Defines functions WMCC

Documented in WMCC

#:: WMCC function: wavelet correlation -bivariate case from the      #
#:: R package W2CWM2C                                                #
#:: Programmed by Josue M. Polanco Martinez a.k.a jomopo             #
#:: josue.m.polanco@gmail.com                                        #
#:: Copyright (C) 2012, 2015, 2021 Josue M. Polanco Martinez 
#   This file is part of W2CWM2C 
#   W2CWM2C is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, 
#   or (at your option) any later version.
#   W2CWM2C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with W2CWM2C. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

function(inputDATA, Wname, J, lmax, device="screen", filename, 
          Hfig, WFig, Hpdf, Wpdf) {

  if (is.ts(inputDATA) != "TRUE")
   stop("The input data is not a time series, please check the ts 
    function in the R manual pages. Bye, thank you for your interest 
    in our program. \n")

  NAMES <- colnames(inputDATA)

  #: Compute dimensions 
  MNL <- dim(inputDATA)
  M   <- MNL[2] #No. columns
  N   <- MNL[1] #No. elements
  if (M >= N) stop("Be careful with the input data, there 
   are more columns (variables) than number of elements.")

  #:: Param. to ourgraph wav. cros. cor.
  xx  <- seq(-lmax, lmax, 1)
  Nx  <- length(xx)
  yy  <- 1:J
  Ny  <- length(yy)

  #: Comp. the MODWT 
  LIST <- as.list("NULL")
  for (l in 1:M) {
    tmp.wt  <- modwt(inputDATA[,l], Wname, J)
    tmp.bw  <- brick.wall(tmp.wt, Wname)
    LIST[l] <- list(tmp.bw)

  LS                <- wave.multiple.cross.correlation(LIST, lmax)
  returns.cross.cor <- as.matrix(LS$xy.mulcor[1:J,])
  YmaxR             <- LS$YmaxR
  lags              <- length(-lmax:lmax)

  lower.ci <- tanh(atanh(returns.cross.cor) - qnorm(0.975) /
  sqrt(matrix(trunc(N/2^(1:J)), nrow=J, ncol=lags)- 3))
  upper.ci <- tanh(atanh(returns.cross.cor) + qnorm(0.975) /
  sqrt(matrix(trunc(N/2^(1:J)), nrow=J, ncol=lags)- 3))

  mat.zero <- array(NaN, c(Nx, Ny))
  setlinM  <- array(NaN, c(J, 1))
  for (i in 1:J) {
   idx <- which ( upper.ci[i,] < 0 | lower.ci[i,] > 0 )
   mat.zero[idx, i] <- returns.cross.cor[i, idx]
   setlinM[i,1] <- which(returns.cross.cor[i,] == max(returns.cross.cor[i,]))

  #:: Palette!
  Ncol     <- length(xx)*J*8
  Palette  <- diverge_hcl(Ncol, c=c(100,0), l=c(50,90), power=1.3)
  #:: colorbar! 
  rangev   <- seq(min(mat.zero, na.rm=TRUE), max(mat.zero, na.rm=TRUE),
  rangebar <- matrix(rangev, nrow=1, ncol=J+1, byrow=TRUE)

  labv     <- xx[setlinM[,1]]
  X1       <- labv
  X2       <- labv
  p51      <- seq(0.5, J, 1)
  p52      <- seq(1.5, J+1, 1) 
  VEClab   <- seq(-lmax, lmax, 5)
  VECJ     <- rep(0, J)
  j        <- 1:J
  VECJ     <- 2^(j-1)

  ## Devices options: png & jpg; esp & pdf! 
  if (device=="png") {
   fileout <- paste("WMCC_", filename, ".png", sep="") 
   png(fileout, height=Hfig, width=WFig) 

  if (device=="jpeg" || device=="jpg") {
   fileout <- paste("WMCC_", filename, ".jpg", sep="") 
   jpeg(fileout, height=Hfig, width=WFig) 

  if (device=="pdf") {
   fileout <- paste("WMCC_", filename, ".pdf", sep="") 
   pdf(fileout, height=Hpdf, width=Wpdf)

  if (device=="eps") {
   fileout <- paste("WMCC_", filename, ".eps", sep="") 
   postscript(fileout, height=Hpdf, width=Wpdf)

   layout(matrix(c(1,2), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE), widths=c(4,1))
   image(xx, yy, z=mat.zero, col=Palette, xlab="Lag (days)",
    ylab="Scale", main=paste("WMCC"), yaxt="n")
   segments(X1, p51, X2, p52, lty=2, lwd=2)
   abline(v=VEClab, lty=3, lwd=2)
   axis(2, at=1:J, labels=VECJ)
   image(z=rangebar, axes=FALSE, col=Palette, frame.plot=TRUE,
    yaxt="n", xaxt="n") 
   axis(2, at=round(seq(0,1,length.out=J+1),2), labels=round(rangebar,
    digits=2), las=2)

  if (device != "screen") 

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W2CWM2C documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 11:54 a.m.