#' Weighted Set Cover
#' Size constrained weighted set cover problem to find top N sets while
#' maximizing the coverage of all elements.
#' @param idsInSet A list of set names and their member IDs.
#' @param costs A vector of the same length to add weights for penalty, i.e. 1/-logP.
#' @param topN The number of sets (or less when it completes early) to return.
#' @param nThreads The number of processes to use. In Windows, it fallbacks to 1.
#' @return A list of \code{topSets} and \code{coverage}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{topSets}{A list of set IDs.}
#' \item{coverage}{The percentage of IDs covered in the top sets.}
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows %>%
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @export
#' @author Zhiao Shi, Yuxing Liao
weightedSetCover <- function(idsInSet, costs, topN, nThreads=4) {
cat("Begin weighted set cover...\n")
names(costs) <- names(idsInSet)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
nThreads = 1
multiplier <- 10
# we only start with the top (multiplier * topN) most
# significant sets to reduce computational cost
max_num_set <- multiplier * topN
if (length(idsInSet) > max_num_set) {
# sort by absolute of cost (1/signedLogP)
index <- order(abs(costs), decreasing=FALSE)
costs <- costs[index][1:max_num_set]
idsInSet <- idsInSet[index][1:max_num_set]
s.hat <- 1.0
# get all unique genes in all enriched sets
all.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet))
remain <- s.hat * length(all.genes)
# final results, contains a list of gene set names
cur.res <- c()
# current candidates with marginal gain and size
all.set.names <- names(idsInSet)
mc_results <- mclapply(all.set.names, function(cur_name, cur_res, idsInSet, costs) {
cur_gain <- marginalGain(cur_name, cur_res, idsInSet, costs)
cur_size <- length(idsInSet[[cur_name]])
return(data.frame(, gain=cur_gain, size=cur_size, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
}, cur_res=cur.res, idsInSet=idsInSet, costs=costs, mc.cores=nThreads)
candidates <- mc_results %>% bind_rows()
topN <- min(topN, nrow(candidates))
for (i in seq(topN)) {
# if there is no candidates, return
if (nrow(candidates) == 0) {
covered.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet[cur.res]))
s.hat <- length(covered.genes) / length(all.genes)
cat("No more candidates, ending weighted set cover\n")
return(list(topSets=cur.res, coverage=s.hat))
# find the set with maximum marginal gain
# tie breaker: for two sets with sname marginal gain, pick the one with
# larger size
candidates <- candidates[order(-candidates$gain, -candidates$size), ]
# update remain
remain <- remain - length(marginalBenefit(candidates[1, ""], cur.res, idsInSet))
cur.res <- c(cur.res, candidates[1,""])
if (remain == 0) {
covered.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet[cur.res]))
s.hat <- length(covered.genes) / length(all.genes)
cat("Remain is 0, ending weighted set cover\n")
# full coverage solution
return(list(topSets=cur.res, coverage=s.hat))
# update candidates
# first remove the one just been selected
candidates <- candidates[-1, ]
# recalculate gain, remove rows with gain == 0
if (nrow(candidates) > 0) {
mc_results <- mclapply(seq(nrow(candidates)), function(row, candidates, cur_res, idsInSet, costs){
cur_name <- candidates[row, ""]
cur_gain <- marginalGain(cur_name, cur_res, idsInSet, costs)
if(cur_gain != 0) {
candidates[candidates$ == cur_name, "gain"] <- cur_gain
tmp_candidate <- candidates[candidates$ == cur_name,]
}, candidates=candidates, cur_res=cur.res, idsInSet=idsInSet, costs=costs, mc.cores=nThreads)
new_candidates <- mc_results %>% bind_rows()
candidates <- new_candidates
# not fully covered, compute the current coverage and return
covered.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet[cur.res]))
s.hat <- length(covered.genes) / length(all.genes)
cat("End weighted set cover...\n")
return(list(topSets=cur.res, coverage=s.hat))
# return a list of genes from all.genes that has not been
# covered so far
# name of the candidate gene set
# cur.res: vector of names of gene sets in current result
marginalBenefit <- function(, cur.res, idsInSet) {
all.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet))
cur.genes <- idsInSet[[]]
if(length(cur.res) == 0){
not.covered.genes <- cur.genes
} else{
covered.genes <- unique(unlist(idsInSet[cur.res]))
not.covered.genes <- setdiff(cur.genes, covered.genes)
marginalGain <- function(, cur.res, idsInSet, costs) {
abs_cur_cost <- abs(costs[])
cur.mben <- marginalBenefit(, cur.res, idsInSet)
return(length(cur.mben) / abs_cur_cost)
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