
Defines functions smean

# m is an n by p matrix
# Compute a multivariate skipped measure of location
# op=1:
# Eliminate outliers using a projection method
# If in addition, MC=T, a multi-core processor is used
# assuming your computer has multiple cores and the package
# multicore has been installed.
# cop=1 Donoho-Gasko median,
# cop=2 MCD,
# cop=3 marginal medians.
#  cop=4 uses MVE center
#  cop=5 uses TBS
#  cop=6 uses rmba (Olive's median ball algorithm)
# For each point
# consider the line between it and the center,
# project all points onto this line, and
# check for outliers using
# MM=F, a boxplot rule.
# MM=T, rule based on MAD and median
# Repeat this for all points. A point is declared
# an outlier if for any projection it is an outlier
# using a modification of the usual boxplot rule.
# op=2 use mgv (function outmgv) method to eliminate outliers
# an outlier if for any projection it is an outlier
# using a modification of the usual boxplot rule.
# op=3 use outlier method indicated by outfun
# Eliminate any outliers and compute means
#  using remaining data.

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WRS2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:37 a.m.