
Defines functions quality.threshold.uncertain

Documented in quality.threshold.uncertain

#' Function for the description of the qualities of the Uncertain Interval.
#' @name quality.threshold.uncertain
#' @description This function can be used only for trichotomization (double
#'   thresholds or cut-points) methods. In the case of the Uncertain Interval
#'   trichotomization method, it provides descriptive statistics for the test
#'   scores within the Uncertain Interval. For the TG-ROC trichotomization
#'   method it provides the descriptive statistics for TG-ROC's Intermediate
#'   Range.
#' @param ref The reference standard. A column in a data frame or a vector
#'   indicating the classification by the reference test. The reference standard
#'   must be coded either as 0 (absence of the condition) or 1 (presence of the
#'   condition)
#' @param test The index test or test under evaluation. A column in a dataset or
#'   vector indicating the test results in a continuous scale.
#' @param threshold The lower decision threshold of a trichotomization method.
#' @param threshold.upper The upper decision threshold of a trichotomization
#'   method. Required.
#' @param intersection (default = NULL). When NULL, the intersection is
#'   calculated with \code{get.intersection}, which uses the kernel density
#'   method to obtain the intersection. When another value is assigned to this
#'   parameter, this value is used instead.
#' @param model (default = 'kernel'). The model used defines the intersection.
#'   Default the kernel densities are used with adjust = 1, for ordinal models
#'   adjust = 2 is used. For bi-normal models the bi-normal estimate of the
#'   intersection is used. The model defines the intersection, which defines the
#'   output of this function.
#' @param tests (default = FALSE). When TRUE the results of chi-square tests and
#'   t-tests are included in the results.
#' @param direction Default = "auto". Direction when comparing controls with
#'   cases. When the controls have lower values than the cases
#'   \code{(direction = "<")}. When "auto", mean comparison is used to determine
#'   the direction.
#' @return{ A list of} \describe{ \item{direction}{Shows whether controls (0)
#' are expected to have higher or lower scores than patients (1).}
#' \item{intersection}{The value used as estimate of the intersection (that is,
#' the optimal threshold).}
#' \item{table}{The confusion table of {UI.class x ref} for the Uncertain
#' Interval where the scores are expected to be inconclusive. The point of
#' intersection is used as a dichotomous cut-point within the uncertain interval
#' (UI). UI.class is the classification of the UI scores divided by the point of
#' intersection, 0 (UI scores < point of intersection and 1 (UI scores >= point
#' of intersection. Both the reference standard (ref) and the classification
#' based on the test scores (UI.class) have categories 0 and 1. Table cell {0,
#' 0} shows the True Negatives (TN), cell {0, 1} shows the False Negatives (FN),
#' cell {1, 0} shows the False Positives (FP), and cell {1, 1} shows the True
#' Positives (TP).}
#' \item{cut}{The values of the thresholds.}
#' \item{X2}{When tests is TRUE, the table with the outcomes of three Chi-square
#' tests of the confusion table is shown:} 
#' \itemize{ \item{TN.FP: }{Chi-square test of
#' the comparison of TN versus FP.} 
#' \item{FN.TP: }{Chi-square test of the
#' comparison of FN versus TP.} 
#' \item{overall: }{Chi-square test of all four
#' cells of the table.} } 
#' \item{t.test}{When tests is TRUE, a table is shown with t-test results for the
#' comparison of the means. Within the Uncertain Interval, the test scores are
#' compared of individuals without the targeted condition (ref = 0) and
#' individuals with the targeted condition (ref = 1).} 
#' \item{indices}{A named vector, with the following statistics for the
#' test-scores within the Uncertain Interval, using the point of intersection
#' (optimal threshold) as dichotomous cut-point within the uncertain interval.}
#' \itemize{ \item{Proportion.True: }{Proportion of classified patients with the
#' targeted condition (TP+FN)/(TN+FP+FN+TP). Equal to the sample prevalence when
#' all patients are classified.}
#' \item{UI.CCR: }{Correct Classification Rate or Accuracy (TP+TN)/(TN+FP+FN+TP)}
#' \item{UI.balance: }{balance between correct and incorrect classified (TP+TN)/(FP+FN)} 
#' \item{UI.Sp: }{Specificity TN/(TN+FN)}
#' \item{UI.Se: }{Sensitivity TP/(TP+FN)}
#' \item{UI.NPV: }{Negative Predictive Value TN/(TN+FN)}
#' \item{UI.PPV: }{Positive Predictive Value TP/(TN+FN)} 
#' \item{UI.SNPV: }{Standardized Negative Predictive Value}
#' \item{UI.SPPV: }{Standardized Positive Predictive Value}
#' \item{LR-: }{Negative Likelihood Ratio P(-|D+))/(P(-|D-)) The probability of a person with the
#' condition receiving a negative classification / probability of a person without the
#' condition receiving a negative classification.} 
#' \item{LR+: }{Positive Likelihood Ratio (P(+|D+))/(P(+|D-)) The probability of a person with the
#' condition receiving a positive classification / probability of a person without the
#' condition receiving a positive classification.} 
#' \item{UI.C: }{Concordance or C-Statistic or AUC: The probability that a
#' random chosen patient with the condition is correctly ranked higher than a
#' randomly chosen patient without the condition. Equal to AUC, with for the
#' uncertain interval an expected outcome smaller than .60. (Not equal to a partial AUC.)}
#' } }
#' @details The Uncertain Interval is generally defined as an interval below and
#'   above the intersection, where the densities of the two distributions of
#'   patients with and without the targeted impairment are about equal. The
#'   various functions for the estimation of the uncertain interval use a
#'   sensitivity and specificity below a desired value (default .55).   
#'   This function uses the intersection (the optimal dichotomous threshold) to
#'   divide the uncertain interval and provides in this way the indices for the
#'   uncertain interval when the optimal threshold would have been applied.
#'   The patients that have test scores within the Uncertain Interval are prone
#'   to be incorrectly classified on the basis of their test result. The results
#'   within the Uncertain Interval differ only slightly for patients with and
#'   without the targeted condition. Patients with slightly lower or higher test
#'   scores too often have the opposite status. They receive the classification
#'   result 'Uncertain'; it is better to apply additional tests or to await
#'   further developments.
#'   As the test scores have about equal densities, it may be expected that
#'   Chi-square tests are not significant, provided that the count of
#'   individuals within the Uncertain Interval is not too large. Most often, the
#'   t-tests are also not significant, but as the power of the t-test is
#'   considerably larger than the power of the Chi-square test, this is less
#'   often the case. It is recommended to look at the difference of the means of
#'   the two sub-samples and to visually inspect the inter-mixedness of the
#'   densities of the test scores.
#'   When applying the method to the results of a logistic regression, one
#'   should be aware of possible problems concerning the determination of the
#'   intersection. Somewhere in the middle, logistic predictions can have a
#'   range where the distributions have similar densities or have multiple
#'   intersections near to each other. Often, this problem can be approached
#'   effectively by using the linear predictions instead of the logistic
#'   predictions. The linear predictions offer often a far more clear point of
#'   intersection. The solution can then be applied to the prediction values
#'   using the inverse logit of the intersection and the two cut-points. The
#'   logistic predictions and the linear predictions have the same rank
#'   ordering.
#' NOTE: Other trichotomization methods such as \code{\link{TG.ROC}} have no
#' defined position for its Intermediate Range. For \code{\link{TG.ROC}} usage
#' of the point where Sensitivity=Specificity seems a reasonable choice.
#' @seealso \code{\link{UncertainInterval}} for an explanatory glossary of the 
#' different statistics used within this package.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A simple test model
#' ref=c(rep(0,500), rep(1,500))
#' test=c(rnorm(500,0,1), rnorm(500,1,sd=1))
#' ua = ui.nonpar(ref, test)
#' quality.threshold.uncertain(ref, test, ua[1], ua[2])
# threshold = -4; threshold.upper=-2; intersection=-3; model = 'ordinal';
# test=-test; tests=F; direction='auto'
# threshold=-ua[1]; threshold.upper=-ua[2]; intersection=NULL;
# tests=T; model='kernel'; direction='auto'

quality.threshold.uncertain <- function(ref, test,
                                       threshold, threshold.upper, intersection=NULL,
                                       model = c('kernel', 'binormal', 'ordinal'),
                                       tests = FALSE,
                                       direction = c('auto','<', '>') ){

  model <- match.arg(model)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  df=check.data(ref, test, model=model)
  if (is.null(intersection)) {
    intersection = tail(get.intersection(ref, test, model=model),1)
    if (length(intersection) > 1) {
      intersection=tail(intersection, n=1)
      warning('More than one point of intersection. Highest used.')
  if (direction == 'auto'){
    if (mean(df$test[ref==0]) > mean(df$test[ref==1])) {
      direction = '>'
    } else {
      direction = '<'
  negate = (direction == '>')
  if (negate) {
    df$test = -df$test
    threshold = -threshold
    threshold.upper = -threshold.upper
    intersection = -intersection

  if (tests){
    # chisq test equal probability of two frequencies
    chisq1 <- function(x){
      E <- sum(x)/(length(x)) # equal frequencies expected
      if (all(E >= 5)) {
        X2=sum((x - E)^ 2 / E)
        return(c(n=x[1], n=x[2], sum=sum(x), X2=round(X2,3), df= 1,
                 p=round(pchisq(X2, df=1, lower.tail=F),3))) } else
                   return(c(n1=x[1], n2=x[2], sum=sum(x), X2=NA, df= 1, p=NA))
    # chisq test 2x2 table
    # x=matrix(c(TN,FP,FN,TP), byrow=T, nrow=2)
    chisq2 <- function(x){
      n = sum(x)
      rs <- rowSums(x)
      cs <- colSums(x)
      if(n==0) return(c(n0=cs[1], n1=cs[2], sum=sum(cs), X2=NA, df= 1, p=NA))
      E <- outer(rs, cs, FUN="*") / n
      if (all(E >= 5)) {
        YATES <- min(0.5, abs(x - E))
        X2=sum((abs(x - E) - YATES) ^ 2 / E)
        return(c(n=cs[1], n=cs[2], sum=sum(cs), X2=round(X2,3), df= 1,
                 p=round(pchisq(X2, df=1, lower.tail=F),3)))
      } else return(c(n0=cs[1], n1=cs[2], sum=sum(cs), X2=NA, df= 1, p=NA))
  if (threshold.upper < threshold) { temp=threshold; threshold=threshold.upper; 

  threshold=unname(unlist(threshold)) # threshold=ua[1]
  threshold.upper=unname(unlist(threshold.upper)) # threshold.upper=NULL

  stopifnot(threshold <= intersection | threshold.upper >= intersection)

  # intersection is center point inside the uncertain interval

  certain.sel = (test < threshold) | (test > threshold.upper)
  # uncertain.obs = sum(!certain.sel)
  # if (!raw) {
  #   uncertainty.all = mean((ref - test) ^ 2)
  #   uncertainty.certain.interval = mean((ref[certain.sel] - test[certain.sel]) ^2)
  #   uncertainty.uncertain.interval = mean((ref[!certain.sel] - test[!certain.sel]) ^2)
  # }

  test.uc = test[!certain.sel] # sum(!certain.sel); length(test.uc)
  ref.uc = ref[!certain.sel] # length(ref.uc)

  # only one relevant intersection assumed!

  y.hat[test.uc >= intersection]=1

  TP = sum(y.hat==1 & ref.uc==1)
  FP = sum(y.hat==1 & ref.uc==0)
  TN = sum(y.hat==0 & ref.uc==0)
  FN = sum(y.hat==0 & ref.uc==1)

  # test.uc = p0; ref.uc = d0
  t0 = test.uc[ref.uc==0]; n0 = as.numeric(length(t0));
  t1 = test.uc[ref.uc==1]; n1 = as.numeric(length(t1));

  sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
  specificity = TN/(FP+TN)
  # bww = sum(ref.uc==1)/sum(ref.uc==0) # 1/bww

  if (negate) {
    threshold = -threshold
    threshold.upper = - threshold.upper
    intersection = -intersection
    lowername = '0 (intersection < test <= threshold.upper)'
    uppername = '1 (threshold.lower <= test <= intersection)'
  } else {
    lowername = '0 (threshold.lower <= test < intersection)'
    uppername = '1 (intersection <= test <= threshold.upper)'
  dimnames(ta)=list(UI.class=c(lowername, uppername, 'Sum'), ref= c('0', '1', 'Sum'))
  if (threshold.upper < threshold) { temp=threshold; threshold=threshold.upper; 
  pt = addmargins(prop.table(ta[1:2,1:2], margin=2))
  SNPV = pt[1,1]/pt[1,3] # specificity / (specificity + 1 - sensitivity)
  SPPV = pt[2,2]/pt[2,3] # sensitivity / (sensitivity + 1 - specificity)
  likelihood.ratio.neg = pt[1,2]/pt[1,1] # (1-sensitivity)/specificity
  likelihood.ratio.pos = pt[2,2]/pt[2,1] # sensitivity /(1-specificity)
  r = rank(c(t1,t0))
  cstat = (sum(r[1:n1]) - n1*(n1+1)/2) / (n1*n0)

  if (tests){
      TN.FP=chisq1(c(TN, FP))
      FN.TP=chisq1(c(FN, TP))
      overall=chisq2(matrix(c(TN,FP,FN,TP), byrow=T, nrow=2))
      if (n0 > 1 & n1 > 1 & threshold!=threshold.upper) {
        if (negate) res = t.test(-t0, -t1) else res = t.test(t0, t1)
        t = c(mean.0 = unname(res$estimate[1]),mean.1 = unname(res$estimate[2]),
              res$statistic, res$parameter, p = res$p.value)
      } else {
        t = c(mean.0 = mean(t0),
              mean.1 = mean(t1), t = NA, df = NA, p = NA)
    out = list(direction=direction,
               cut=c(threshold.lower=threshold, threshold.upper=threshold.upper),
               X2=rbind(TN.FP, FN.TP, overall),
               # uncertainty=uncertainty,
                         UI.Sp =specificity,
                         UI.Se =sensitivity,
                         UI.NPV =negative.predictive.value,
                         UI.SNPV = SNPV,
                         UI.SPPV = SPPV,
                         'UI.LR-' = likelihood.ratio.neg,
                         'UI.LR+' = likelihood.ratio.pos,
                         # UI.balance.with.without = bww,
  } else {
      out = list(direction=direction,
                 cut=c(threshold.lower=threshold, threshold.upper=threshold.upper),
                           UI.Sp =specificity,
                           UI.Se =sensitivity,
                           UI.NPV =negative.predictive.value,
                           UI.SNPV = SNPV,
                           UI.SPPV = SPPV,
                           'UI.LR-' = likelihood.ratio.neg,
                           'UI.LR+' = likelihood.ratio.pos,
                           # UI.balance.with.without = bww,

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UncertainInterval documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:10 a.m.