## ===================================================
## Creating a SMOTEd training sample for regression problems
# Examples:
# library(DMwR)
# data(algae)
# clean.algae <- algae[complete.cases(algae), ]
# C.perc = list(0.1, 8)
# mysmote.alg <- SmoteRegress(a7~., clean.algae, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = C.perc)
# smoteBal.alg <- SmoteRegress(a7~., clean.algae, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = "balance")
# smoteExt.alg <- SmoteRegress(a7~., clean.algae, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = "extreme")
# ir<- iris[-c(95:130), ]
# mysmote.iris <- SmoteRegress(Sepal.Width~., ir, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = list(0.5,2.5))
# mysmote.iris <- SmoteRegress(Sepal.Width~., ir, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = list(0.2,4), thr.rel = 0.8)
# smoteBalan.iris <- SmoteRegress(Sepal.Width~., ir, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = "balance")
# smoteExtre.iris <- SmoteRegress(Sepal.Width~., ir, dist = "HEOM",
# C.perc = "extreme")
# rel <- matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = 0)
# rel <- rbind(rel, c(2, 1, 0))
# rel <- rbind(rel, c(3, 0, 0))
# rel <- rbind(rel, c(4, 1, 0))
# <- SmoteRegress(Sepal.Width~., ir, dist = "HEOM", rel = rel,
# C.perc = list(4,0.5,4))
# L. Torgo, Jun 2008
# P. Branco, Mar, Apr 2015 Apr 2016
# ---------------------------------------------------
SmoteRegress <- function(form, dat, rel = "auto", thr.rel = 0.5,
C.perc = "balance", k = 5, repl = FALSE,
dist = "Euclidean", p = 2)
# form a model formula
# dat the original training set (with the unbalanced distribution)
# rel is the relevance determined automatically (default: "auto")
# or provided by the user through a matrix. See examples.
# thr.rel is the relevance threshold above which a case is considered
# as belonging to the rare "class"
# C.perc is a list containing the percentage of under- or/and
# over-sampling to apply to each "class" obtained with the threshold.
# The over-sampling percentage means that the examples above the
# threshold are increased by this percentage. The under sampling
# percentage means that the normal cases (cases below the threshold)
# are under-sampled by this percentage. Alternatively it may be
# "balance" or "extreme", cases where the sampling percentages
# are automatically estimated.
# k is the number of neighbors to consider as the pool from where
# the new synthetic examples are generated
# repl is it allowed to perform sampling with replacement
# dist is the distance measure to be used (defaults to "Euclidean")
# p is a parameter used when a p-norm is computed
if (any( {
stop("The data set provided contains NA values!")
# the column where the target variable is
tgt <- which(names(dat) == as.character(form[[2]]))
if (tgt < ncol(dat)) {
orig.order <- colnames(dat)
cols <- 1:ncol(dat)
cols[c(tgt, ncol(dat))] <- cols[c(ncol(dat), tgt)]
dat <- dat[, cols]
if ( {
stop("Future work!")
y <- dat[, ncol(dat)]
attr(y, "names") <- rownames(dat)
s.y <- sort(y)
if (is.matrix(rel)) {
pc <- phi.control(y, method = "range", control.pts = rel)
} else if (is.list(rel)) {
pc <- rel
} else if (rel == "auto") {
pc <- phi.control(y, method = "extremes")
} else {# handle other relevance functions and not using the threshold!
stop("future work!")
temp <- y.relev <- phi(s.y, pc)
if (!length(which(temp < 1))) {
stop("All the points have relevance 1.
Please, redefine your relevance function!")
if (!length(which(temp > 0))) {
stop("All the points have relevance 0.
Please, redefine your relevance function!")
# temp[which(y.relev >= thr.rel)] <- -temp[which(y.relev >= thr.rel)]
bumps <- c()
for (i in 1:(length(y) - 1)) {
# if (temp[i] * temp[i + 1] < 0) bumps <- c(bumps, i)
if ((temp[i] >= thr.rel && temp[i+1] < thr.rel) ||
(temp[i] < thr.rel && temp[i+1] >= thr.rel)) {
bumps <- c(bumps, i)
nbump <- length(bumps) + 1 # number of different "classes"
# collect the indexes in each "class"
obs.ind <- as.list(rep(NA, nbump))
last <- 1
for (i in 1:length(bumps)) {
obs.ind[[i]] <- s.y[last:bumps[i]]
last <- bumps[i] + 1
obs.ind[[nbump]] <- s.y[last:length(s.y)]
newdata <- data.frame()
if (is.list(C.perc)) {
if (length(C.perc) != nbump){
stop("The percentages provided must be the same length as the number
of bumps!")
} else if (C.perc == "balance") {
# estimate the percentages of over/under sampling
B <- round(nrow(dat)/nbump, 0)
C.perc <- B/sapply(obs.ind, length)
} else if (C.perc == "extreme") {
B <- round(nrow(dat)/nbump, 0)
rescale <- nbump * B/sum(B^2/sapply(obs.ind, length))
obj <- round((B^2/sapply(obs.ind, length)) * rescale, 2)
C.perc <- round(obj/sapply(obs.ind, length), 1)
for (i in 1:nbump) {
if (C.perc[[i]] == 1) {
newdata <- rbind(newdata, dat[names(obs.ind[[i]]), ])
} else if (C.perc[[i]] > 1) {
if (length(obs.ind[[i]])<=k && length(obs.ind[[i]])>1) {
warning("Unable to use the number of neighbors specified
because the bump has fewer examples. Using ",
length(obs.ind[[i]])-1, " as the value of k.",
newExs <- Smote.exsRegress(dat[names(obs.ind[[i]]), ],
ncol(dat), C.perc[[i]],
length(obs.ind[[i]])-1, dist, p)
} else if (length(obs.ind[[i]]) == 1) {
warning("Unable to use the number of neighbors specified
because the bump has only one example. Introducing
replicas in this bump!",
newExs <- dat[rep(names(obs.ind[[i]]), C.perc[[i]]*nrow(dat)),]
} else {
newExs <- Smote.exsRegress(dat[names(obs.ind[[i]]), ],
ncol(dat), C.perc[[i]],
k, dist, p)
# add original rare examples and synthetic generated examples
newdata <- rbind(newdata, newExs, dat[names(obs.ind[[i]]), ])
} else if (C.perc[[i]] < 1) {
sel.maj <- sample(1:length(obs.ind[[i]]),
as.integer(C.perc[[i]] * length(obs.ind[[i]])),
replace = repl)
newdata <- rbind(newdata, dat[names(obs.ind[[i]][sel.maj]), ])
if (tgt < ncol(dat)) {
newdata <- newdata[, cols]
dat <- dat[, cols]
# ===================================================
# Obtain a set of smoted examples for a set of rare cases.
# L. Torgo, Jun 2008
# P.Branco, Mar 2015 Apr 2016
# ---------------------------------------------------
Smote.exsRegress <- function(dat, tgt, N, k, dist, p)
# dat are the rare cases (the minority "class" cases)
# tgt the column nr of the target variable
# N is the percentage of over-sampling to carry out;
# and k is the number of nearest neighours
# dist is the distance function used for the neighours computation
# p is an integer used when a "p-norm" distance is selected
# The result of the function is a (N-1)*nrow(dat) set of generate
# examples with rare values on the target
# check for constant features and remove them, if any
# add the constant value of those features in the returned synthetic examples
ConstFeat <- which(apply(dat, 2, function(col){length(unique(col)) == 1}))
badds <- dat
ConstRes <- dat[1,ConstFeat]
dat <- dat[,apply(dat, 2, function(col) { length(unique(col)) > 1 })]
tgt <- ncol(dat)
nomatr <- c()
T <- matrix(nrow = dim(dat)[1], ncol = dim(dat)[2])
for (col in[2])){
if (class(dat[, col]) %in% c('factor', 'character')) {
T[, col] <- as.integer(dat[, col])
nomatr <- c(nomatr, col)
} else {
T[, col] <- dat[, col]
nC <- dim(T)[2]
nT <- dim(T)[1]
ranges <- rep(1, nC)
if (length(nomatr)) {
for (x in (1:nC)[-c(nomatr)]) {
ranges[x] <- max(T[, x]) - min(T[, x])
} else {
for(x in (1:nC)) {
ranges[x] <- max(T[, x]) - min(T[, x])
kNNs <- neighbours(tgt, dat, dist, p, k)
nexs <- as.integer(N - 1) # nr of examples to generate for each rare case
extra <- as.integer(nT * (N - 1 - nexs)) # the extra examples to generate
idx <- sample(1:nT, extra)
newM <- matrix(nrow = nexs * nT + extra, ncol = nC) # the new cases
if (nexs) {
for (i in 1:nT) {
for (n in 1:nexs) {
# select randomly one of the k NNs
neig <- sample(1:k, 1)
# the attribute values of the generated case
difs <- T[kNNs[i, neig], -tgt] - T[i, -tgt]
newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, -tgt] <- T[i, -tgt] + runif(1) * difs
for (a in nomatr) {
# nominal attributes are randomly selected among the existing
# values of seed and the selected neighbour
newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, a] <- c(T[kNNs[i, neig], a],
T[i, a])[1 + round(runif(1), 0)]
# now the target value (weighted (by inverse distance) average)
d1 <- d2 <- 0
for (x in (1:nC)[-c(nomatr, tgt)]) {
d1 <- abs(T[i, x] - newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, x])/ranges[x]
d2 <- abs(T[kNNs[i, neig], x] - newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, x])/ranges[x]
if (length(nomatr)) {
d1 <- d1 + sum(T[i, nomatr] != newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, nomatr])
d2 <- d2 +
sum(T[kNNs[i, neig], nomatr] != newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, nomatr])
# (d2+d1-d1 = d2 and d2+d1-d2 = d1) the more distant the less weight
if (d1 == d2) {
newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, tgt] <- (T[i, tgt] + T[kNNs[i, neig], tgt])/2
} else {
newM[(i - 1) * nexs + n, tgt] <- (d2 * T[i, tgt] +
d1 * T[kNNs[i, neig], tgt])/(d1 + d2)
if (extra) {
count <- 1
for (i in idx) {
# select randomly one of the k NNs
neig <- sample(1:k, 1)
# the attribute values of the generated case
difs <- T[kNNs[i, neig], -tgt] - T[i, -tgt]
newM[nexs * nT + count, -tgt] <- T[i, -tgt] + runif(1) * difs
for (a in nomatr) {
newM[nexs * nT + count, a] <- c(T[kNNs[i,neig], a],
T[i, a])[1 + round(runif(1), 0)]
# now the target value (weighted (by inverse distance) average)
d1 <- d2 <- 0
for (x in (1:nC)[-c(nomatr,tgt)]) {
d1 <- abs(T[i, x] - newM[nexs * nT + count, x])/ranges[x]
d2 <- abs(T[kNNs[i, neig], x] - newM[nexs * nT + count, x])/ranges[x]
if (length(nomatr)) {
d1 <- d1 + sum(T[i,nomatr] != newM[nexs *nT + count, nomatr])
d2 <- d2 +
sum(T[kNNs[i, neig], nomatr] != newM[nexs * nT + count, nomatr])
# (d2+d1-d1 = d2 and d2+d1-d2 = d1) the more distant the less weight
if (d1 == d2) {
newM[nexs * nT + count, tgt] <- (T[i, tgt] + T[kNNs[i, neig], tgt])/2
} else {
newM[nexs * nT + count, tgt] <- (d2 * T[i, tgt] +
d1 * T[kNNs[i, neig],tgt])/(d1 + d2)
count <- count + 1
newCases <- data.frame(newM)
for (a in nomatr) {
newCases[, a] <- factor(newCases[, a],
levels = 1:nlevels(dat[, a]),
labels = levels(dat[, a]))
if(length(ConstFeat)){ # add constant features that were removed in the beginning
newCases <- cbind(newCases,,
function(x){rep(x, nrow(newCases))})))
colnames(newCases) <- c(colnames(dat), names(ConstFeat))
newCases <- newCases[colnames(badds)]
} else {
colnames(newCases) <- colnames(dat)
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