
Defines functions MetricPairPlot ThresholdPlot ThresholdStats winnow_sorted_list

Documented in MetricPairPlot ThresholdPlot

# take a sub-selection of a sorted list of positions (sort can be ascending or descending)
winnow_sorted_list <- function(sorted_values, rough_target) {
  n <- length(sorted_values)
  if((n<=4) || (length(rough_target) != 1) || (is.na(rough_target)) || (2*rough_target >= n)) {
  take <- logical(n)
  # take ends, want first 2 on each end for our application
  take[c(1, 2, n-1, n)] <- TRUE
  # take by stride
  take[seq(1, n, by = ceiling(2*n/rough_target))] <- TRUE
  # take by delta
  step <- 2*(max(sorted_values) - min(sorted_values))/rough_target
  last_take <- sorted_values[[2]]
  for(i in seq_len(n)) {
    if(abs(sorted_values[[i]] - last_take) >= step) {
      take[[i]] <- TRUE
      last_take <- sorted_values[[i]]

# Example:
# d <- data.frame(x =  c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), y = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
# WVPlots:::ThresholdStats(d, 'x', 'y')
ThresholdStats <- function(frame, xvar, truthVar,
                           truth_target = TRUE,
                           compute_dists = TRUE,
                           winnow_size = 200) {
  wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "WVPlots:::ThresholdStats")

  # make a thin frame to re-sort for cumulative statistics
  sorted_frame <- data.frame(
    threshold = frame[[xvar]],
    truth = as.numeric(frame[[truthVar]]==truth_target),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  sorted_frame$orig_index = wrapr::seqi(1, nrow(frame))
  sorted_frame <- sorted_frame[order(-sorted_frame$threshold, sorted_frame$orig_index), , drop = FALSE]
  sorted_frame$notY = 1 - sorted_frame$truth  # falses
  sorted_frame$one = 1
  sorted_frame$orig_index <- NULL
  prevalence <- mean(sorted_frame$truth)

  if(compute_dists) {
    # cdf estimate
    cdf <- stats::ecdf(sorted_frame$threshold)

  # pseudo-observation to get end-case (accept nothing case)
  eps = 1.0e-6
  sorted_frame <- rbind(
          threshold = max(sorted_frame$threshold) + eps,
          truth = 0,
          notY = 0,
          one = 0),
        threshold = min(sorted_frame$threshold) - eps,
        truth = 0,
        notY = 0,
        one = 0)

  # basic cumulative facts
  sorted_frame$count = cumsum(sorted_frame$one)  # predicted true so far
  sorted_frame$fraction = sorted_frame$count / max(1, sum(sorted_frame$one))
  sorted_frame$precision = cumsum(sorted_frame$truth) / pmax(1, sorted_frame$count)
  sorted_frame$true_positive_rate = (
    cumsum(sorted_frame$truth) / pmax(1, sum(sorted_frame$truth))
  sorted_frame$false_positive_rate = (
    cumsum(sorted_frame$notY) / pmax(1, sum(sorted_frame$notY))
  sorted_frame$true_negative_rate = (
    sum(sorted_frame$notY) - cumsum(sorted_frame$notY)
  ) / pmax(1, sum(sorted_frame$notY))
  sorted_frame$false_negative_rate = (
    sum(sorted_frame$truth) - cumsum(sorted_frame$truth)
  ) / pmax(1, sum(sorted_frame$truth))

  if((length(winnow_size)==1) && (winnow_size>100) && (nrow(sorted_frame) > 2*winnow_size)) {
    take <- winnow_sorted_list(sorted_frame$threshold, winnow_size)
    sorted_frame <- sorted_frame[take, , drop = FALSE]

  if(compute_dists) {
    # approximate cdf work
    sorted_frame$cdf <- cdf(sorted_frame$threshold)

  # derived facts and synonyms
  sorted_frame$recall = sorted_frame$true_positive_rate
  sorted_frame$sensitivity = sorted_frame$recall
  sorted_frame$specificity = 1 - sorted_frame$false_positive_rate
  sorted_frame$accuracy = (sorted_frame$sensitivity * sum(sorted_frame$truth) +
    sorted_frame$specificity * sum(!sorted_frame$truth)) /

  # re-order for plotting
  sorted_frame$new_index = wrapr::seqi(1, nrow(sorted_frame))
  sorted_frame <- sorted_frame[order(sorted_frame$new_index, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]

  # clean up
  sorted_frame$notY <- NULL
  sorted_frame$new_index <- NULL
  sorted_frame$truth <- NULL
  sorted_frame$count <- NULL
  rownames(sorted_frame) <- NULL

  # deal with precision special case
  sorted_frame$precision[sorted_frame$one == 0] <- NA_real_


#' Plot classifier metrics as a function of thresholds.
#' @details
#' By default, \code{ThresholdPlot} plots sensitivity and specificity of a
#' a classifier as a function of the decision threshold.
#' Plotting sensitivity-specificity (or other metrics) as a function of classifier score helps
#' identify a score threshold that achieves an acceptable tradeoff among desirable
#' properties.
#' \code{ThresholdPlot} can plot a number of metrics. Some of the metrics are redundant,
#' in keeping with the customary terminology of various analysis communities.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{sensitivity: fraction of true positives that were predicted to be true (also known as the true positive rate)}
#'   \item{specificity: fraction of true negatives to all negatives (or 1 - false_positive_rate)}
#'   \item{precision: fraction of predicted positives that are true positives}
#'   \item{recall: same as sensitivity or true positive rate}
#'   \item{accuracy: fraction of items correctly decided}
#'   \item{false_positive_rate: fraction of negatives predicted to be true over all negatives}
#'   \item{true_positive_rate: fraction of positives predicted to be true over all positives}
#'   \item{false_negative_rate: fraction of positives predicted to be all false over all positives}
#'   \item{true_negative_rate: fraction negatives predicted to be false over all negatives}
#' }
#' For example, plotting sensitivity/false_positive_rate as functions of threshold will "unroll" an ROC Plot.
#'  \code{ThresholdPlot} can also plot distribution diagnostics about the scores:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{fraction: the fraction of datums that scored greater than a given threshold}
#'   \item{cdf: CDF or \code{1 - fraction}; the fraction of datums that scored less than a given threshold}
#' }
#' Plots are in a single column, in the order specified by \code{metrics}.
#' \code{points_to_plot} specifies the approximate number of datums used to
#' create the plots as an absolute count; for example setting \code{points_to_plot = 200} uses
#' approximately 200 points, rather than the entire data set. This can be useful when
#' visualizing very large data sets.
#' @param frame data frame to get values from
#' @param xvar column of scores
#' @param truthVar column of true outcomes
#' @param title title to place on plot
#' @param ...  no unnamed argument, added to force named binding of later arguments.
#' @param metrics metrics to be computed. See Details for the list of allowed metrics
#' @param truth_target truth value considered to be positive.
#' @param points_to_plot how many data points to use for plotting. Defaults to NULL (all data)
#' @param monochrome logical: if TRUE, all subgraphs plotted in same color
#' @param palette character: if monochrome==FALSE, name of brewer color palette (can be NULL)
#' @param linecolor character: if monochrome==TRUE, name of line color
#' @seealso \code{\link{PRTPlot}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)) {
#'		# don't multi-thread during CRAN checks
#' 		data.table::setDTthreads(1)
#' }
#' # data with two different regimes of behavior
#' d <- rbind(
#'   data.frame(
#'     x =  rnorm(1000),
#'     y = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), prob = c(0.02, 0.98), size = 1000, replace = TRUE)),
#'   data.frame(
#'     x =  rnorm(200) + 5,
#'     y = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 200, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Sensitivity/Specificity examples
#' ThresholdPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    title = 'Sensitivity/Specificity',
#'    metrics = c('sensitivity', 'specificity'),
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' if(FALSE) {
#' MetricPairPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    x_metric = 'false_positive_rate',
#'    y_metric = 'true_positive_rate',
#'    truth_target = TRUE,
#'    title = 'ROC equivalent')
#' ROCPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    truthTarget = TRUE,
#'    title = 'ROC example')
#' # Precision/Recall examples
#' ThresholdPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    title = 'precision/recall',
#'    metrics = c('recall', 'precision'),
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' MetricPairPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    x_metric = 'recall',
#'    y_metric = 'precision',
#'    title = 'recall/precision',
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' PRPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    truthTarget = TRUE,
#'    title = 'p/r plot')
#' }
ThresholdPlot <- function(frame, xvar, truthVar, title,
                          metrics = c('sensitivity', 'specificity'),
                          truth_target = TRUE,
                          points_to_plot = NULL,
                          monochrome = TRUE,
                          palette = "Dark2",
                          linecolor = "black"
                          ) {
                        frame = frame,
                        name_var_list = list(xvar = xvar),
                        title = title,
                        funname = "WVPlots::ThresholdPlot")
  stats <- ThresholdStats(frame = frame, xvar = xvar,
                          truthVar = truthVar,
                          truth_target = truth_target,
                          winnow_size = points_to_plot)
  stats <- cdata::pivot_to_blocks(
    nameForNewKeyColumn = 'metric',
    nameForNewValueColumn = 'value',
    columnsToTakeFrom = setdiff(colnames(stats), 'threshold'))
  universe <- sort(unique(stats$metric))
  bad_metrics <- setdiff(metrics, universe)
  if(length(bad_metrics) > 0) {
      "allowed metrics are: ", paste(universe, collapse = ', ')),
      ", saw: ", paste(bad_metrics, collapse = ', '))
  stats <- stats[stats$metric %in% metrics, , drop = FALSE]

  # set the factor order to be the same as given in metrics
  stats$metric = factor(stats$metric, levels=metrics)
  metric <- NULL  # don't look like an unbound variable

  if(monochrome) {
    ggplot2::ggplot(data = stats, mapping = ggplot2::aes(!!!simulate_aes_string(x = 'threshold', y = 'value'))) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(color=linecolor) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~metric, ncol = 1) +
      ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 1)) +
  } else {
    p = ggplot2::ggplot(data = stats, mapping = ggplot2::aes(!!!simulate_aes_string(x = 'threshold', y = 'value'))) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(aes(color=metric)) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~metric, ncol = 1) +
      ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 1)) +
    if(!is.null(palette)) {
      p = p + ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette=palette)

#' Plot the relationship between two metrics.
#' @details
#' Plots two classifier metrics against each other, showing achievable combinations
#' of performance metrics. For example, plotting true_positive_rate vs false_positive_rate
#' recreates the ROC plot.
#' \code{MetricPairPlot} can plot a number of metrics. Some of the metrics are redundant,
#' in keeping with the customary terminology of various analysis communities.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{sensitivity: fraction of true positives that were predicted to be true (also known as the true positive rate)}
#'   \item{specificity: fraction of true negatives to all negatives (or 1 - false_positive_rate)}
#'   \item{precision: fraction of predicted positives that are true positives}
#'   \item{recall: same as sensitivity or true positive rate}
#'   \item{accuracy: fraction of items correctly decided}
#'   \item{false_positive_rate: fraction of negatives predicted to be true over all negatives}
#'   \item{true_positive_rate: fraction of positives predicted to be true over all positives}
#'   \item{false_negative_rate: fraction of positives predicted to be all false over all positives}
#'   \item{true_negative_rate: fraction negatives predicted to be false over all negatives}
#' }
#' \code{points_to_plot} specifies the approximate number of datums used to
#' create the plots as an absolute count; for example setting \code{points_to_plot = 200} uses
#' approximately 200 points, rather than the entire data set. This can be useful when
#' visualizing very large data sets.
#' @param frame data frame to get values from
#' @param xvar name of the independent (input or model) column in frame
#' @param truthVar name of the column to be predicted
#' @param title title to place on plot
#' @param ...  no unnamed argument, added to force named binding of later arguments.
#' @param x_metric metric to be plotted. See Details for the list of allowed metrics
#' @param y_metric metric to be plotted. See Details for the list of allowed metrics
#' @param truth_target truth value considered to be positive.
#' @param points_to_plot how many data points to use for plotting. Defaults to NULL (all data)
#' @param linecolor character: name of line color
#' @seealso \code{\link{ThresholdPlot}}, \code{\link{PRTPlot}}, \code{\link{ROCPlot}}, \code{\link{PRPlot}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)) {
#'		# don't multi-thread during CRAN checks
#' 		data.table::setDTthreads(1)
#' }
#' # data with two different regimes of behavior
#' d <- rbind(
#'   data.frame(
#'     x =  rnorm(1000),
#'     y = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), prob = c(0.02, 0.98), size = 1000, replace = TRUE)),
#'   data.frame(
#'     x =  rnorm(200) + 5,
#'     y = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 200, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Sensitivity/Specificity examples
#' MetricPairPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    x_metric = 'false_positive_rate',
#'    y_metric = 'true_positive_rate',
#'    truth_target = TRUE,
#'    title = 'ROC equivalent')
#' if(FALSE) {
#' ThresholdPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    title = 'Sensitivity/Specificity',
#'    metrics = c('sensitivity', 'specificity'),
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' ROCPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    truthTarget = TRUE,
#'    title = 'ROC example')
#' # Precision/Recall examples
#' ThresholdPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    title = 'precision/recall',
#'    metrics = c('recall', 'precision'),
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' MetricPairPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    x_metric = 'recall',
#'    y_metric = 'precision',
#'    title = 'recall/precision',
#'    truth_target = TRUE)
#' PRPlot(d, 'x', 'y',
#'    truthTarget = TRUE,
#'    title = 'p/r plot')
#' }
MetricPairPlot <- function(frame, xvar, truthVar, title,
                          x_metric = 'false_positive_rate',
                          y_metric = 'true_positive_rate',
                          truth_target = TRUE,
                          points_to_plot = NULL,
                          linecolor = "black"
                          ) {
                        frame = frame,
                        name_var_list = list(xvar = xvar),
                        title = title,
                        funname = "WVPlots::MetricPairPlot")
  stats <- ThresholdStats(frame = frame, xvar = xvar,
                          truthVar = truthVar,
                          truth_target = truth_target,
                          winnow_size = points_to_plot)
  universe <- sort(unique(colnames(stats)))
  bad_metrics <- setdiff(c(x_metric, y_metric), universe)
  if(length(bad_metrics) > 0) {
      "allowed metrics are: ", paste(universe, collapse = ', ')),
      ", saw: ", paste(bad_metrics, collapse = ', '))
  stats <- stats[ , c(x_metric, y_metric), drop = FALSE]
  # re-order for plotting
  stats <- stats[order(stats[[x_metric]], stats[[y_metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
  ggplot2::ggplot(data = stats, mapping = ggplot2::aes(!!!simulate_aes_string(x = x_metric, y = y_metric))) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(color=linecolor) +

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WVPlots documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 9:07 a.m.