
Defines functions plot_Keras_fit_trajectory plot_fit_trajectory

Documented in plot_fit_trajectory plot_Keras_fit_trajectory

#' Plot the trajectory of a model fit.
#' Plot a history of model fit performance over the a trajectory of times.
#' This visualization can be applied to any staged machine learning algorithm. For example one could
#' plot the performance of a gradient boosting machine as a function of the number of trees added. The
#' fit history data should be in the form given in the example below.
#' The example below gives
#' a fit plot for a history report from Keras R package.
#' Please see \url{https://win-vector.com/2017/12/23/plotting-deep-learning-model-performance-trajectories/}
#' for some examples and details.
#' @seealso \link{plot_Keras_fit_trajectory}
#' @param d data frame to get values from.
#' @param column_description description of column measures (data.frame with columns measure, validation, and training).
#' @param title character title for plot.
#' @param ... force later arguments to be bound by name
#' @param epoch_name name for epoch or trajectory column.
#' @param needs_flip character array of measures that need to be flipped.
#' @param pick_metric character metric to maximize.
#' @param discount_rate numeric what fraction of over-fit to subtract from validation performance.
#' @param draw_ribbon present the difference in training and validation performance as a ribbon rather than two curves? (default FALSE)
#' @param draw_segments logical if TRUE draw over-fit/under-fit segments.
#' @param val_color color for validation performance curve
#' @param train_color color for training performance curve
#' @param pick_color color for indicating optimal stopping point
#' @return ggplot2 plot
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)) {
#'		# don't multi-thread during CRAN checks
#' 		data.table::setDTthreads(1)
#' }
#' d <- data.frame(
#'   epoch    = c(1,         2,         3,         4,         5),
#'   val_loss = c(0.3769818, 0.2996994, 0.2963943, 0.2779052, 0.2842501),
#'   val_acc  = c(0.8722000, 0.8895000, 0.8822000, 0.8899000, 0.8861000),
#'   loss     = c(0.5067290, 0.3002033, 0.2165675, 0.1738829, 0.1410933),
#'   acc      = c(0.7852000, 0.9040000, 0.9303333, 0.9428000, 0.9545333) )
#' cT <- data.frame(
#'   measure =    c("minus binary cross entropy", "accuracy"),
#'   training =   c("loss",                       "acc"),
#'   validation = c("val_loss",                   "val_acc"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' plt <- plot_fit_trajectory(
#'   d,
#'   column_description = cT,
#'   needs_flip = "minus binary cross entropy",
#'   title = "model performance by epoch, dataset, and measure",
#'   epoch_name = "epoch",
#'   pick_metric = "minus binary cross entropy",
#'   discount_rate = 0.1)
#' print(plt)
#' @export
plot_fit_trajectory <- function(d,
                                epoch_name = "epoch",
                                needs_flip = c(),
                                pick_metric = NULL,
                                discount_rate = NULL,
                                draw_ribbon = FALSE,
                                draw_segments = FALSE,
                                val_color = "#d95f02",
                                train_color = "#1b9e77",
                                pick_color = "#e6ab02") {
  vlist <- unique(c(epoch_name, as.character(as.matrix(column_description[-1]))))
  d <- check_frame_args_list(...,
                        frame = d,
                        name_var_list = vlist,
                        title = title,
                        funname = "WVPlots::plot_fit_trajectory")
  if( (!requireNamespace("cdata", quietly = TRUE)) ) {
    return("WVPlots::plot_fit_trajectory requires the cdata package for data shaping")
  if(!is.data.frame(d)) {
    stop("WVPlots::plot_fit_trajectory d must be a data.frame")
  if(!is.data.frame(column_description)) {
    stop("WVPlots::plot_fit_trajectory column_description must be a data.frame")
  if(length(list(...))>0) {
    stop("WVPlots::plot_fit_trajectory unexpected arguments")
  # make sure measure is first column for rowrecs_to_blocks()
  column_description <- column_description[,
                                           c("measure", "training", "validation"),
                                           drop = FALSE]
  discounted <- NULL # don't look like an unbound variable
  training <- NULL # don't look like an unbound variable
  cols_to_flip <-
    column_description[column_description$measure %in% needs_flip,
                       drop = FALSE]
  cols_to_flip$measure <- NULL
  cols_to_flip <- unique(as.character(unlist(cols_to_flip)))
  for(ci in cols_to_flip) {
    d[[ci]] <- -d[[ci]]

  d <- cdata::rowrecs_to_blocks(
    controlTable = column_description,
    columnsToCopy = epoch_name)

  # get factors into user order
  d$measure <- factor(d$measure,
                       levels = column_description$measure)

  d$rmin <- ifelse(d$validation <= d$training, d$validation, NA)
  d$rmax <- ifelse(d$validation <= d$training, d$training, NA)
  if(!is.null(discount_rate)) {
    d$discounted <- ifelse(d$validation <= d$training,
                           d$validation - 0.1*(d$training-d$validation),

  valCol = val_color
  trainCol = train_color
  pickCol = pick_color

  plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    data = d,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(!!!simulate_aes_string(
      x = epoch_name,
      xend = epoch_name,
      y = "validation",
      yend = "training",
      ymin = "rmin",
      ymax = "rmax"))) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(color=valCol) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y = training), color=trainCol)

  if(draw_ribbon) {
    plt = plt + ggplot2::geom_line(color  = valCol,
                                  alpha = 0.8) +
      ggplot2::geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = trainCol)
    subtitle = NULL
  } else {
    plt = plt + ggplot2::geom_line(color  = valCol) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = training),
                           color  =  trainCol,
                           alpha = 0.8,
                           linetype = 3)
    subtitle = "Validation curve solid, training curve dashed"

  plt = plt +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~measure, ncol=1, scales = 'free_y') +
    ggplot2::ylab("performance") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(title, subtitle=subtitle)
  if(draw_segments) {
    plt <- plt +
      ggplot2::geom_segment(alpha = 0.5)
  if(!is.null(pick_metric)) {
    pd <- d[d$measure == pick_metric, , drop = FALSE]
    if(!is.null(discount_rate)) {
      pick <- pd[[epoch_name]][[which.max(pd$discounted)]]
    } else {
      pick <- pd[[epoch_name]][[which.max(pd$validation)]]
    plt <- plt +
      ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = pick, alpha=0.7, color=pickCol)
  if(!is.null(discount_rate)) {
    plt <- plt +
                aes(y = discounted),
                color = valCol,
                alpha = 0.5,
                linetype = 2)

#' Plot the trajectory of a Keras model fit.
#' Plot a history of model fit performance over the number of training epochs.
#' @param d data frame to get values from.
#' @param title character title for plot.
#' @param ... force later arguments to be bound by name
#' @param epoch_name name for epoch or trajectory column.
#' @param lossname name of training loss column (default 'loss')
#' @param loss_pretty_name  name for loss on graph (default 'minus binary cross entropy')
#' @param perfname name of training performance column (default 'acc')
#' @param perf_pretty_name name for performance metric on graph (default 'accuracy')
#' @param pick_metric character: metric to maximize (NULL for no pick line - default loss_pretty_name)
#' @param fliploss flip the loss so that "larger is better"? (default TRUE)
#' @param discount_rate numeric: what fraction of over-fit to subtract from validation performance.
#' @param draw_ribbon present the difference in training and validation performance as a ribbon rather than two curves? (default FALSE)
#' @param val_color color for validation performance curve
#' @param train_color color for training performance curve
#' @param pick_color color for indicating optimal stopping point
#' @return ggplot2 plot
#' @details
#' Assumes a performance matrix that carries information for both training and validation loss,
#' and an additional training and validation performance metric, in the format that
#' a Keras history object returns.
#' By default, flips the loss so that better performance is larger for both the loss and the performance metric,
#' and then draws a vertical line at the minimum validation loss (maximum flipped validation loss).
#' If you choose not to flip the loss, you should not use the loss as the pick_metric.
#' The example below gives
#' a fit plot for a history report from Keras R package.
#' Please see \url{https://winvector.github.io/FluidData/PlotExample/KerasPerfPlot.html}
#' for some details.
#' @seealso \link{plot_fit_trajectory}
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)) {
#'		# don't multi-thread during CRAN checks
#' 		data.table::setDTthreads(1)
#' }
#' # example data (from Keras)
#' d <- data.frame(
#'   val_loss = c(0.3769818, 0.2996994, 0.2963943, 0.2779052, 0.2842501),
#'   val_acc  = c(0.8722000, 0.8895000, 0.8822000, 0.8899000, 0.8861000),
#'   loss     = c(0.5067290, 0.3002033, 0.2165675, 0.1738829, 0.1410933),
#'   acc      = c(0.7852000, 0.9040000, 0.9303333, 0.9428000, 0.9545333) )
#' plt <- plot_Keras_fit_trajectory(
#'   d,
#'   title = "model performance by epoch, dataset, and measure")
#' print(plt)
#' @export
plot_Keras_fit_trajectory <- function(d,
                                      epoch_name = "epoch",
                                      lossname = "loss",
                                      loss_pretty_name = "minus binary cross entropy",
                                      perfname = "acc",
                                      perf_pretty_name = "accuracy",
                                      pick_metric = loss_pretty_name,
                                      fliploss = TRUE,
                                      discount_rate = NULL,
                                      draw_ribbon = FALSE,
                                      val_color = "#d95f02",
                                      train_color = "#1b9e77",
                                      pick_color = "#e6ab02") {
  val_loss_name = paste("val", lossname, sep="_")
  val_perf_name = paste("val", perfname, sep="_")
  d[[epoch_name]] <- seq_len(nrow(d))
  vlist <- unique(c(epoch_name, lossname, perfname, val_loss_name, val_perf_name))
  d <- check_frame_args_list(...,
                             frame = d,
                             name_var_list = vlist,
                             title = title,
                             funname = "WVPlots::plot_Keras_fit_trajectory")
  column_description <-  data.frame(
    measure =    c(loss_pretty_name, perf_pretty_name),
    training =   c(lossname,         perfname),
    validation = c(val_loss_name,    val_perf_name),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
   needs_flip <- loss_pretty_name
    needs_flip = list()
  plot_fit_trajectory(d = d,
                      title = title,
                      column_description = column_description,
                      needs_flip = needs_flip,
                      epoch_name = epoch_name,
                      pick_metric = pick_metric,
                      discount_rate = discount_rate,
                      draw_ribbon = draw_ribbon,

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WVPlots documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 9:07 a.m.