#' @details Relationships come from \itemize{
#'   \item Lizards: \insertCite{Norris1965;textual}{TrenchR}
#'   \item Frogs: \insertCite{Tracy1972;textual}{TrenchR}
#'   \item Sphere: \insertCite{Mitchell1976;textual}{TrenchR}
#'  }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   volume_from_length(l     = 0.05,  
#'                      taxon = "lizard")
#'   volume_from_length(l     = 0.05,   
#'                      taxon = "frog")
#'   volume_from_length(l     = 0.05,   
#'                      taxon = "sphere")
#' @export
volume_from_length <- function (l,   
                                taxon) {
  stopifnot(length(taxon) == 1, 
            taxon %in% c("lizard", "frog", "sphere"), 
            l > 0)
  if (taxon == "lizard") {

    Kl <- 3.3
  } else if (taxon == "frog") {    

    Kl <- 2.27 

  } else if (taxon == "sphere") {

    Kl <- 1.24 


  (l / Kl) ^ 3


#' @title Organism Surface Area from Length
#' @description This function estimates surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}) from length (m) by approximating the animal's body as a rotational ellipsoid with half the body length as the semi-major axis. 
#' @param l \code{numeric} length (m).
#' @return \code{numeric} surface area (\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>2</sup>}}{\eqn{m^2}{ASCII}}).
#' @family allometric functions
#' @details Following \insertCite{Samietz2005;textual}{TrenchR} and \insertCite{Lactin1998;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @export
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   surface_area_from_length(l = 0.04)
surface_area_from_length <- function (l) {
  stopifnot(l > 0)
  # convert m to mm

  l_mm = l * 1000
  # inital units: mm
  #  c- semi-major axis (half of grasshopper length), 
  #  a- semi-minor axis (half of grasshopper width)

  c <- l_mm/2
  a <- (0.365 + 0.241 * l_mm * 1000) / 1000  
  e <- sqrt(1 - a^2 / c^2)
  sa <- 2 * pi * a^2 + 2 * pi * a * c / (e * asin(e))
  # to m^2

  sa / (1000^2)


#' @title Organism Silhouette Area
#' @description The function estimates the projected (silhouette) area as a portion of the surface area of the organism as a function of zenith angle. The function is useful for estimating absorbed solar radiation.
#' @param psi \code{numeric} zenith angle in degrees between \code{0} and \code{360}.
#' @param taxon \code{character} organism name. Current choices are \code{"lizard"}, \code{"frog"}, and \code{"grasshopper"}.
#' @param raz \code{numeric} relative solar azimuth angle (in degrees). Required if \code{taxon = "lizard"}. This is the horizontal angle of the sun relative to the head and frontal plane of the lizard and options currently include \code{0} (in front), \code{90} (to side), and \code{180} (behind) degrees.
#' @param posture \code{character} value describing posture. Required if \code{taxon = "lizard"}. Options include \code{"prostrate"} (default) and \code{"elevated"}.
#' @return \code{numeric} silhouette area as a proportion.
#' @family allometric functions
#' @details Relationships come from \itemize{
#'   \item Lizards: \insertCite{Muth1977;textual}{TrenchR}
#'   \item Frogs: \insertCite{Tracy1976;textual}{TrenchR}
#'   \item Grasshoppers: \insertCite{Anderson1979;textual}{TrenchR}
#'  }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   proportion_silhouette_area(psi     = 60,   
#'                              taxon = "frog")
#'   proportion_silhouette_area(psi     = 60, 
#'                              taxon = "grasshopper")
#'   proportion_silhouette_area(psi       = 60, 
#'                              taxon   = "lizard", 
#'                              posture = "prostrate", 
#'                              raz     = 90)
#'   proportion_silhouette_area(psi       = 60, 
#'                              taxon   = "lizard", 
#'                              posture = "elevated", 
#'                              raz     = 180)
proportion_silhouette_area <- function (psi,
                                        raz     = 0, 
                                        posture = "prostrate") {
  stopifnot(length(taxon) == 1, 
            taxon %in% c("frog", "lizard", "grasshopper"), 
            psi >= 0, 
            psi <  360)
  if (taxon == "frog"){

    (1.38171e-6 * psi^4 - 1.93335e-4 * psi^3 + 4.75761e-3 * psi^2 - 0.167912 * psi + 45.8228) / 100
  } else if (taxon == "grasshopper") {

    0.19 - 0.00173 * psi 

  } else if (taxon == "lizard") {

    stopifnot(raz %in% c(0, 90, 180), posture %in% c("prostrate", "elevated"))

    if (posture == "prostrate") { 

      if (raz == 0) {

        A <- -2.3148*10^(-6) 
        B <- -2.1024*10^(-3)
        C <- -4.6162*10^(-2)
        D <- 30.7316

      } else if (raz == 90) {

        A <- -1.0185*10^(-5) 
        B <- 1.3574*10^(-3)
        C <- -9.5589*10^(-3)
        D <- 30.87255

      } else if (raz == 180) {

        A <- 0
        B <- -2.7105*10^(-3)
        C <- -6.3915*10^(-2)
        D <- 29.8534

    } else if (posture == "elevated") {

      if (raz == 0) {

        A <- 3.6979*10^(-5)
        B <- -4.7752*10^(-3)
        C <- -6.4026*10^(-2)
        D <- 26.2831

      } else if (raz == 90) {

        A <- 0
        B <- -1.1756*10^(-4)
        C <- -9.2594*10^(-2)
        D <- 26.2409

      } else if (raz == 180) {

        A <- 0
        B <- -1.5662*10^(-3)
        C <- -5.6423*10^(-2)
        D <- 26.6833



    (A * psi^3 + B * psi^2 + C * psi + D) / 100 


#' @title Organism Silhouette Area using Shape Approximations
#' @description The function estimates the projected (silhouette) area as a portion of the surface area of the organism. The function estimates the projected area as a function of the dimensions and the angle between the solar beam and the longitudinal axis of the solid, using Figure 11.6 in \insertCite{Campbell1998;textual}{TrenchR}. The function is useful for estimating absorbed solar radiation. 
#' @param shape \code{character} Shape to use to approximate an organism. Shapes are assumed to be prolate or have the longest axis parallel with the ground. Current choices are \code{"spheroid"}, \code{"cylinder flat ends"}, and \code{"cylinder hemisphere ends"}.
#' @param theta \code{numeric} angle between the solar beam and the longitudinal axis (degrees).
#' @param h \code{numeric} height (long axis in m). Cross section length for spheroid.
#' @param d \code{numeric} diameter (short axis in m). Cross section length for spheroid.
#' @return \code{numeric} silhouette area as a proportion.
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @family allometric functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   proportion_silhouette_area_shapes(shape = "spheroid", 
#'                                     theta = 60,  
#'                                     h     = 0.01,  
#'                                     d     = 0.001)
#'   proportion_silhouette_area_shapes(shape = "cylinder flat ends",  
#'                                     theta = 60,  
#'                                     h     = 0.01, 
#'                                     d     = 0.001)
#'   proportion_silhouette_area_shapes(shape = "cylinder hemisphere ends",  
#'                                     theta = 60,  
#'                                     h     = 0.01, 
#'                                     d     = 0.001)
proportion_silhouette_area_shapes <- function(shape, 
  stopifnot(length(shape) == 1, 
            shape %in% c("spheroid", "cylinder flat ends", "cylinder hemisphere ends"), 
            theta >= 0, 
            theta <  360, 
            h     >= 0, 
            d     >= 0)
  theta_r <- degrees_to_radians(theta)

  if (shape == "spheroid") {

    x <- d / h

    sqrt(1 + (x^2 - 1) * cos(theta_r)^2) / (2 * x+ (2 * asin(sqrt(1 - x^2)) / sqrt(1 - x^2)))

  else if (shape == "cylinder flat ends") {

    (cos(theta_r) + 4 * h * sin(theta_r) / (pi * d)) / (2 + 4 * h / d)

  else if (shape == "cylinder hemisphere ends") {

    (1 + 4 * h * sin(theta_r) / (pi * d)) / (4 + 4 * h / d)


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